What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?

Chapter 344 Sow the cause and reap the result

It is natural that international music companies have problems.

Although James, Mi Xiaolin and others may not have anything to do with the music company, Robin is the president of the actual music company's U.S. headquarters.

He carried out his tour in major cities along the coast, attracting the attention of Gu Ruoyan, Yueying and others. He originally thought that this thing would last for a long time, and he would be taken around in circles.

As a result, the matter was leaked one night, while he was still on tour in Lin'an, and the security department quietly surrounded the hotel where he was staying.

Robin's musical ability is internationally renowned, and he is naturally a very powerful person in terms of abilities. He may not be any worse than his so-called teacher James. The specific battle situation is not known to the outside world, and internally it is only known that Yueying was awarded a third-class meritorious service.

The girl who was wandering alone in the underground black boxing world was beginning to rise out of Chu Ge's sight.

Originally, Robin's arrest did not have much to do with the music company in Shanghai. Although this company is a branch of Robin Investment, and there are people inside who are responsible for collecting all kinds of intelligence, the company's operation itself is indeed law-abiding. It is engaged in the introduction and distribution of European and American music, domestic music production, and organizing concerts. and opera and other legitimate jobs.

Of course, as an intelligence station under Robin, no matter how regular the company's business is, it can only be completed. Maybe it will be foreclosed and re-opened later. Anyway, it is impossible to continue to perform any contract at the moment.

The child Long Luojia is now unemployed...a complete tragedy.

In short, the contract signed with the animation company could not be fulfilled. In fact, the music was half-finished, so it could only be scrapped. I originally hoped that I could use Robin's reputation to fight overseas after the animation came out, but this time I wanted to borrow Mao's reputation? There are finished products that can no longer be used.

So the animation company could only contact the new musicians urgently. Remembering that Chu Ge had inquired about providing music by email, he asked directly back.

However, Qiu Wuji felt a little sore.

I used to be confident that I could do it, but after I started listening to modern music recently, I realized that it was really not enough. What's the use of doing it on my own?

The young couple looked at each other, and for a while they didn't even think about clearing the dishes.

Chu Ge said helplessly: "What the hell is this? I've never heard that animation music production needs the headache of the original author."

Qiu Wuji couldn't help but laugh: "Who said our needs are different? Speaking of being able to decide so many things, other authors would be overjoyed. You call this a happy worry."

"Tsk..." Chu Ge sighed: "You understand it very well now..."

"That's natural, I'm an old internet bug. Come on, everything is good, but you underestimate the rights of creators. Where we are, even if people die, they have to sign their names in the secret book and pass it on to future generations. People live a lifetime What are you trying to do... What about you? We are still in a civilized society."

Chu Ge laughed: "This is called being thrown into another world."

Qiu Wuji opened Weibo as he spoke: "It's useless to think about it too much. Let's first see if our performance last night has been rumored again. This would be a pain in the ass."

Weibo is calm and there is no news at all.

This kind of mandatory secrecy obviously can no longer generate traffic like it did before.

Having said that, it was such a dark and stormy night that no one could take a video, and even if someone broke the news, few people would believe the empty-handed fantasy story.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief, being forced to become Internet celebrities. In fact, neither of them had such self-awareness, which was out of character. Qiu Wuji prefers to post some food photos and other cute things when there are not many fans at that time, and seeing everyone's blessings for love is very warm. Now, Wei fans have come out, the one who only loves Qiuqiu, the one who only loves Chu Chu, and then curses the other one to die.

Qiu Wuji has a hard time imagining how a group that uses CP as its selling point could become such a fan. He can only say that this world is too wonderful. Seeing a private message shouting "Qiuqiu, I love you, Chuge is a playboy, don't believe him", Qiu Wuji was very moved, and then blocked him.

I opened another private message and saw that it was from the fan "Chu Qiu Tangtang".

"Chuchu, are you there? I heard that your animation is in trouble?"

Qiu Wuji was very surprised: "Ah, I am Qiu Wuji. How did you know that our animation was in trouble?"

"Ah, it's Qiuqiu~ Qiuqiu and I told Chuchu that my relatives are very powerful." Chuqiu Tangtang said: "My uncle said that the foreigner who bullied me last time is dead, and then he praised you and said that I am a fan. He is a good idol. Then I asked him no matter how hard I asked him, and he didn’t even tell me the details.”

Qiu Wuji: "..."

"Uncle said that your animation was almost finished, but this incident caused the music to stop. Is that right?"

"um, yes."

"I think we should contact Mr. Cheng Guangyao. He is the master of Chinese style music. Our Xianxia music requires foreigners to do whatever it takes, and he is not needed to spread it overseas! My uncle said he would find a way to help run it!"

Qiu Wuji blinked his eyes: "Your uncle is..."

Chuqiu Tangtang: "Ye Mingtang, Chairman of Ye Group."

Qiu Wuji: "..."

Anyone who has stayed in Nanjiang is unlikely to have never heard of this name. The richest man in Nanjiang, one of the famous multinational groups, Zhong Yi once said to Chu Ge, "There are predators in Nanjiang, you just haven't seen them." He was referring to Li Li. There is definitely one for him.

In terms of daily communication, we really don’t see such predators. The so-called “upper-class people” invited by the music park are actually mostly young bosses or even young ladies. Real bosses will not just do it casually. Get involved in this unknown place.

Then John was awesome. He picked a random girl to bully, and actually bullied her to the point of irony. I'm afraid they have investigated Mr. Ye and his ilk, but they didn't expect that there is also Madam's niece...

Chu Ge also looked around and felt that things happened too fast. If Mi Xiaolin and the others were allowed to operate for a month or two, they might be at great risk of suffering inexplicable attacks from local predators in Nanjiang. Attack or takeover, they can't do anything...

Sure enough, the next sentence Chuqiu Tangtang said: "My uncle said that the music park project is good. I was waiting to see how the other party would do it, and when the time was right, I would make it my own. I didn't expect it to be gone in just a few days. I didn't expect it... …”

Chu Ge: "..."

Well, we ruined your capitalist plan.

Over there, Qiu Wuji was checking who Cheng Guangyao was, and Du Niang showed a long list of titles that dazzled her eyes, including many works that she had heard and quite liked.

This candidate made Qiu Wuji quite happy. He secretly thought that something was wrong with the animation company before. Why should they choose a foreigner? Is he internationally famous? Don't leave your own musicians alone, and seek the far away instead of the near.

She asked Chuqiu Tangtang: "Mr. Cheng is a suitable musician, but we don't have his contact information."

Chuqiu Tangtang said: "I asked, the number is..."

Chu Ge thought about the good impression Cheng Guangyao had made on him, and hesitantly made the call.

Sure enough, the familiar voice of Cheng Guangyao, whom he had met at the concert, came from the opposite side: "Who is it?"

Chu Ge tried to ask: "Mr. Cheng, I am Chu Ge, uh, it was the concert at that time..."

Cheng Guangyao laughed loudly: "No introduction is needed, Love in the Early Autumn, it exploded on the Internet the next day, and I knew it. Why, do you want to see me, old man, if you have anything to do?"

Chu Ge felt a little relieved and said with a smile: "I really need help from the old man for something, it's about adapting anime music from my work..."

He roughly explained the situation and then said: "My girlfriend has also done a lot of research on this. She originally planned to do it herself, but she was unable to do it. I hope the old man can help with this. The price will definitely satisfy the old man. "

Cheng Guangyao laughed: "The little hero is invited, what price are you talking about? I'll take it up."

It's that simple.

All the positive things you have done may not seem worth mentioning at the time, but you will always see the rewards inadvertently.

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