Kong Liji quickly asked the waiter to help her down, "Mrs. Xu, you are drunk. Help her to leave quickly."

The word "Mrs. Xu" directly ignited Ren Shuyun's anger. Why did she call her Mrs. Xu instead of Mrs. Ren?

She pushed the waiter away directly, "I won't leave, I'm not drunk."

Ren Ran looked at the drunken aunt in the middle of the field, her face slightly gloomy.

Today is grandpa's birthday, she deliberately made a scene at this time, clearly not letting them have an easy time.

Before, she wanted to recover all the money she spent on Xu Ying. After her grandmother knew her plan, she persuaded her not to do things too harshly, after all, they were relatives.

They left a line for them, but they would not leave a line for them.

Ren Ran walked forward and walked in front of her cousin, "Cousin."

She bit the word "Cousin" very hard.

In the past, she always called her cousin, which seemed intimate, but now she just called her how she should be divided.

"When you said this, did you feed your conscience to the dog?"

Everyone's eyes fell on Ren Ran.

Without waiting for Ren Shuyun to speak, Ren Ran began to count, "The big hotel opened by my cousin's uncle was 80% funded by my grandfather, but it was gone in the end. After that, you begged me to let my grandfather and let my cousin's uncle open a chain of restaurants. When my cousin's uncle's brother got into trouble and needed someone to clean up his mess, you went to my grandfather. Every time you were short of money, you still went to my grandfather."

"Every time you said it was a loan, but every time you only came to take the money, you never saw you pay it back."

"My grandfather started from scratch and never relied on my second uncle. He helped me time and time again. You, not only are you not grateful, but you take your grandpa's kindness to you for granted. "

"I tell you, grandpa doesn't owe your family, let alone your cousin's family. If you want money, earn it with your own ability, instead of asking for it here again and again. "

"I didn't understand what "a little bit of kindness, a big bit of hatred" meant before, but today I have seen it. "

It is not the best way to deal with it openly in such an occasion, but Ren Ran doesn't want to be subtle and doesn't want to spoil her cousin's family anymore.

The cousin's family often bullies and abuses their power outside under the guise of Yaxing Group. Many people give them and their husbands a lot of convenience for the sake of Yaxing Group.

Today, she will completely break with her cousin's family in front of the upper circles of Haishi.

In the future, without Yaxing Group, let's see if they can still bully and abuse their power.

Ren Shuyun was dumbfounded, her eyes were clear, and she forgot to continue pretending to be drunk. She was so embarrassed that she doubted her life.

Because she had expected that the uncle's family would not dare to tear their faces apart, and would keep things quiet as usual.

However, this time, it was a failure.

Ren Shuyun pointed her finger at Ren Ran's nose, "You, you..."

She looked at Ren Suya and her husband, "You just watched a junior pointing at my nose and scolding me? Is this your upbringing?"

"It's true that I'm a junior, but as an elder, you have to act like an elder to make me, a junior, respect you."

Kong Liji said, "Ran Ran, say less."

Ren Shuyun thought of something, "Ren Ran, don't say that we have been asking for it all the time. Why didn't you say anything when you took more than one million from us?"

"What more than one million?" Ren Ran didn't remember it all at once.

"More than one million is nothing in your eyes, but it's not a small amount for us. You can't just remember how much we borrowed, why don't you say how much you took from us?"

As soon as these words appeared, what Ren Ran said before was greatly discounted.

Ren Ran pondered for a moment, remembered what the more than one million was about, and glanced at the crowd.

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