The next day

Ren Ran came to the hotel restaurant to eat breakfast as usual. As soon as he arrived, Lv Yibo rushed over.

"Ren Ran, have you heard? Five contestants from Deyuan City were collectively poisoned. They have to withdraw from this competition."

"Why did they suddenly get poisoned? Didn't their team leader remind them not to eat anything randomly?"

"Of course they were reminded. I heard that the food was brought by one of the contestants. Who knew it would be poisoned." Lv Yibo patted his chest and said in fear, "You should be careful these days and don't eat anything outside."

"Yeah." Ren Ran nodded.

The news about the poisoning of the five contestants from Deyuan City spread among the contestants.

Old Zhao didn't dare to let the five of them eat the buffet alone. He watched them eat together every day and strictly prohibited them from going out, for fear that they would eat unclean food outside.

Three days later, Old Zhao sent the three of them to the competition examination room in one piece.

After the exam, the five returned to Hai City on the same day and went home.

After this competition, the next round will be the national finals, which will be held in the capital in December. Whether you can get a ticket will be revealed in a week.

While waiting for the results of the competition, the topic of praising the high and trampling the low still exists and is getting more and more intense.

The one who is praised is naturally Ren Ran, and the one who is trampled is naturally Kong Lian.

Who asked the two to make a "century" bet, which directly made them famous in the school.

Now that both of them are participating in the Mathematical Olympiad, it is natural to compare them.

A week passed in a flash, and Teacher Zhao entered the classroom with a happy face.

Someone joked: "Old class, what's the good news?"

"Old class, are the results of the Mathematical Olympiad out?"

"Did Ren Ran advance?"

Faced with the enthusiasm of the students, Teacher Zhao was not annoyed at all. He smiled and raised his hand, signaling everyone to be quiet.

Wait until the students were quiet before speaking.

"The results of the Mathematical Olympiad are out."

Everyone looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to announce the prize.

Kong Lian subconsciously clenched his fists, and the corner of his eyes glanced at Ren Ran intentionally or unintentionally.

Ren Ran looked calm, quietly waiting for the result.

"This time our school got a quota, and won the ticket to the finals with the first place."

Old Zhao knew how to keep people in suspense, and he would be anxious to death if he said half of what he said.

"Teacher, who is it?"

"Is it Ren Ran?"

Lin Xiaoyi poked Ren Ran with her elbow and congratulated her in advance.

Many classmates' eyes fell on Ren Ran.

Under the urging of the classmates, Teacher Zhao stopped keeping the suspense, "The one who won the provincial championship this time is Kong Lian."



Everyone was shocked!

The classmates looked at Ren Ran and then at Kong Lian.

Kong Lian had a smile on her face, and her eyes couldn't help but look at Ren Ran, wanting to see her lost and shocked expression, but she didn't see anything on her face.

Humph! Just pretend!

Someone couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, did you make a mistake?"

"Why is it Kong Lian?"

Ji Qing, one of Kong Lian's followers, said: "What's impossible? Kong Lian was not feeling well in the last competition. Even when she was not feeling well, she was still able to get a place, which shows her strength."

"Why haven't I heard about it before?" Someone whispered.

Hu Xiyue, the second follower, followed up and said: "Kong Lian is not a person with a false reputation, what is there to say. If I really say it, I'm afraid that people will say that she is making excuses for her low ranking."

"Kong Lian, are you just like what people say on the Internet? When you are unknown, you work hard quietly and then surprise everyone!" A classmate teased.

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