"Teacher Zhao, which students from our school will participate in this competition?" Ren Ran asked.

"You, Kong Lian, Lu Boyi, Fu Yan, the four of you."

"Fu Yan?" Ren Ran was surprised.

Teacher Zhao knew what she was surprised about, and said with a smile: "Fu Yan is not good at anything, but he is the best at mathematics. He is too biased. If he can reach the average level in other subjects, he can be recommended."

"Oh, oh, oh."

As for Fu Yan, Ren Ran knew very little about him. What he heard most on weekdays was that someone confessed to him and someone was beaten by him, but not a single one was about grades.

Back to school, the news that Ren Ran and Kong Lian would participate in the Mathematical Olympiad spread in the class.

Guo Tongwen took her hand, "Ran Ran, I am optimistic about you, and I must suppress her severely."

Zhao Yi glanced at Kong Lian, not knowing whether it was her illusion, always felt that Kong Lian was a little different today.

"Do you think Kong Lian seems to have changed."

"No, not the same as before, pretending strangely." Guo Tongwen glanced at him.

Ren Ran observed her and saw that she had indeed changed a lot. She became silent, as if the surrounding discussions had nothing to do with her. She focused on her studies, which was completely different from her previous flamboyant appearance.

Lu Boyi walked to the door of Class 2, "Ren Ran, Kong Lian, the teacher is looking for you."

Kong Lian closed her exercise book, stood up, and walked out.

Ren Ran stood up as well.

The three of them arrived at the office of the senior teacher together.

Fu Yan arrived earlier than the three of them.

The vice principal looked at the four of them and solemnly instructed, "You four will represent the school in this city's Mathematical Olympiad. The four of you will show your best strength to win glory for the school and for yourselves. In the next few days, Teacher Zhao will be in charge of leading the team and leading you to participate in the competition. During the evening self-study time every day, you will receive training here to prepare for the competition."

"Okay." The four of them agreed.

In the training classroom, except for the perfunctory one, the other three did the exercises seriously.

Fu Yan was careless. If you thought he had poor grades, you would be wrong.

"Only Fu Yan answered the last big question." Teacher Zhao announced to the four people after marking the four test papers.

The three people couldn't help but look at Fu Yan, who was still nonchalant, as if he had done something insignificant.

"Fu Yan, tell them the solution to the last question."

Fu Yan frowned slightly, stood up lazily, and when he started to explain the question, the laziness on his face faded, and he was serious and solemn. His voice was clear and cold, which was very pleasant to hear.

"Do you understand?" Fu Yan asked, and sat down next to him, with a posture of "If you don't understand, don't bother me."

Lu Boyi said: "The knowledge points for solving the problem are the courses in college. Fu Yan, which year of courses have you mastered?"

He taught himself the knowledge points of the freshman year, and just started to contact it in the sophomore year.

"Sophomore year." Fu Yan said casually.

Lu Boyi's eyes changed when he looked at him. He looked down on him before, but now he admired him.

Ren Ran also admired this silent math master.

Kong Lian's eyes moved around the three people, occasionally glancing at Fu Yan, with a dark light flashing in his eyes, biting his lips tightly, and took the test paper back.

On the eve of the competition, Lao Zhao took the four people to the center of the venue.

Ren Ran came back from the bathroom and saw that the three of them were holding a bottle of water.

Lu Boyi handed her a bottle of water.

Ren Ran took it, "Thank you."

When she was about to unscrew it, she asked: "Lu Boyi, is this the water you bought? How much is it? I'll transfer it to you."

"It's not me. Kong Lian treated us."

Ren Ran immediately looked at Lu Boyi and Fu Yan's water bottles.

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