As soon as she got home, Ruan Fengru waved her hand, and a crisp slap sounded.


Her cheeks turned red instantly.

She didn't dare to fight back, let alone beg for mercy.

"Waste!" Ruan Fengru said angrily.

Kong Lian wanted to say that it was not her fault, but her subordinates did not do their job properly, and let people take advantage of the loopholes.

"I have protected you in this matter, but if you want to completely clear you, you must get the first place in the re-examination. Remember, it is a must."

If you can't get the first place, even if there is no evidence to prove that they are the ones who bribed President Lin, they will face rumors.

Kong Lian's heart trembled.

It is too difficult to get the first place in the Mathematical Olympiad when those masters are all there.

They were all killed before, and she won the championship only after getting the questions.

But now all of them are here, how easy is it for her to win the championship.

"Mom, I..."

"You have to do it even if you can't. I've hired a teacher for you. Before the competition starts, you stay at home and train."

Ruan Fengru stared at her coldly, "You know the consequences if you can't win the championship."

Kong Lian trembled slightly, "Mom."

Ruan Fengru ignored her and left directly.

Back in the room, she felt very aggrieved. She took out her mobile phone and dialed her father's number.

One call after another, no one answered.

If the person calling him now is Ren Ran, he will definitely answer.

When he thought of this possibility, he couldn't help but feel aggrieved, embarrassed, hateful, and jealous, and all kinds of emotions intertwined.

"Ren Ran, it's all your fault! Why don't you die!"

Throw the pillow in his hand hard against the opposite wall.

Since the school anniversary celebration, Kong Lian has not been to school. The rumors about her have become more and more intense, especially her absence, which has confirmed the fact that she is the mastermind and the championship was bought.

Five days later, the Mathematical Olympiad will be re-selected.

This time, everyone was very cautious. They didn't dare to go out for a stroll or eat anything.

On the day of the competition, all the people who advanced last time looked unhappy.

After all, they were the most suspicious.

Among these five people, Kong Lian was the most suspicious.

As soon as she appeared, she immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"She is the one from Hai City."

"She is the champion."

"She ranked so low in the last promotion competition, but she is the champion this time. It's impossible to imagine. If you ask me, the person behind the scenes is most likely her."

"Shh, she's looking over here, stop talking."

"What are you afraid of? She has the courage to do it, so why are you afraid of us talking about it?"

When the bell rang, everyone quieted down.

Yan Kailang, the former provincial Mathematical Olympiad champion, and the winners of the previous two national Mathematical Olympiad champions appeared at the scene, one of whom was Shen Shuyan, a legendary figure in the Mathematical Olympiad.

"Shen Shuyan!" Someone recognized the other person.

"Oh my god, why is Shen Shuyan here?"

"Oh my god, I actually saw Shen Shuyan alive."

"God, it's God Shen Shuyan."

The teacher of the organizer quietly maintained order, and when everyone quieted down, he said: "The big questions of this competition will be temporarily set by these people."

Everyone was dumbfounded!

The excitement just now turned directly into wailing.

"Oh my god! Do you have to be so cruel?"

"Let God Shen Shuyan set the big questions for me, isn't this embarrassing for me."

"International competitions are not so cruel!"

"It's over, they are all geniuses from previous sessions, let them set the questions, I'm dead!"

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