Jingle Bell……

Ren Ran stepped into the classroom and started self-study early. Everyone immersed themselves in review questions to consolidate their knowledge. Ren Ran is more serious than anyone else. She has been away from school for more than ten years and has forgotten almost all her high school knowledge.

In less than a year, she will take the college entrance examination, and she doesn't want to regret it.

In her previous life, she suffered from depression and was unable to study normally. She did extremely poorly in the college entrance examination, failing to pass three books. This has always been a regret in her heart.

This time, she wants to get into a good school and make her mother and grandfather happy.

As soon as the bell rang, the quiet classroom suddenly became lively.

Zhao Yi rushed to her and opened the table and chairs aside, "Ren Ran, Xu Li didn't come today. Do you know the reason?"

"what reason?"

She already knew it, but couldn't tell.

She really didn't expect Pei Ming to move so fast and strike so hard.

No matter how much Xu Li said, she treated him with all her heart and soul, but in the end, she didn't ask a single question and just asked someone to beat her to death.

Tsk tsk, so cruel!

"Xu Li was beaten. She was taken away by an ambulance that night and was seriously injured. Her legs and hands were broken. Now she is in the sprint stage. She looks like this. I'm afraid she has to repeat her studies." Zhao Yi hehe Said with a smile.

"She is such a bad person. She might have offended someone outside and got beaten up." Ren Ran's deskmate complained.

At this moment, a middle-aged couple appeared at the door of the classroom. They looked around the room.

"Who is Renran?"

The students didn't know why, and some looked at Ren Ran subconsciously.

The middle-aged couple noticed and followed their gaze to Ren Ran.

Ren Ran thought for a moment and remembered who they were.

Xu Li’s parents.

When she was the eldest daughter of the Ren family, she had never met Xu Li's parents. Xu Li never took her to their home, let alone introduced her parents.

It wasn't until after her family was destroyed that Xu Li's parents threw a mineral water bottle at her on the street. Xu Li sat in the back seat of the car, admiring her embarrassment as if watching a play.

Xu Li also specially introduced to her parents that she was her high school classmate.

She will never forget what Xu's father and Xu's mother said that day.

"You are the eldest lady who followed my Lily in high school. Why do you rely on picking up trash now? Tsk, tut, you are so pitiful."

"Seeing as you have been kind to our Lily in the past, here are the twenty yuan as a reward." Xu's mother found a twenty yuan note from her wallet and threw it out of the car window.

Xu's mother ignored the ugly look on the face of the person opposite her and continued to enjoy the pleasure of trampling on the person she used to look up to.

"You don't need to thank us too much. This is what you should do. Take the money and have a good meal."

Xu's father said to Xu Li in the back seat: "Don't stay with such poor people in the future. Once you get entangled with such a person, you won't be able to get rid of him."

Xu Li smiled sweetly, "Dad, I understand. She smells so bad, so I won't be with her. I feel dirty even if someone like her carries my shoes."

The memory of the past was interrupted by Xu's mother's sharp scream.

"It's you, the murderer of a thousand cuts, who found someone to cripple my daughter."

"Give me your daughter's life."

Xu's mother rushed towards Ren Ran like a ferocious beast.

Ren Ran reacted quickly, stood up and stepped back.

"You are so vicious at a young age. I will send you to prison." Xu's mother shouted angrily, and her ferocious face frightened many students.

As soon as the class bell rang, the students watching the excitement outside reluctantly left.

The teacher came over after hearing the news, and several teachers grabbed Xu Li's parents and comforted her in a good voice.

"Xu Li's father, Xu Li's mother, don't be anxious or impulsive. We can talk about anything if you have anything to do." Teacher Zhao was so anxious that sweat broke out on his forehead, "Impulse is the devil."

Xu's mother said angrily: "What else is there to say? This little bastard asked someone to beat my daughter to death. How did your teacher educate the students? How did you teach such vicious students? She is responsible, and your school also escaped. It doesn’t matter.”

Her words made the teachers in the classroom look very unhappy.

Teacher Zhao could not have a conflict with the parents, so he patiently reassured her, "If it is really Ren Ran who has a problem, our school will never tolerate it. This is not the place to talk. Let's find another place."

Xu's mother just wanted to speak, but Xu's father stopped her.

"Okay, listen to the teacher." Xu's father said calmly.

Teacher Zhao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, one of the couple could communicate normally.

"Ren Ran, you come with the teacher, and the rest of the students will study by themselves."

"Ah!!" Dissatisfaction echoed one after another.

Lao Zhao glared at these little bastards and left with several parties involved.

As soon as she arrived at the office, Xu's mother wanted to step forward and scratch Ren Ran, but Ren Ran reacted quickly and hid behind Lao Zhao. Lao Zhao almost got slapped by Xu's mother, and his face turned dark. The other teachers hurriedly grabbed Xu's mother.

"Don't move, let's listen to what the teachers say first." As soon as Xu's father spoke, Xu's mother immediately stopped, and the teachers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"My daughter was beaten yesterday and now her legs and hands are disabled. The doctor said that even if the injury is healed, she will become a cripple and her hands will not be as flexible as before. She will be disabled for the rest of her life. I am fine My daughter is now like this, how can I not be angry as a mother?" Xu's mother cried in tears.

After hearing this, the teachers in the office all understood Xu's mother and no longer cared about her crazy behavior before, and sympathized with her in their hearts.

Mother Xu pointed at Ren Ran, "My daughter is popular in school, and the only person she offended was her. Lily told me that she was beaten up after meeting her. This little bitch must be holding a grudge and deliberately seeking revenge."

"Do you have evidence?" Ren Ran crossed her arms.

"My daughter's words are evidence, and she is the person involved. She heard those people report to you with her own ears, and you can't escape."

Father Xu spoke at this time, "You are responsible for Lily's medical expenses, mental damages, and future losses. If you don't want to go to jail, compensate us 50 million, and we can issue a letter of understanding to exempt you from jail. If you disagree, we will call the police to deal with it."

The teachers all came to their senses. They didn't call the police, but came to the school instead. It turned out to be for money.

Teacher Zhao looked at Ren Ran, "Ren Ran, something like this happened, you ask your parents to come to the school."

"On the way here, I sent a message to my mother. She will be here soon."

Teacher Zhao nodded with satisfaction.

Ren Ran changed the subject, "I also called the police."

"What?" Teacher Zhao was stunned.

The other teachers were also stunned.

The Xu couple looked at her in shock.

"What do you mean?" Xu's mother asked with a glare.

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