Yueying glanced at everyone, a group of people were at a loss.

Without Matsuda, it would be too easy for Yueying to torture the ordinary members of the congregation. Shadows were roaring all around, and corpses were everywhere in the blink of an eye. There was no time to shoot.

Yueying had no time to pay attention to the tragic situation around her, and quickly rushed to Zhang Qiren's side, trying to treat his injuries.

She was confused. Just like Matsuda, she didn't know what Zhang Qiren was doing - Zhang Qiren had no idea that Matsuda had planned to kill him before. He had stopped him as soon as he transformed the blade. She, Yueying, had the upper hand in the scene. Why? Suddenly so bloody?

She didn't know what she had in mind when she came to treat the injury. She originally wanted this person to die early, but her mission was to protect him...

Yueying's mind was completely blank, executing the proper program like a robot.

She took out the military medicine for treating blood wounds and applied it to Zhang Qiren, but she felt that it had no effect. The wound was so deep that it had penetrated into the chest. What was the use of applying the medicine... She watched helplessly as blood seeped out of the medicine. It looks like it can hardly stick to itself.

In desperation, she said angrily: "Are you crazy! Why are you doing this!"

Zhang Qiren looked like he was dying, but his eyes were shining: "You just said 'no'."

Yueying said angrily: "So what! I'm here to protect you, why should I watch you get killed!"

Zhang Qiren said: "You protect me...hehe."

Yueying: "..."

You are crazy!

"I have a mission!" She could only say firmly: "You want to make me fail in my mission!"

Zhang Qiren said: "Is it your task to keep me alive? Then if I want to stay alive...how should I be cured?"

The shadow of the moon touches my forehead.

This man...

Do you want to live for my mission?

How do I know how to treat it! On this vast sea... Oh, by the way, there should be a doctor on board the ship that brought Mr. Tang? I don’t know if the medical equipment and level are adequate...

She said hurriedly: "Don't move around to avoid heavy bleeding. I'll call the doctor over..."

"The doctor is here." Chu Ge's voice suddenly came from beside him.

An afterimage flashed by, and Chu Ge had appeared next to Zhang Qiren. Half of his body was still in the state of being petrified, looking very funny.

Yueying blushed a little. Chu Ge was her theoretical boss now, and he was responsible for this task. As a result, the person she was protecting was dying, and her boss came to treat her in person, which made her face burn.

That's right, it's for this reason, absolutely no other factors, nothing!

At most, because three people are neighbors...

Chu Ge knelt down to check Zhang Qiren's condition, and said with a smile: "It's not bad. He can be saved without directly stabbing his heart."

Zhang Qiren rolled his eyes hard: "You know nothing about medical care? You even installed it."

"Hmph." Chu Ge without saying a word tore off the ointment that Yueying had applied to Zhang Qiren's body.

Zhang Qiren was anxious: "Hey, my love ointment!"

Moon Shadow wanted to die.

"Go away!" Chu Ge flipped his wrist, took out a new ointment and slapped it on: "Do you want life or love?"

The uncontrollable bleeding suddenly stopped.

Zhang Qiren's eyes widened: "Fuck? What kind of magical aunt ointment is this?"

Chu Ge took out another pill and stuffed it directly into Zhang Qiren's mouth: "Shut up, talking will affect your muscles, stop farting, wait until you heal. If I arrive later, just those few nonsense words you just said That's the cause of death! Oh my god, hehehe."

Yueying: "..."

Zhang Qiren opened his mouth to speak, but Chu Ge's eyes showed a fierce look and he clenched his fists to punch him. Zhang Qiren had no choice but to close his mouth, holding back his words in frustration.

The main reason is that Chu Ge's words revealed that he actually came a little earlier and actually heard a few words of their conversation!

Yueying's face turned red to her ears, and she whispered: "Brother Chu, you..."

"Ahem." Chu Ge coughed dryly: "I really didn't know beforehand that the person here was a strange person. It was not intentional..."

Yueying lowered his head and said nothing.

This is not important, even if he knew it, he would obey this order.

In this matter, Zhang Qiren is indeed a righteous man who needs protection.

Chu Ge added: "But I was wrong about this. I thought Matsuda's elite was killed by me underwater. There is no more information here. You are here to crush the game. I didn't expect Matsuda's superpower to be so restrained against you... …In the end, I was still playing games with people underwater and wasting my time. It’s my fault…”

Yueying whispered: "This is none of your business. If he...he doesn't act like a hero, I can handle it."

"That's not necessarily true." Chu Ge said: "Even if you are confident yourself, you will still be worried in the eyes of those who care."

Yueying stopped talking.

Seeing that half of Chu Ge's body was still recovering from petrification, he rushed over anxiously. Chu Ge was worried about his own people, but what about Zhang Qiren?

Pay off the debt?

Chu Ge stood up and looked around. The corpses of the Black Dragon congregation were lying on the ground. The congregation outside the cabin had long gone hiding, and he could feel the chaos in the bottom cabin below.

A series of events is a long story, but it actually happened in just about ten minutes. The Japanese and Korean ships approaching from a distance had just arrived nearby.

Chu Ge thought for a while, then reached out and touched Matsuda's body for a while, and soon found a piece of bone smaller than a fingernail, which he put into the space. He picked up Zhang Qiren again and whispered: "Let's go back to Mr. Tang's ship first... The Japanese and Korean officials have been alerted. We have to discuss with him how to end the follow-up matter."

Zhang Qiren raised his hands tremblingly.

Chu Ge looked down at him: "What do you want to say?"

Zhang Qiren said: "Everyone who witnessed the battle here is dead, including those who saw your underwater scenes."

Chu Ge's heart moved.

Zhang Qiren continued: "In the eyes of Matsuda's other subordinates, I am Matsuda's partner and helper... I shouldn't go back with you, but return to Japan. In my current serious injury situation, I can give him a lot." Misleading.”

Chu Ge's heart moved: "For example?"

"For example, I can tell the Japanese side that Korean elites broke into the ship, killed Matsuda-kun, and took away the sacred objects. I was hit in the chest and pretended to be dead to escape." Zhang Qiren said slowly: "Miyamura Was Jiro also killed by you underwater?"

Chu Ge nodded: "Masao Okamoto is dead, and Miyamura should be dead by now. There is no way he can escape from Qiuqiu's hands."

Zhang Qiren said: "I'm going to pass the blame here to the Koreans. You and Mr. Tang will talk about it and see if you can pass the blame to the Japanese. For example, Miyamura Jiro took away the sacred objects and disappeared? Look at Japan and South Korea. If the dog bites the dog, we will take the chestnut.”

Qiu Wuji suddenly appeared next to him and whispered: "The strange man's suggestion is feasible. The way Miyamura Jiro and Okamoto Masao died...after being washed by strong water pressure for several minutes, the bodies were unrecognizable, especially Okamoto's. Master, after the stone statue is broken, it is difficult to extract the flesh and blood for verification. If they say they took the sacred object, no one can defend it."

Chu Ge shook his head and said: "This will put Qi Ren in an extremely dangerous environment. If there is a flaw somewhere, he will die without a burial place."

"The strongest conflict between the Black Dragon Club's Matsuda Group and the Black Dragon Club's headquarters is serious. However, Matsuda is dead and Miyamura is dead...the group is leaderless." Zhang Qiren chuckled softly: "If the people of the Matsuda Group believe that Matsuda's actions this time The action was taken by Miyamura. Even Matsuda died in Miyamura's assassination. What will be the result? Look, Miyamura robbed Matsuda of all the bone fragments he had with him. He didn't know that Matsuda had this thing. I didn't know it. have no idea."

Chu Ge: "...What do you want to say?"

"I also nominally belong to a subordinate organization of the Black Dragon Society, and I am also a member of the Black Dragon Society. This time I went to sea, I did not ask my close associates to follow me, and my strength was best preserved. In this environment, Mr. Tang may... Or Yueying and his department, if they can secretly give me some support, I might be able to use the Matsuda group's revenge to occupy the magpie's nest and make the Black Dragon Society mine."

Chu Ge narrowed his eyes slightly: "You are actually thinking about these things...are you really going to die?"

Zhang Qiren did not look at Yueying, but turned his head and said: "Finding wealth and wealth in danger... give it a try. Just go back like this, what am I going to do?"

Yueying looked at him steadily, and her previously somewhat confused expression slowly returned to calm. After a while, she said, "Your needs... I will report them to my superiors."

She pursed her lips and said slowly: "I wish you a smooth rise to the top, power in your hands, and dominance in Japan."

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