"Suya, no need. You gave it to me and Lianlian, what about you and Ranran?"

Ren Suya patted her hands and said affectionately: "Don't worry, I have more here. Look, it's a set. They sisters wear one series, and we sisters wear another series. What do you think?"

"You are still thoughtful."

"This is also a coincidence. I was planning to put photos, and now it's just the right time to put the amulet." Ren Suya said with a smile.

Ren Ran silently gave her mother a thumbs up in her heart.

If the mother and daughter want to please them, then this necklace and the "amulet" must be worn every day.

"Ranran is back." Ren Suya noticed her daughter.


"Auntie Ruan." Ren Ran called sweetly.

"Ranran, this is the amulet that mom asked for you, try it on."

"Mom, didn't aunt ask for a amulet for us from Thailand?" Ren Ran looked puzzled.

"You don't want to wear it because you don't like it."

Ruan Fengru listened with her ears perked up. After hearing how they dealt with the amulet, her mind was as clear as a mirror. No wonder her luck was not affected at all. If she had known this, she should have sent a peace amulet in the name of Kong Liji.

It's a pity for those amulets specially customized for them.

Ren Ran opened the mechanism on the necklace, saw the amulet inside, and then quickly closed it again, "This one is not bad. Mom, you wear it for me."

Ruan Fengru watched Ren Suya personally put the amulet on Ren Ran's neck, and her heart was very excited.

This time it's settled!

She knew that the effect of this amulet was even stronger than the previous one. As long as she wore it for a period of time, it would definitely work.

Ruan Fengru left the mid-mountain villa area with satisfaction. As soon as she left, Ren Suya collapsed on the sofa.

"It's so tiring to live with a hypocritical mask."

"Mom, bear with it a little longer, it will be over soon."

Grandpa has already started to finish up. He has found out who are Kong Liji's people. He has found out everything.

Now we are just waiting for the end, to confront them, and to send them to where they should go.

At school, Kong Lian wore a necklace from the same series as her, trying to get close to her, but unfortunately she didn't buy it, and still maintained her previous attitude and ignored the other party.

No matter how she tried to please, Ren Ran just didn't accept it.

Her perseverance made Guo Tongwen and others admire her perseverance.

"Tomorrow is my grandfather's birthday party, are you interested in going?" Ren Ran looked at Zhao Yi and others.

Zhao Yi and others' eyes lit up, "Can we go to such an occasion?"

"Of course."

On the weekend, Ren Hongru's birthday party was held in another manor in the suburbs, and the well-known figures in Haishi came to congratulate.

Ren Ran led the little sisters to come, and they were like Liu Laolao entering the Grand View Garden, and they found everything new.

Ruan Fengru brought Kong Lian to attend the banquet together, and they attended as Ren Suya's best friend and her best friend's daughter.

Kong Lian was ordered by Ruan Fengru to go play with Ren Ran. She had no choice but to obey.

The few people who were chatting were suddenly interrupted, and their mood suddenly became unhappy.

"Ran Ran."

Ren Ran looked at this dog-skin plaster and suddenly asked with a smile: "Kong Lian, how long have you not seen your father?"

"Not long."

"Not long, then it must be a long time. It just so happens that Uncle Kong is here today, why don't you go to him, but prefer to stay with me?"

Kong Mingcheng is also here?

Kong Lian was shocked! No, I have to tell my mother immediately.

"Hey, speak of the devil." Ren Ran looked behind her in surprise.

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