"Guo Tongwen, you are so awesome, you know how to threaten people." Kong Lian's followers followed closely and began to attack.

Ren Ran cheated, Kong Lian benefited.

As Kong Lian's supporters, they naturally had to protect her interests. There is nothing wrong with doing so, and they have different positions.

"Since it is innocent, ask Teacher Lin to come and confront?"

"Oh, have you forgotten that Teacher Lin is no longer here because of something at home."

"Hahaha, Teacher Lin has money and is ready to go out and have fun."

Several people squeezed in a yin and yang tone.

"Don't say we don't believe Ren Ran. Teacher Lin suddenly left, and you suddenly improved your grades, plus this audio, it's enough to explain the problem. Some people, don't deceive yourself and let someone's disguise deceive you."

Kong Lian stood up, "Everyone, say less, justice is in the hearts of the people. There is no need to quarrel, I believe the school will give everyone an explanation. The cheating incident is not only a victim of me, but also everyone."

A light sentence pushed Ren Ran to the opposite side of everyone.

Suddenly, Ren Ran raised his hands and clapped his hands.

"Good, well said!"

"What are you saying?"

Ren Ran shrugged, his lips curled up, "Do I have to say it's not good?"


"What do you mean by you? Didn't your parents teach you, didn't your junior high school teacher teach you, don't just follow the crowd? You are an adult, but you don't even have the ability to judge yourself." Ren Ran looked at the other person with contempt.

These words seemed to be spoken to her alone, but in fact they were spoken to everyone.

Kong Lian's heart skipped a beat. Did she want to bribe the principal or find Lin Wenshan?

If it was the former, then only her father could solve it.

If it was the latter, it was absolutely impossible.

Because Lin Wenshan had already taken the money she gave him to go on vacation abroad.

How could she leave this handle on Lin Wenshan in the country?

As the bell rang, the dispute in the classroom was paused.

Teacher Zhao came over with a stack of test papers, "Today is an in-class test. Pass the test papers to the back, don't whisper to each other, don't look around."

The next few classes were all in-class tests. Such uniform and intensive in-class tests made the students suspicious in private.

The noon bell rang, and a group of students walked towards the cafeteria in unison, walking on the road in twos and threes, chattering about cheating and in-class tests.

"In-class tests are not normal."

"Yes! In the past, only one or two subjects would be involved, but this time all at once, which is not normal."

"What's even more abnormal is that they are taking in-class tests right after the monthly exam."

"I suspect that the school is testing Ren Ran's grades."

"Well, that's possible."

Ren Ran, Zhao Yi, and Guo Tongwen were walking in the classroom corridor. From time to time, someone looked at them and their eyes fell on Ren Ran.

"It's her, isn't it?"

"She's really rich, spending a fortune on a bet."

"Cheating, so shameless."

"How dare she come out?"

"People who can do such things must be thick-skinned."


Listening to these dirty words, Ren Ran felt as if she was in another world.

It was like this when she was framed by Pei Ming. No matter where she went, people would point fingers at her, and the words they said were a hundred times more vicious than this.

Zhao Yi glared at those gossipers fiercely, and looked at Ren Ran with worry, but saw that the corners of her lips were raised, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Ren Ran, are you okay?" Zhao Yi was a little worried.

"It's okay!" Ren Ran smiled, "I'll show you a good show later."

"Good show?"

"What good show?"

The two were very curious.

"Aren't you hungry?"

Ren Ran strode forward, and Zhao Yi and the others hurriedly followed.

As she approached the cafeteria, rumors, foul language, and contemptuous looks increased. Ren Ran took it calmly. She had experienced it in her previous generation, and she felt a little different when she experienced it again in this life.

"How dare she come to the cafeteria?"

"How can she still eat after something like this happened?"

"The senior sister is pretty, but she is evil."

"Cheating is too shameless. Such people have beauty but no character."

"I have said long ago that these second-generation rich people are not good people. They think they can do whatever they want with a little money."

"Let's see how she settles this matter."

"Maybe her family will use money to throw."

In the noisy cafeteria, Ren Ran can be said to be the "eye-catching" existence. Wherever she goes, everyone's eyes are there.

Zhao Yi is sharp-eyed and grabbed a table, letting Ren Ran sit there, and she and Guo Tongwen went to get food.

Ren Ran had no objection.

Kong Lian, Tan Jia, Ji Qing, and Hu Xiyue had just finished their meals and looked around for an empty seat. They saw the empty seat at Ren Ran's table.

Tan Jia and the others didn't want to go over, but seeing Kong Lian go over, they naturally had to follow.

As soon as Kong Lian approached, they knew she had bad intentions.

Before she could speak, Ren Ran blocked their mouths, "There are people here, find a seat by yourself."

Kong Lian smiled, "Ren Ran, you lost our bet this time. So you should pay for the trip to Mingshan Island this weekend. I just want to ask you, what standard are you going to use? Do you need to lower it? If you need to lower it, I can let the people below deal with it in advance."

As she approached, the eyes of the people around her gathered here.

Many people's eyes were filled with excitement. They ate food and melons at the same time. There was nothing more pleasant than this.

On weekdays, some people would watch TV series on the big screen in the cafeteria. Today, no one watched it. They all watched this good show.

Kong Lian's question made the senior high school students prick up their ears immediately.

They were unwilling to lower their standards. It was human nature to have high standards and not like low standards.

Ren Ran looked at her in surprise, "Who told you that I lost?"

This time, Tan Jia did not speak. Hu Xiyue spoke first, "Ren Ran, why are you so thick-skinned? The facts are in front of you."

"Facts? What facts?"

Seeing that she was still playing dumb, Hu Xiyue laughed angrily, "You are a cheating dog. What do you say is the fact? You cheated, your score is invalid. Kong Lian's score moved up and she is the second place. You got zero points, she is the second place, who do you say won?"

"You said Ren Ran cheated, so she cheated? Did you see what happened?" Zhao Yi brought the food over.

Kong Lian smiled helplessly, as if tolerating her unreasonable behavior, and sighed, "Ren Ran, are you in any trouble? If so, I'll pay for the expenses this time. We are classmates, it's okay."

When she was done with her tricks, Ren Ran kindly reminded her, "Do you want to take a look at the back first?"

She was slightly startled, a little confused.

The other spectators were the same.

Everyone followed the direction of her finger and looked at the big screen in front of the cafeteria.

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