What should I do if the heroine escapes from the book?

Chapter 357 Invitation from South Korea

Regardless of whether it was possible or not, just two days of fermentation was far from enough. Chu Ge did not try to make any changes for the time being, but just silently copied Yan Qianlie's battle at Hongfa Temple.

Qiu Wuji ostensibly went to aid Hongfa Temple, but the actual main force who came to aid were several elders, as well as Chu Tiange and various powerful men from Yunxiao City.

Qiu Wuji himself led several other Yunji Sect elites to ambush the East China Sea.

This battle is not on the same level as the original sneak attack on Yunxiao City. In Chu Ge's conception, it can be regarded as the opening of the final battle in the human world - the whole battle can be regarded as the beginning of this, triggering the appearance of the opponent's king and Dabei's overseas actions. , Chu Tiange's breakthrough, continued many wars from different perspectives, until the final explosion.

It's a continuous climax.

Such a big plot cannot be written in a day or two, but it won't be long either.

The good thing is that it is very convenient to copy.

Just a copy of Yan Qianlie's attack on the gate of Hongfa Temple, how the monks responded, how Qiu Wuji dispatched them, what was the conspiracy of Hydra and others, what were the plans of the Gu God who cooperated with Yan Qianlie, Chu Tiange How to rush for help, just a few chapters have passed...

Change the perspective again and write about great tragedy or something...

After a few days, the battle at Hongfa Temple was not even finished, but it was rare that several chapters were saved.

Chu Ge smiled crookedly.

The phenomenon of "feedback" these days is also very powerful. A large number of people who were not satisfied after watching two episodes of the animation came to read the original work, which easily brought it back to the first place in the ranking, including the comics. It topped the list, and even the sales of physical books in bookstores have increased a lot. Penguin is already preparing to publish a single volume of the comic.

It can be said that it dominates the list in all aspects.

Although this kind of dominance may not last long, it is just a trend, and the anus may be blown by a fierce person tomorrow, but at a glance it is quite spectacular, and it has a "phenomenal" meaning.

Some good people call it "The Chugo Era of Penguin Entertainment", which well summarizes the recent phenomenon. As a result, as soon as the proposal came out, it was quickly crossed out and directly changed to "Autumn and Autumn Era".

"Duan Xiaoge is not famous enough. Everyone calls him Qiuqiu. Who knows who Duan Xiaoge is? Of course it is the Qiuqiu era."

These words came from Cao Gequn, his roommate, and everyone was a traitor. Chu Ge could only admit it with tears.

Indeed, in the eyes of the public, more people remember "The Endless Autumn" than the name of the original author, but in the eyes of industry insiders, the opposite is true. The name "Chugo" really began to join the ranks of "well-known writers".

In the market age, people are very realistic. No matter what you write, if the impact of your work is high enough, then you are a writer.

In particular, the scripts for comics and animations are all provided by Chu Ge himself, and he is not just a check on the screenwriting team as mentioned before. The animation script can be easily changed into a film and television script with slight modifications. It does not require a team. He can do it alone. Xie Wenyuan will most likely not refute his face, and will most likely use it directly.

In other words, Chu Ge is not just a writer, he is also an independent screenwriter. No matter how valuable screenwriters are these days, screenwriters who are famous and can sell well are also very valuable. Once the film and television show goes online, he can be regarded as a small celebrity in the film and television industry...

The "Autumn Boundless" in the eyes of industry insiders is not the autumn in the minds of the public, but cartoonists, composers, and guqin and bamboo flute players who only exist in Cheng Guangyao's boasts for the time being.

This husband and wife team up to set up an entertainment workshop, and the two of them can become a team.

What's the use of the suffix "niubi" when you are a "big writer" and "an artist's wife"? It is everywhere and few people will respect it. But once you can call it "home", even if it's just barely, everything will be different.

When the third and fourth episodes of the second week's animation came out, Chu Ge received a call from Xie Wenyuan again.

"Brother Chu." Xie Wenyuan's voice sounded cheerful: "Are you interested in traveling to South Korea?"

Chu Ge was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Does the boss behind you want to see me?"

"Yes. Of course, I don't mean to ask you to go to South Korea just because I want to see you. We have official business here." Xie Wenyuan said: "We sincerely invite the well-known writer and playwright Mr. Chu Ge to visit and participate in our "The Endless Sky" animation Korean version press conference.”

Chu Ge: "..."

Is fame so instant?

He asked very strangely: "What's the point of inviting me to this? If it's just a boring formality, can I not go?"

Xie Wenyuan said it very bluntly: "Of course, first of all, it is because your ability and reputation are worthy of being used as a sign, so this proposal is made. As for the necessity, it is really a bit of a formality, not a formality."

"Let's talk about it... To be honest, Mr. Xie, I'm too lazy to move at home. I won't go if I don't have to."

Xie Wenyuan explained: "We have translated the previous comics into Korean versions and published them in South Korea. The response was so-so. Of course, they are not as popular as in our country. It can only be regarded as a lack of enthusiasm. There are still some cultural differences..."

"Wait a minute..." Chu Ge interrupted: "Could the cultural difference mean that they only want to see cuckolds? Then we can't change this, sorry."

"...This is a misunderstanding. Regular Korean comics are not that green, and there are still quite a few that are normal."

"Mr. Xie, have you seen a lot of irregular ones?"

"Each other."

The two men laughed for a while, and Xie Wenyuan said again: "To be serious, the so-called cultural differences certainly refer to the Xianxia thing, but we also said it when we talked before. Relatively speaking, Japan and South Korea's acceptance of this It will be better than the West. After all, they both have Buddhism and Taoism. Among them, Taoism is relatively in decline in Japan, but it can still breathe a few breaths in Korea. Let’s not talk about Buddhism, they are all big religions.”

Chu Ge became more knowledgeable: "I know they have Buddhism, but I didn't know there was Taoism."

"It's harmful, Tai Chi Bagua even stole the national flag, you know it."


"So the so-called difference mainly lies in the fact that from Shushan in Huanzhu Louzhu to the modern Xianxia system represented by modern online literature, they really don't know much about this, but it does not hinder their understanding of the story and the thinking of the characters. This is very important. The key is the basis for our project to be approved.”

Chu Ge knew that the fundamental reason why Xie Wenyuan set up the project in the first place was the idea of ​​cultural export, and he had the support of overseas Chinese BOSS. The early comic translation can only be regarded as a test of the waters, and it can achieve "no flutter" results, which is actually very good.

"So what does Mr. Xie mean today?"

"BOSS saw the animated version and praised it greatly. He especially liked the songs and thought that with the help of music, the output would become easier. He is very optimistic about the prospects of this animation in Japan and South Korea. Of course, it is impossible to achieve our domestic results, at least Can have a good performance.”

"Then this has nothing to do with inviting me to South Korea. I can't control this. I'm not a celebrity and can't do anything for publicity."

"Yes." Xie Wenyuan smiled and said, "Don't hide it from me, you have superpowers, right?"


"Then you tell me, if we promote that the original author of this animation is an immortal cultivator and shows off his 'immortal skills' at the animation conference, what effect will we achieve?"

Even though he couldn't see his face through the phone, Chu Ge couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Is this okay?"

"When it comes to packaging and marketing, we are professionals. Just say it will work." Xie Wenyuan suddenly laughed: "Actually, the IQ of Korean netizens is just that, don't overestimate it."

Chu Ge: "..."

It’s not like underestimating or overestimating. You think I use my powers to pretend to be magic and package it for marketing... But I really know magic...

Xie Wenyuan added: "So even if your powers cannot simulate magic, we will use some tricks to help you perform such a show. How about going to South Korea to become a national idol, are you interested?"

"Well... even if I go, I have to take my girlfriend with me." Chu Ge wiped his sweat and said, "I'll discuss it with my girlfriend. Most likely she will be interested."

"Okay, waiting for your reply."

After hanging up the phone, Chu Ge still felt that these people who were involved in packaging marketing were really awesome.

It is said that I don’t want to use this trick in China because I don’t want to be too ostentatious and affect my life. However, when I go to Korea, I can be unscrupulous and show off.

The more I think about it, the more feasible it becomes.

It just so happens that there are still manuscripts saved recently! Isn’t it a God-given opportunity to travel abroad?

I was thinking about calling Qiu Wuji who was at work, but the phone rang again. I saw it was Mom.

"Who have you been talking on the phone with for so long?"

"Ahem, it's nothing. Is there any news about Qinglong's little toe?"

"Well, we have a rough range, the sea area between Neon Kyushu Island and South Korea. More specifically, whether it is Korean sea area or Neon sea area, we need to continue to investigate."

Chu Ge looked very strange: "If I go to South Korea in person, is there anyone there who can connect me? It seems that I can find this little toe bone by myself."

My mother was stunned: "Why are you going to South Korea?"

"I was invited to hold a press conference for the Korean version of the animated film "The Sky Is Unlimited" to promote it."

"Did Tang Light and Shadow Culture Company hold the string? Will you meet their Korean boss?"

"Of course I will, he invited me."

"...Then go ahead, that's your contact person."

Chu Ge: "???"

Mom's voice became very serious: "It's top secret and must not be leaked, otherwise it will be treated as treason."


PS: It seems that other countries cannot be named directly, only South Korea can, because among the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, South Korea is included hahaha

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