"Ran Ran, let's go to the cafeteria together."

Ren Ran raised her eyebrows and looked at the other party. She didn't take what she said before to heart at all.

She was the same in her previous life. No matter how cold she was, she still went her own way.

The difference now is that when she sticks to her like a dog-skin plaster, no one around will mock her for not knowing what's good for her, and help her, giving her a chance to win favor.

Zhao Yi directly put his arm around her, "Sorry, our family Ran Ran has an appointment, you should find someone else."

She and Guo Tongwen surrounded her on the left and right, not giving her any chance at all.

Lin Xiaoyi sneered at her and left.

Kong Lian looked at her leaving back, with a hurt face.

Hu Xiyue stepped forward to comfort her, "Lianlian, there's no need to be like this. It's her loss if she doesn't make friends with you."

"Don't say that. I just found out a few days ago that my mother and her mother were best friends in college. After graduation, my mother went abroad and the two lost contact. My mother hopes that she and I can become good friends like them. Although she doesn't like me, I still want to give it a try."

"Ah? That's it."

"There's no big hatred between you. If you talk to her, you can definitely turn hostility into friendship and continue the friendship of the previous generation." Tan Jia comforted her confidently.


In the cafeteria, Kong Lian got the food and looked for Ren Ran in the crowd. When she saw him, she dragged her plate over there.

The bench they were sitting on could seat six people. Excluding Ren Ran and the other four, there were still two empty seats next to him.

"Can I sit here?" Kong Lian asked.

Ren Ran didn't want to pay attention. Zhao Yi raised her eyes and was about to refuse. Fu Yan appeared at some point and sat down directly.

Wang Hu shouted at her, "Make way."

He used his burly body to push her to the side, and followed the boss to sit in the last empty seat, leaving Kong Lian alone standing by the aisle with a plate in the wind.

The second attempt to show goodwill ended in vain again.

Fu Yan looked at Ren Ran, "What's her situation?"

"I think she wants to go the sisterly way."

"Are you happy?" Fu Yan raised his eyebrows.

That woman is not a good person, although the girl in front of him is not a simple person either.

"I'm not happy."

"That's good."

After that, Fu Yan stopped talking and buried his head in eating.

Zhao Yi and others looked at Ren Ran and Fu Yan, wondering when their relationship became so good.

After the evening self-study get out of class, Kong Lian stuck to him again like a dog-skin plaster.

"Ran Ran, my mother asked me to take you home."

"No, I have a car to pick you up."

Kong Lian trotted forward and saw that she had always ignored him. She concealed the hatred in her eyes, stepped forward quickly, and stood in front of her, "Ran Ran, I want to talk to you."

She stopped and looked at the person in front of her calmly, "Kong Lian, isn't it better to keep the status quo?"

The driver had already opened the door, and Ren Ran didn't give the other party a chance to speak and got in the car directly.

The next day

Kong Lian came with breakfast and put it on her table as soon as she entered the classroom.

"I know you have a problem with me, but this is what my mother asked me to bring to you. She got up early this morning to make it." Kong Lian's voice was just enough for everyone in the classroom who wanted to hear gossip to hear clearly.

"Thank Auntie for me, I have already had breakfast." Ren Ran asked Mao Zhen, "Class monitor, have you had breakfast?"

"No." Mao Zhen silently stuffed the bread in his schoolbag back.

"Give it to you."

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