In the night ahead, two or three figures in black suits slowly appeared, standing in front of Chu Ge and looking at him playfully.

Chu Ge looked around and chuckled: "Is there anyone else? That Wind Blade is pretty good."

Lei Jiangyong led the crowd to stand in front and said with a smile: "Of course no one needs to show up."

"So you're actually inferior to them." Chu Ge tilted his head and tsked: "You see, others can sneak attack from a distance and steal people's heads silently. What about you? If you didn't let me lose my defense before, It’s because you can’t even see me from afar and can’t act on me, so you have to have someone else force me to stop first, right?”

Lei Jiangyong's expression darkened.

Chu Ge continued to despise: "What happens now is that others are hiding behind the scenes, and you are standing in front of them... Tsk, are you the boss or a pawn? You are really a loser."

Lei Jiangyong said slowly: "Actually, I don't have to come out. Do you know why I am standing here?"

Chugo tilted his head.

Lei Jiangyong squeezed his hands together, making a "click" sound, and his expression became ferocious: "Because I like to crush the hands and feet of people with tough mouths to pieces with my own hands, to see if their mouths are still that tough when they scream!"

Following the words, the huge fist rushed straight towards Chu Ge's face.

Chu Ge smiled slightly, made a slight mistake with his foot, and simply avoided the punch. At the same time, he made a sword and poked Lei Jiangyong lightly under his ribs like a dragonfly.

It seemed that all his strength was useless, but Lei Jiangyong screamed in pain, took several steps back, covered his ribs with sweat, and said in disbelief: " still have strength?"

Chu Geyun smiled softly: "I didn't use much strength at all. In fact, even if it is a fragile hemp rod, it will be very painful if it hits an acupuncture point. Watch carefully and learn well."

He had already felt that when Lei Jiangyong appeared, his body had changed. While he was taunting the other person, he was also looking inwards at his own situation.

Ordinary superpowers are definitely unable to clearly analyze their physical condition, but immortal cultivators can.

Looking inside, I can really see that my muscles and bones have become very fragile, breaking like biscuits when touched. I really don't know how this works. This strange fragility not only makes the defense like paper, but also affects the attack power, because if the muscles and bones are too fragile, the tissues will not be strong enough, and they may fall even when walking.

If he was really a person who had comprehensively strengthened his body and become invulnerable and powerful, then when he met Lei Jiangyong, he could almost be said to have been defeated.

Unfortunately, I am not that at all.

Physique is only the basis for cultivation. What cultivators really rely on is "qi", which in layman's terms is mana...

As long as the magic power is not lost and poured into the body, one can still use Qiushui Mingming's footwork and Yunshui swordsmanship. If the sword energy burst out when the acupuncture point was poked just now, Lei Jiangyong would have been dead...then still It's because I'm not used to being cruel.

Lei Jiangyong obviously didn't believe in evil, and said sternly: "He can't use any force at all, just give it to me! After pinching his hands and feet, watch him talk harshly!"

The two subordinates behind him rushed up together, forming a triangle with Lei Jiangyong, and launched an attack on Chu Ge.

The next moment he couldn't believe his eyes even more.

Chu Ge seemed to be taking a leisurely stroll amidst the siege of three people, swaying left and right, but the three people couldn't even wipe half of his clothes.

What is this stuff?

Lingbo Weibu?

Chu Ge's expression was dull, and he really felt the difference in dimensions at this moment. Perhaps the fighting skills of these three people are very good compared with ordinary people. However, after practicing for four full hours in the thousands of sword energies in the Sword Testing Cave, watching such attacks is just like watching children fooling around. Same.

He didn't take action immediately, but he was just on guard against whether the other two people had any special abilities. In fact, he might have used them long ago, but the ordinary abilities were ineffective on him, so he might have survived... But at this moment, he suddenly I think it doesn’t matter if you have it or not, so what if there are any special tricks?

The gap is too big, this is really a dimensionally reduced overlook.

I am the only one who can do it!

"Whoosh!" A wind blade silently sliced ​​through his leg. Chu Ge turned around to avoid it and smiled "Ha": "I've been waiting for you, I found you!"

Lei Jiangyong watched helplessly as a sword-shaped shadow appeared in Chu Ge's hand.

The shadow of the sword was silent, chasing light and lightning, and instantly disappeared into a big tree in the distance. Just a scream was heard, and someone fell from the tree with a "thud".

"Even if the flying sword is used as a hidden weapon, it is still useful..." Chu Ge seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be telling someone.

Qiu Wuji in the distant factory building smiled slightly.

Chu Ge didn't even look at the wind blade superpower who was shot down by the "Flying Sword" in the distance. His eyes fell back on Lei Jiangyong: "I must admit that when you use your superpower to deal with others, it may be detrimental. You are overconfident... It's a pity that you happened to meet me."

Lei Jiangyong looked livid, and he couldn't figure out what was going on. This Chu Ge had obviously eaten his own power, so how could he not have even the slightest impact?

I originally thought that I was defeated by Chu Ge, but in the end, I was actually defeated by Chu Ge?

Hearing what Chu Ge said, Lei Jiang's blood boiled with courage, and his anger broke out again: "Do you think you will win?"

He suddenly took out a gun from his pocket.

Chu Ge's expression changed slightly.

"I wonder if it's your movement or your gun that's faster?" Lei Jiangyong laughed ferociously: "I didn't want to leave such evidence that could be traced by the police, but since you're looking for death..."

Chu Ge's always-smiling expression finally turned cold, and at the same time he said: "I didn't think about how to deal with you... Since you must seek death... then just die."

The situation suddenly changed.

In the distant factory building, Qiu Wuji withdrew his spiritual thoughts that were always concerned about Chu Ge.


That's for people.

At close range, Qiu Wuji was certain that they wouldn't even have a chance to shoot. On the contrary, it completely angered Chu Ge, and they were probably going to die...

Maybe it will actually lead to Chugo's first murder.

He has really grown up. Whether it is combat experience, decision-making, or wartime demeanor, he is infinitely close to his own world, and he doesn't need to worry at all.

Qiu Wuji is looking forward to the day when she can join hands with him with a sword - although that doesn't count now.

The scene at this time was Qiu Wuji cross-legged with his eyes closed, his hands extending his index and middle fingers respectively, resting on the foreheads of Du Lianfeng and Qi Chengtai.

Outside the house, Zhong Yi and others were guarding the passages. The scene looked like Qiu Wuji was concentrating on treatment.

A soft light emitted from the fingertips, and the dead faces of Du Qi gradually began to twitch slightly, as if they were waking up.

At this moment, the air became slightly distorted, and there seemed to be a sharp sound piercing Qiu Wuji's eyebrows.

Qiu Wuji opened his eyes.

"Qiang!" Invisible ripples trembled and overflowed in front, and there seemed to be a resentful ghost roaring in the dark room, reaching into the soul.

Qiu Wuji seemed to feel that all the blood in his body began to resonate and boil with these sounds, his heart beat wildly, and his entire body felt like it was about to explode.

Putting his fingers on Du Qi's foreheads, he clearly felt that if he didn't take care of it, their bodies would really explode into pieces of flesh and blood.

Qiu Wuji smiled slightly: "I'm just pretending to be a ghost, but my little skills like sound waves are just showing off in front of me..."

She took back the fingers that were placed on Du Qi's foreheads and flicked them.

"Zheng!" It's like the sound of a guzheng, and the sound waves are dispersed.

The invisible ripples collided and mixed, forming a huge and strange cyclone. The cyclone roared like a dragon's roar, breaking through the roof of the factory and straight into the sky.

The starry sky at night actually rolled out into the shape of a dragon.

Chu Ge in the distance suddenly turned his head: "Hey, how dare you mess with Qiuqiu... The old birthday girl hanged himself..."

In front of him stood the stunned Lei Jiangyong and three others, all holding their wrists and retreating. They didn't even realize what was happening before, as their wrists hurt and the gun dropped.

Seeing Chu Ge turning his head to look in the direction of the factory, Lei Jiangyong turned around and ran away.

They are not afraid of offending ordinary people, they just take action casually. Because ordinary people don't dare to kill even if they win, they can just leave. In the future, we will find an opportunity to study what is going on with Chu Ge's ability, and kill him sooner or later!

Just as I was thinking this, I heard Chu Ge say from behind: "Did I let you go?"

Lei Jiangyong ran to his car without looking back, and said harshly: "What else can you do? Kill me if you dare. Do you dare? Hahahaha, I disappeared after fighting with you, even if you can No matter how clean you are, the police will still come after you!”

Chu Ge sighed softly: "Why don't you always know that if you can make the police find the murderer, others can actually do the same."

Following the words, a small flame appeared out of thin air in the direction Lei Jiangyong was running.

The small flame swelled in the wind and instantly turned into a flame giant.

Lei Jiangyong stopped suddenly and was stunned: "What... what is this?"

The flame giant laughed ferociously: "The bug is a bit interesting this time. He actually wants to break my defense."

Chu Ge said: "Is it broken?"

"It's broken, but what does he want to do if he breaks the fire?"

Lei Jiangyong: "..."

"You take them to a place where everyone can see them and burn them to death." Chu Ge said calmly: "There will be countless witnesses to witness that they died from the fire coming from nowhere. It has nothing to do with anyone he has seen before... Then It must be that he has committed many evil deeds and is being punished by heaven.”

Lei Jiangyong finally realized that death was coming and shouted in fear: "No! You are killing someone!"

Chu Ge's eyes were as if they were looking at nothing: "If I, Chu Ge, were not powerful enough, I would have died here today. When you used your power to kill others casually, did you ever think about today?"

Looking at Chu Ge's eyes, the flame giant looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "Okay, okay! It's getting interesting, my father!"

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