
Gong Shuzhe still received his hard-earned pay.

Five spiritual stones.

This is from Ye Yu.

The moment you get enough spiritual stones.

Gongshu Zhe was also very surprised.

But then he left Wuzhi Peak at the fastest speed in his life.

I didn't forget to shout out.

"Junior brother, you are a good person. We can continue to cooperate in the future!"

Hear this.

Xie Muling's pretty face was as cold as ice.

He is a good person, does the implication mean that I am a bad person?

Even if you want to go after Gong Shuzhe.

But he was stopped by Ye Yu.

Xie Muling said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, you don't understand that spiritual stones are very important to monks.

Why should you give him so much when two spiritual stones can obviously solve the problem?"

Ye Yu recounted what happened during the day.

And took out a storage ring.

Put it in Xie Muling's hand.

"Senior sister, here are two hundred spiritual stones, which are my meeting gifts for you.

Don’t be angry anymore, okay?”

A whole day of hearty fighting.

Let Hongluan win, it's called a lot of money.

Naturally, Ye Yu would not be stingy with this cornucopia.

There are ten storage rings just for storing spirit stones.

in a short period of time.

Ye Yu doesn't have to worry about the spirit stone at all.

In fact.

He had no intention of serious practice in breaking through the realm at all.


As long as the dream system exists.

Ten or twenty years of hard work.

It may not be that after a night of dreaming, the reward will be greatly improved.

in this case.

How could Ye Yu practice well step by step?

Therefore, in his eyes, the significance of spiritual stones is not that great.

But for Xie Muling, the spirit stone is.

But it is an important tool for practice.

With enough spiritual stones, one can break through the realm faster.

No matter what the circumstances.

Two hundred spirit stones are definitely a huge sum of money.

Just give it to her.

Xie Muling was very moved.

Then he stopped refusing.

He took Ye Yu to the newly built bamboo house.

Tell him that this is his future residence.

Ye Yu likes this antique bamboo house very much.

But who owns the bamboo building next door?

Why are the two so close?

Almost all live close to each other.

Face this question.

Xie Muling said softly: "The bamboo building next door belongs to me.

In the future, if you have any questions about practice, you can ask me.

You are Welcome. "

After saying that.

Xie Muling turned around and went into his bamboo house.

But Ye Yu always felt a little strange in his heart.

The Five Fingers Peak is so big.

Is it really that close?

Ye Yu slowly walked into the bamboo building.

I found that the environment here is basically the same as the one at Senior Sister's place.

There are quite a few things that should be there.


Why is there a window here?

Open it and take a look.

What Ye Yu didn't expect was.

Opposite the window, there is a direct line to Xie Muling's bamboo building.

He could even see it with his own eyes.

Xie Muling was sitting cross-legged and resting quietly with her eyes closed.

What the hell is this?

Ye Yu was startled.

He asked in a trembling voice: "Sister, what's going on?

Why does my room window lead directly to yours?"

Xie Muling did not open her eyes.

He said calmly: "Maybe the disciples who built the hall made a mistake during the construction.

do not mind.

It's convenient for you and me to open the window and speak frankly. "

The corners of Ye Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

Open the window and speak openly like a god.

This is simply opening the window and seeing everything clearly.

I can see your every move, and you can see mine.

What kind of privacy is there?

Ye Yu was speechless for a moment.

Then he quickly closed the window and said softly: "Senior sister, this is not necessary.

It’s getting late, good night!”

This move.

Xie Muling frowned slightly.

Slowly open your eyes.

Why close the windows?

However, the smell on Junior Brother's body is still as good as ever.

Xie Muling always had a cold and pretty face.

Appearing intoxicated.

No, I still have to find a way to get him to open the window later.

And the other side.

Ye Yu sat in the room.

He looked at the window with strange eyes.

Could it really be Jian Tang’s fault?

He didn't believe this lame excuse.

But if not.

So what does senior sister mean?

No, no matter what it means.

This window must be sealed.


I feel a little restless when I sleep at night.

Ye Yu thought for a long time.

Suddenly I saw the cabinet next to me.

So, the cabinet was moved over.

Just enough to completely block the window.


It feels better now.

Ye Yu clapped his hands.

Then he came to the bed and began to enter the dream system.

However, only two minutes passed.

Ye Yu opened his eyes very unhappy.


Another life that didn’t even reach the age of three.

too disgusting.

The evaluation is too low, not even a cent reward.

Counting yesterday’s two games.

It's like losing three games in a row.


The road to dream life is sometimes not smooth.

Hope for the next simulation.

It can succeed.

Ye Yu clasped his hands together and prayed silently.

The last dream simulation of the day began.

The next second.

A fog suddenly appeared in my mind.

After two breaths, slowly spread out.

[Every time you dream, it is your new life!]

[Map and characters are loading. ]

[Selected! ]

[This dream talent: Sunrise Celestial Body (Purple)]

[Shangyang Celestial Body, the appearance of a peerless furnace. A physique that countless people dream of. ]

[But the premise is that you must find a satisfying Taoist companion. ]

[Otherwise, if you have a 150*150 spherical companion, your future will definitely be a huge nightmare, no matter what. ]

[However, risks and opportunities exist together, come on! ]

Ye Yu suddenly opened his eyes wide.

What do you mean?

Have you become a furnace?

The existence of a cornucopia in the eyes of others?

This kind of physique can simply drive countless monks crazy.

But what the system said makes perfect sense.

Taoist couple.

Be sure to choose carefully.

Once you have chosen, the flowers will bloom and bring wealth.

Wrong choice, life in hell.

It's really better to stop and start again on your own.

[0 years old, you were born in Zongmen Futian Valley. ]

[Although it is only a second-rate sect, it is relatively harmonious internally, with a lot less intrigue. ]

[Your father is an elder in Futian Valley. ]

[Named Ye Yan. ]

[Early stage monk in Soul Formation Realm. ]

[When you were born, I saw the difference in your physique. ]

[So he left the sect the next day. ]

[At the age of 2, you gradually grew up, and Ye Yan finally returned to the sect. ]

[And feed you a Heaven-Zealing Pill. ]

[This object can hide the physique of your natural furnace. ]

[You look like a normal person from the outside. ]

[As long as you are not a Fusion Realm monk, you will not be able to see through the secrets in your body. ]

[At the age of 3, Ye Yan tells you that you must stay in Futian Valley to practice well in the future. ]

[Before you have enough strength, you must not take a step out of Futian Valley. ]

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