In the evening, Fu Yan leaned against the door of Class 2, Grade 3, and shouted to Ren Ran: "Hey."

The classmates looked back and forth at Fu Yan and Ren Ran with curiosity.

Lin Xiaoyi nudged Ren Ran with her elbow, and Ren Ran looked up in confusion, and looked at the people at the door at her signal.

"Something happened." Fu Yan was very frugal with words.

Ren Ran stood up and followed him out.

"What is it?"

"Follow me." He left three words and walked forward without caring whether the people behind him followed.

The two walked to the sundries area behind the school, one after the other, and the location became more and more remote. They walked to the storage area of ​​abandoned physical education textbooks and pushed open the dilapidated wooden door.

Ren Ran hesitated for two seconds and followed in.

The room was a mess, and the room was piled with various obsolete sports equipment. The most eye-catching thing was the three people in the room. One of them was a boy with acne on his face. He was being escorted by two lazy students to sit in the middle, looking terrified.

"What do you want to do?" The boy shouted at Fu Yan, "Fu Yan, what do you want to do?"

Fu Yan casually moved a chair from the side, sat down leisurely, crossed his legs, "Tell me, what good things have you done recently?"

"What did I do?" The boy's eyes flickered.

A boy who was holding him patted his face gently, and said in a cold voice, "Boy, if you didn't do anything, would we look for you? Boss Fu is giving you a chance. Believe it or not, we will hand the things over to the police. What will happen to you? You'd better tell the truth and don't waste everyone's time."

"I really didn't do anything."

"Don't cry until you see the coffin." Fu Yan looked at Lu Yu.

Lu Yu understood and punched the acne boy in the abdomen, and the other party's face turned red with pain.

"I'll ask you one last time."

Lu Yu raised his fist again.

The acne boy was scared, "I just praised Ren Ran on the school gossip forum, what's wrong with that?"

"Just praise?"

"Yes, you can check it out." The acne boy pretended to be confused.

Ren Ran walked forward and waved his hand. Lu Yu and others looked at Fu Yan, and when they saw him nod, they let go of his hand.

The acne boy who regained his freedom did not dare to escape, and looked at Ren Ran who was approaching step by step with vigilance.

"Let me guess, you don't really think I'm great, and you don't really want to praise me. You are being instructed by someone, right?"

The acne boy didn't speak.

"Is the person who is looking for you Kong Lian, or Kong Lian's relatives or friends?"

The acne boy still didn't speak.

"It doesn't matter if you don't say it or admit it. I will let professionals check your schedule in the past few days. It will be easy to get the surveillance video of your transactions with others. By that time, you will have no chance to cry. Since you and I are alumni, I will give you one last chance. It's up to you whether you can grasp it or not."

"Of course, you can also hope that we can't find it. You can also hope that we will be kind and will not use other means to deal with you or the people around you."

Ren Ran crossed his arms and looked down at him from a high position, putting pressure on him invisibly.

"Do you want to take a gamble? Think about it yourself."

The acne boy hesitated, his expression kept changing, and finally chose to confess.

He didn't dare to gamble!

He didn't dare to gamble with his future or his family. If he lost, he would be really finished.

"I said!"

"A few days ago, a strange man found me and gave me a sum of money to praise you on the campus forum without thinking."

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