What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?

Chapter 322 Rope Art Master Zhu Mengmeng

Chu Ge couldn't figure it out no matter how much he thought about it. In the end, it could only be attributed to the fact that there wasn't enough content in the comic. What could he read with such a small amount of content?

The number of physical books is not enough, and the sample books sent are only two... I don’t know if new volumes will be released in the next two days. I will look at a few more volumes then, but the direction is definitely here.

To be honest, deep down Chu Ge didn't think anyone could make any nonsense out of the book.

Now my control is getting stronger and stronger, and I can conjure up whatever I think of in the book. There is another very typical example. Now that Qiu Wuji appears next to him, Qiu Wuji doesn’t even notice it...

It may seem like a small thing on the surface, but the actual refraction is very important.

There is absolutely no doubt who Qiu Wuji is. She is the number one person in the human world. She was caught by her several times before when she was peeping. This time, people appeared behind her and she was completely unaware. This proves that he has exceeded the cognitive scope of the strongest person in the world and is almost omnipresent. What is this concept?

In addition, all the important figures from both good and evil parties have "affiliated". Before, they were only worried about the protagonist. Now, even the protagonist has spoken out and said that this human world is completely his own back garden. There is no problem. Chu Ge really doesn't think that the Emperor of Heaven can find out What a wave.

Still paying so much attention to changes is nothing more than inertia, and it's useless to force it... Anyway, no matter what kind of adaptation, you have to wait for time, and you can't eat hot tofu if you are anxious.

Looking at these previous articles, the biggest gain now is the understanding of time.

That feeling is really mysterious and wonderful, but it is too profound to turn it into a controllable method. I tried to go back to before the plot of the novel began, but I succeeded only once, and most of them could not be rewound.

I can only watch the "movie" over and over again, get close to that feeling over and over again, and look forward to making progress one day.

Zhu Mengmeng stuck her head out at the door, but was quickly pulled back by Qiu Wuji.

"What are you doing..." Zhu Mengmeng lowered her voice: "He is staring at the screen with distracted eyes. He feels like a mental patient. Are you sure you are okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Qiu Wuji apologized and said, "This is how he works. You can see that his eyes are distracted, but he is actually concentrating."

"No matter how you look at it, he is in a daze, or is he actually fishing?"

"No no……"

"Even if he is concentrating on his work, he still can't ask if he's okay. Why are you so nervous?"

"Don't disturb people who are working..." Qiu Wuji coughed dryly, so as not to tell her that she was expecting Chu Ge to wander through the ages and find the little Qiuqiu from before. How could anyone ruin it...

"I don't know how important the creation is. Isn't it just a review?"

Qiu Wuji was too lazy to say anything more, so he grabbed Zhu Mengmeng's face and dragged him back to the next door: "What's wrong with the review? Do you look down on the review editor? Believe it or not, you go to the website to post an article, and even if it's put into the database, you'll be kicked back. At that time, You know what it means to have life and death in the hands of others!"

Zhu Mengmeng: "Oh, don't pull my face, I'm already fat..."

She felt that Qiu Wuji was secretly changing his concept...forget it.

"You also know that you have gained weight." Qiu Wuji said, "I have something to ask you privately."

"Huh? What?"

"Have you made any progress with your powers?"

Zhu Mengmeng looked around like a thief and lowered her voice: "I can now distinguish what many lines represent, not just the emotional line."

Qiu Wuji's eyes widened: "That's true."

Zhu Mengmeng nodded.

Qiu Wuji was very surprised. Could it be that this guy was really the one in a million chosen girl? Panda's bunch of idiots have been training to death and even went to Beijing for special training. They don't know how much they can improve. This guy works here and drinks tea every day, but he has made such great progress.

Yes, this progress is scary. According to previous judgments, as long as Zhu Mengmeng can distinguish any relationship lines, she can cut off any lines. When she can distinguish everything, she can truly cut off cause and effect, the power of immortality.

She tried to ask: "Then you said before that the messy lines between me and Chu Ge were mixed together. How many of them can you distinguish now?"

Zhu Mengmeng's confident expression just now turned to hesitation: "Forget it, maybe I'm not capable enough and I made a misjudgment."

Qiu Wuji: "?"

Zhu Mengmeng said: "In addition to the love line thicker than a lotus root, there is also a career relationship between you and him, and it is the kind of mutual help. If you can help him achieve his career, he can too. Help you achieve your career.”

Qiu Wuji was very happy: "That's right. Is there any misjudgment?"

"I'm not done yet." Zhu Mengmeng hesitated: "Why are you still cousins?"

Qiu Wuji smiled and said, "Yes, we are cousins ​​in our household registrations. Mengmeng, you are so awesome."

"Is that so... Then he is your teacher?"

"Yeah yeah."

"...Are you his teacher too? And you're a bit like the principal."

Qiu Wuji became more and more surprised: "Mengmeng, you are so accurate!"

"How is this possible?"

“What’s all the fuss about learning from each other…”

"That's not right. Ordinary mutual learning will not form such a clear master-disciple line. Just like when I learn health and diet therapy from you, you and I don't have a master-disciple line. This is supposed to be a more formal apprenticeship. Calculate……"

Qiu Wuji smiled: "What does it matter if we do a little ceremony in private?"

"Does this count?"

"Yeah." Qiu Wuji nodded.

"So..." Zhu Mengmeng became more and more hesitant: "If such an incredibly complicated relationship is real, then are the other projects I saw also real?"

"Huh?" Qiu Wuji secretly thought that if she said they were father and daughter, then she was wrong. Considering their age, how could it be possible? Mengmeng herself would probably feel that she must be wrong and there is nothing to say...

But she saw Zhu Mengmeng backing away cautiously: "You are his marionette. It's like there is a rope tied to you. You can do whatever you are told. It turns out that you are having so much fun in private. When will you let me Where did you buy the collar?"

Qiu Wuji's smile froze on his face.

The air was silent.

Zhu Mengmeng could almost see the animation special effects of Qiu Wuji's whole body slowly petrifying and cracking, and his head was almost smoking.

In fact, Zhu Mengmeng thinks this is nothing. Modern men and women can play whatever they want. Besides, if Qiuqiu is thin-skinned and doesn't want to admit it, then just say that she was wrong. There is nothing to petrify...

But Qiu Wuji's petrified expression turned red, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to deny it, but finally suppressed his burning face and asked in a low voice: "Mengmeng...can you...can cut off this line?"

Zhu Mengmeng: "?"

The tricks you are playing will end if you don’t play them yourself. Do you still need someone to kill them?

"Is it because you are addicted and need my help to get rid of it?" Zhu Mengmeng asked curiously: "I can't see it, Qiuqiu..."

Qiu Wuji was filled with shame and anger: "Why do you have so many words? Just tell me if it's okay!"

Zhu Mengmeng hesitated and gestured.

Qiu Wuji suddenly retreated: "Return, still don't want it..."

Zhu Mengmeng looked at her angrily.

Qiu Wuji pursed his lips tightly and whispered: "No more... I, we will solve it ourselves. We are afraid of something happening if we mess around..."

Zhu Mengmeng really didn't know what she was thinking, and said angrily: "It sounds like I can really handle it... I don't know why, I think other people's lines are very easy to cut, but yours is fine." It’s a dangerous signal to me, as if touching it will kill me, I don’t dare to touch it.”

Qiu Wuji was silent for a long time, and then he breathed out, as if the string he had just tightened had relaxed, and said feebly: "Mengmeng, please practice more, maybe I will need your help in the future."

Zhu Mengmeng is a mortal, and it is indeed almost impossible to cut off the heavenly connection between him and her.

But...why was he retreating and didn't want her to cut it in the end?

Shouldn't this be what I look forward to the most... Why did I feel relieved when Mengmeng said she didn't dare to do it...

Are you mean or not? Do you really want to be manipulated by him for the rest of your life?

But Zhu Mengmeng said weakly: "Actually, for modern people, it's normal to have some quirks. I won't laugh at you..."

Qiu Wuji went crazy: "It's not what you think...ahhhh what on earth am I talking to you about!"

Chu Ge's voice came from next door: "Qiuqiu, after reading the drawing, I think you should pull the thread here a little..."

Qiu Wuji was furious: "Xian, what kind of string, you and Chu Tiange Yan Qianlie can play with the rope!"

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