Zhao Yi's words expressed the thoughts of most of the students, but there are still a small number of people whose values ​​are always different from others.

"Ren Ran, you are leaking other people's privacy, which is illegal." A classmate who is good friends with Xu Li chimed in.

Before Ren Ran could start to criticize him, Zhao Yi jumped out first.

"Oh, oh, I really don't know when proving my innocence becomes a crime. Isn't it a crime when your master slanders others? You are only allowing the officials to set fires, but not the people to light lamps. Don't be a double standard dog."


"What do you mean by me?" Zhao Yi put his hands on his waist and said arrogantly, "Do you have the ability to ask your master to produce evidence to prove that what she said is true? The person ran away directly, probably because there is no evidence. If there was evidence, it would have been produced long ago, and Ren Ran would still be able to speak nonsense here. Classmates, do you think I am right?"

"Yes! That's right." A male classmate who was watching the fun shouted loudly.

Others laughed even more, and the one who laughed had a red face, covered his face and ran out of the classroom without looking back.

Seeing this, several other students who were on good terms with Xu Li did not dare to speak again, and lowered their heads to reduce their presence.

Ren Ran looked at Zhao Yi, "Thank you."

Zhao Yi shrugged at her indifferently.

In the previous life, Xu Li naturally did not find fault with him.

At that time, she wanted Pei Ming to be punished together, but she did not expect to be framed by Pei Ming.

She was not the heroine of the abused article, her mouth was glued with 502 glue, and she did not explain for herself.

She refuted and was about to take out her mobile phone, but was told by Xu Li that she accidentally lost her mobile phone.

When she returned to school that day, Xu Li asked to borrow her mobile phone to make a call. As a friend, she did not think so much, so she naturally gave it to her. Unexpectedly, she stabbed him in the back.

Needless to say, she did this because she was instructed by Pei Ming.

He wanted to save his reputation and threw all the dirty water on her.

As Pei Ming's lick dog, how could she refuse his request?

So, she had no words to defend herself in her previous life.

At that time, she understood that Xu Li betrayed her for a man, or maybe she never regarded her as a friend, but only as a bridge tool to contact Pei Ming.

It is clear who the lick dog will choose between a tool and a male god.

In her previous life, Ren Ran's principle of being a person was to treat people sincerely. Only by giving sincerity can you get sincerity. Therefore, she treated her friends and family sincerely and without any defense.

But the experience of the previous generation made her understand that sincerity may not be exchanged for sincerity, but will bring honey poison.

She will not repeat the same mistakes in this life.

In this life, she did not fall into the trap and was not taken away by the dean of teaching, so Pei Ming naturally did not need Xu Li to "steal" things.

This made it convenient for her to prove her innocence, let Xu Li sit in the previous position, and let her also taste the white eyes and spit in the previous life.

After the incident in the morning, Xu Li didn't dare to find fault again, but she could feel the resentful eyes behind her staring at her from time to time.

After school, Ren Ran sent a text message to her mother, reporting in advance that she would be back later. Then she took a car to Jiangbei City, got off the taxi, and looked at the old storefront in front of her according to the address, revealing the decoration of the times.

She looked at the house number and then the name of the store.

The address was correct, the only difference was the name of the store.

She was looking for [007 Detective Agency], but now the name of the store is [007 Laundry].

Ren Ran pushed open the door, and there was a row of washing machines with computers, and a small door at the back. She pushed open the small door, and there were several desks inside, with various documents scattered on the desktop, and various words scribbled on the drawing board. The messy office environment was daunting.

In her previous life, when she was down and out, this detective agency did a shocking thing that set off the entire Internet.

If she didn't remember this incident clearly, just looking at this working environment would be daunting.

The person on the sofa heard the noise, tore off the newspaper on his face, and looked at the person with sleepy eyes.

"Little friend, the laundry is outside, you can't come in here."

"Is this a detective agency?"

The man on the sofa stood up and looked at her.

"I'm looking for someone."

Xu Zhaoyin scratched his messy hair and said in a rough voice, "Are you an adult?"

"I'm already 18 years old and have the ability to act."

Ren Ran handed the ID card to the other party.

Xu Zhaoyin took a look, "Who are you looking for?"

"The 86th generation disciple of Zhengyi Sect."

"Do you have a photo?"

She shook her head.


She continued to shake her head.

"Appearance characteristics?" Xu Zhaoyin frowned.

Ren Ran described the appearance of the young Taoist priest based on her memories of her previous life.

Xu Zhaoyin drew while listening, "Is it like this?"

"The eyebrows are too thick, a little lighter, the curve of the bridge of the nose is too blunt, a little sharper..."

According to her description, after repeated revisions, the figure on the drawing board looked more and more like the Taoist priest she had seen in her previous life.

"Yes, that's what he looks like, but he will look younger."

Xu Zhaoyin nodded, "You didn't give too much information, it's a bit difficult, the price will be higher."

"How much?"

"Fifty thousand."

"Deal." Ren Ran paid a deposit of 10,000 yuan, and the remaining 40,000 yuan will be paid after the person is found.

"How long will it take to find him?"

"It's not certain. If it's fast, it will be within a week; if it's slow, it will take three to five months, or even longer."

It's hard to say when someone is found.

Disciples of the successor of the Zhengyi sect, this seems to be a limited scope, but many Taoists dare to call them that, and the information given by customers may not be accurate.

Time waits for no one, she doesn't have that much time to wait.

The matter of fate is too mysterious.

If the fate is really changed by someone, the luck will decline, and it will be constrained everywhere.

People often say that the time, the place and the people are right, this is not a joke.

The bad luck she experienced in her previous life made her deeply understand the invisible terrifying power. No, to be more precise, the power of the rules of heaven.

"If you find someone within a week, I will give you an extra 50,000. If you find someone within half a month, I will give you 20,000."

Xu Zhaoyin's eyes lit up, "It's a deal."

I haven't received an order for a long time, and I'm almost hungry.

Wow, today I finally got an order, and it's a fat order.

Xu Zhaoyin excitedly took the order, happily sent the God of Wealth to the door, and watched the God of Wealth leave.

In the autumn afternoon, the summer heat faded away, and the breeze blew with a slight coolness, making people drowsy.

Ren Ran sat in the viewing stand of the playground, looking at the young boys and girls below who were waving their youth.

Zhao Yi hurried over, looked around, and went straight to the viewing stand, panting and sitting beside her.

She leaned closer and said in a low voice: "Ren Ran, you have to be careful of Xu Li."

She turned her head to look at her.

Zhao Yi looked around, afraid of being heard, "I just came from the grove and saw Xu Li and Pei Ming together. They seemed to be talking about something, I couldn't hear it clearly, but I vaguely heard your name."

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