What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?

Chapter 330 The lucky general Mengmeng

Zhu Mengmeng didn't think too much for a while. She didn't have much confidence in her own powers. Although Qiu Wuji always told her that this was awesome, she didn't know where it was.

I don’t dare to pull other people’s strings randomly, but I can’t pull strings for others or myself. What else can I do besides getting upset when looking at the messy lines?

In addition, this symphony is too combative and impassioned. Maybe many people like it, and men will like it more, but it is really not to Zhu Mengmeng's liking. She likes gentle and graceful tunes.

For those who fall in love in this impassioned and exciting music atmosphere, Zhu Mengmeng said that they all have cat cakes. Anyway, she couldn't sit still anymore and decided to change places.

Just as I was opening the guide book in my hand to see where to go, a very gentlemanly greeting came from beside me: "This beautiful lady, can I sit next to you?"

Zhu Mengmeng looked up and saw that he was a tall foreigner who was quite handsome. Unfortunately, the gauze on his nose made him look a bit funny.

Seeing her looking at his nose, the foreigner smiled awkwardly: "I accidentally injured it two days ago. My name is John. Is it an honor to know the name of this beautiful lady?"

Zhu Mengmeng curled her lips and said, "You have a foreign name, right? Does lovely piggy count?"

John stiffened for a moment and said with a smile: "Miss, you were joking..."

A woman who looks like she is in her late twenties still has this "cute little pig".

Zhu Mengmeng looked indifferent: "What's wrong? Others can call her angelababy, but I can't call her lovelypiggy?"

John: "..."

No matter how weird his attitude was, he didn't object to him sitting down, so John took the opportunity to sit down next to him, thinking about how to continue this conversation.

Zhu Mengmeng was also looking at him, mainly analyzing the messy threads surrounding him. Zhu Mengmeng could only see the lines in this area within the scope of her ability. The line of John's relatives and friends in the United States could not be seen because it was too far.

Speaking of this ship alone, there are not many lines. Most of them represent the relationship between superiors and subordinates, which radiates to the whole ship. You can tell at a glance that John is an employee on the ship, and he seems to be a high-ranking person under one person and above ten thousand people.

And then the other lines...

For myself, the line of desire of "wanting to get you" is too obvious. Zhu Mengmeng often sees lines like this on the male employees of her comic company, which is not unusual. It's just that this person's line is too prominent, almost as thick as a lotus root like Qiu Wuji Chuge's love line.

A very possessive man.

The desire and pursuit of the beautiful opposite sex is natural. Whether this relationship line that can barely be called an "admiration line" can be turned into love is another matter.

So far, nothing happened, but Zhu Mengmeng unexpectedly discovered an extremely single "line of hatred" that led to the deck outside the cabin. This line of hatred is very simple. It's either discord between colleagues or no other social relationships. It's just such a simple line of hatred. Who could it be?

It's already dark, who else is on the deck besides the security guard? Two sluts popped into Zhu Mengmeng's mind instantly. Most likely, only those two crazy people would have romance on the deck in the cold and windy sea on this winter night.

Combined with the injury on John's nose, it is obvious who this person is. Isn't he the one who was beaten by Chu Ge?

Zhu Mengmeng suddenly wanted to laugh and almost wanted to say hello and say "What a coincidence".

Oops, it turns out that my own superpower is very useful, almost like a demon mirror, haha. You are the only one who wants to fuck with me, eat shit!

But John saw Zhu Mengmeng smile, and his heart was so itchy that he casually found an excuse to talk to her: "Did Miss Page come alone?"

Your whole family is Peppa Pig!

Zhu Mengmeng's breath was choked in her throat, and she almost choked to death.

She had no choice but to make a fool of herself and swallow it while kneeling. Zhu Mengmeng had to force a smile: "Yes, I also saw that many people come here by themselves. Music, sometimes you have to have it all to yourself." It has charm.”

As Robin's assistant, John really understands music. He immediately said: "Yes, listening to the Symphony No. 9 in D minor is really a magnificent, philosophical and heroic epic... It's like going back to that place." The magnificent era mobilized all the blood in the body..."

Zhu Mengmeng's eyes began to circle.

What are you talking about?

Looking at her confused look, John knew that she was a fake music fan who came here to be arty. No wonder he just saw her looking for a guide book and looking like she wanted to leave.

He thought for a while, coughed twice, and asked tentatively: "Maybe the lady prefers softer and more soothing music?"

Zhu Mengmeng said: "Is there one here? I took a look and it seems that there is only one band performing at the same time."

"We are a music park, not a concert." John said confidently: "There are many areas and many rooms on this cruise ship. Although we have not fully expanded our business yet and only have one orchestra for the time being, we will soon The army will be expanded soon. Now other areas have various players and film demonstrations from ancient times to the present. If Miss needs a tour guide, I will be happy to be the guide."

Zhu Mengmeng pretended to be surprised: "Are you an employee here?"

John was quite proud: "I am the CEO."

Zhu Mengmeng had a look of admiration on her face, her eyes flashing: "So sir, is he so powerful?"

She thought coyly for a moment, then lowered her voice and asked: "On such a big ship, besides music, doesn't it have any other interesting projects?"

John's heart moved, and he said with a half-smile: "What do you like to do, Miss? We also have a bang-cha-bang-cha disco..."

"That's also one of the music projects. It's too monotonous." Zhu Mengmeng said a little disappointed: "There are no others? I used to go to other people's dance halls and watch boxing."

Zhu Mengmeng's tea art is experienced many times, and the micro-expressions on her face are vivid, admiration, expectation, and a little apprehension, just like a young woman who pursues excitement. John was so itchy that he almost wanted to trick her into chewing her somewhere.

Originally, a disco would be a more suitable place, but she didn't seem interested...

John immediately thought of the place he came from, the casino.

As long as this kind of woman loses everything inside, why not just let her be rounded and flattened?

At this moment, he even forgot about the need to keep the venue secret for the time being. He lowered his voice and said, "Miss, if you trust me, why don't you come with me to a fun place?"

Zhu Mengmeng looked excited: "Okay, okay!"

John left the symphony hall through the back door with great satisfaction, motioning to Zhu Mengmeng to follow.

Zhu Mengmeng slowly took out her mobile phone from her bag and sent a message: "Stop falling in love and come to me for something fun. I am walking out from the back door of the symphony hall on the second floor..."

A mobile phone notification sounded from the two chubby bears on the bow of the boat. The little bear took it out clumsily and was surprised: "So there is a signal here too?"

Daxiong said: "We haven't gone far to the sea yet. Is there still coverage? What's going on?"

"Mengmeng said that she discovered something interesting." Qiu Wuji was also very surprised: "She only found out about such a big place after wandering around alone for a long time. Fujiang, is this?"

Qiu Wuji and Chu Ge were refreshed and quickly used their spiritual thoughts to search for Zhu Mengmeng's location. In fact, Zhu Mengmeng was a little disappointed.

The so-called fun thing is actually the casino.

As the second generation of miners, she and Cai Zhijian had even gone to see black boxing, and of course they had seen those black casinos, but she was really not interested in them.

In terms of personal interests, Zhu Mengmeng is still quite healthy and has nothing to do with gambling or drugs.

But the next moment she felt something interesting. She saw many familiar faces, all of them celebrities from Nanjiang, glowing in the casino.

Among them is Secretary-General Zhang, accompanied by the enchanting Mi Xiaolin.

Zhu Mengmeng didn't know Mi Xiaolin, but she knew what this scene meant.

Ever since the Wang family fell, Zhang Xiaoren was imprisoned, and Zhang Qiren went to sea, there has been no new flag in the underground of Nanjiang for a long time.

This "Music Park", which looks so bright and elegant on the surface, is a brand-new place where filth and evil practices hide.

It's just that the form is more high-end than what the Zhang Family and Wang Family did back then, so high-end that it has the potential to become a city flag.

Zhu Mengmeng had a smile on her face, but her heart was a little cold.

Because her family was the victim of Du Lianfeng's trip to Nanjiang.

As a victim who has experienced the whole incident, Zhu Mengmeng knows very well what this group of people is doing. None of their projects are true. The true intention is just to find a foothold to facilitate long-term exploration of something. This was also the case when the mines were forced to be purchased, and it is still the case in the Marine Park today.

This time it seemed like they were able to gain a foothold, and then they set foot on the sea. Does this mean that they decided that what they were looking for was in the sea?

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