Wen Jie watched the girl sullenly rushing in front of him, Li Lingmeng frowned at the girl in front of Wen Jie and said to the girl,

"what do you want to do?"

"What do you do? Just come and see where my opponent is sacred," the girl said proudly.

Wen Jie patted Li Lingmeng on the shoulder, signaled that she was all right, and walked in front of the girl.

"Hello, I'm Wen Jiexi. I'm meeting for the first time, please advise." He said, reaching out to the girl,

"Huh, it looks so ordinary. I really don't understand what my father is thinking. It was such a boring arrangement for me." The girl ignored Wen Jie's hand that stretched out to her and put her waist around, watching Wen Jie Xi Jealousy flashed in his eyes.

"Well." Li Lingmeng smiled impolitely.

"What are you laughing at!" The girl seemed to be humiliated, yelled at Li Lingmeng with wide eyes, Wen Jie Xi was trying to stop Li Lingmeng's impulsive character, but did not expect that Li Lingmeng just held her arms and looked coldly Girl,

"Ordinary. For the first time, I heard someone see Xiao Xi say that she is ordinary. Is your aesthetic problem, or do I have to believe in the public's aesthetic?" Yu Bi also spread his hands and made helpless appearance.

The eyes of the crowd gathered on the two protagonists, and they were both standing together. They didn't know how to drop it, but they still wore the same suit.

Wen Jiexi's body is tall, at least 170 or so. He is well-proportioned, fair-skinned and exquisite, and exudes a soft temperament. Coupled with the sweatshirt, not to mention the right size, but also wearing a different style. In comparison, the girl is only about 160 in height. The figure is really to say, the most prominent is the chest, which is twice as fast as Wen Jie. Because of this, the clothes are also stretched tightly, and the trousers seem to be It's a bit long for her, and it seems to be particularly trimmed.

Why can it be seen? Because the clothes of the two are the same style and the same size, Wen Jiexi and the girl and Li Lingmeng may not know, but how can the two teams of Zhao Ya and the middle-aged man who prepared the clothes not know, know each other, and then Everyone knows immediately, these pants are definitely changed ~ just these few points can see who is more suitable.

Alas ... the voice of reluctant laughter was very obvious in the silent atmosphere, and because of these voices, the girl's face became red and angry, and she swept Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng with angry eyes. , Staring at Zhao Ya, as if trying to use eyes to kill all these people in front of him.

Not only did she even look at the two men who accompanied her, they looked very eager to drive her out of Wen Jiexi's eyes, and looked at Zhao Ya and others with jealous and resentful eyes.

Ma Dawei, the head of the second group, that is, the bald middle-aged man, his eyes flushed, and he was oppressed by a woman in her thirties, and he had made him feel aggrieved. He is different from the new group of three. Originally, he was also the leader of a group, but when Zhao Ya came, he was replaced. Every time he came to the company, he felt that other colleagues whispered behind him, saying that he was not as good as a woman, and this woman could almost be his daughter's age. .

For Zhao Ya, Ma Dawei can be said to hate it. He was in a group position at such a young age. Except for □□, he didn't want to believe that Zhao Ya had such great ability, and took his baby son Ma Hong, that name. Thirty-year-old insignificant men also pulled into the company, hoping to crush Zhao Ya, but Ma Hong was not suppressed by this woman, but was transferred to his own group, this **** woman!

Receiving his inner anger, Ma Dawei came to the girl with a flattering expression,

"Miss Qiu, we should go back and shoot."

"Well, I tell, Wen Jie, right, even if you take a photo, my dad is an investor, this opportunity must be mine." The girl said angrily, and ignored Ma Dawei and stepped on Ma Hong and the two rushed out of the tent.

Ma Dawei took a deep look at Wen Jiexi, and glanced at his drooling baby son facing Wen Jiexi, and there was a hint of calculation in his eyes. Unfortunately, this calculation made Wen Jiexi catch, she frowned slightly, watching Ma Dawei and Ma Hong leave the tent.

"What kind of man is this arrogant." Li Lingmeng snorted and patted Wen Jiexi's shoulder,

"Xiaoxi, don't take it seriously. What's so great about the investor's daughter? Anyway, I don't believe that the upper layer of the company can't choose which one is suitable and can bring them the greatest benefits."

"Lingmeng didn't say that although the identity of the investor's daughter will give her first points, the starting point is higher than us, but it depends on who really can bring greater benefits to the company. Investors can find , But the first sense of the advertisement is difficult to change. "Lin Yijia said to Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng beside her.

"Well, but are there any small movements behind them?" Wen Jie nodded, and did not tell Li Lingmeng and Lin Yijia of Ma Dawei's eyes just now. She felt that the two groups were already stiff enough, there was no need to say it, just a little Mentioned what Ma Dawei might do.

"I know. I'll talk to Sister Zhao. Hum, I said women are careful, I see men's eyes are smaller, every time they aim at Sister Zhao." Lin Yanjia walked towards Sister Zhao in a thoughtful way.

Tuanzi, go and see if the two people have any plans. If there is a need for recording, I will leave it to you. I remember that there are many types of recorders in the mall. Buy the smallest and most practical one. Do n’t let people discover .

"OK, give it to me!" He said with a smile, his hand gestured in the air, and a small box the size of a thumb was added. The mall's things are different from the outside world, and it's something that can be touched. There are many reasons for Jie Xi to let the regiment pass. Only small things fly through the air, avoiding the camera, no one will find it.

"Xiao Xi, it's over." Li Lingmeng patted Wen Jiexi's shoulder, compared to Sister Zhao beckoning towards the two.

"Well, I'll go." Wen Jie nodded.

"Come on!" Li Lingmeng cheered Wen Jiexi with a fist.

Wen Jiexi listened to the photographer ’s direction and came to the center of the aperture. Facing the camera, Wen Jiexi was a bit stiff.

"Come and relax, cheer, and smile naturally." The photographer managed to give Wen Jie a little encouragement.

After half an hour of psychological construction, Wen Jiexi was finally able to face the camera more openly. Then I pose, facing the camera, the camera is facing at me from different angles, the flash is constantly flashing, and the entire studio is the voice of the photographer.

"Come on, to the right, raise your head a little bit, right, that's it."

"Come and raise your hand, um ... a little bit on the face."

In this way, Wen Jiexi's shooting process was quite smooth. For two consecutive hours, Zhao Ya nodded with satisfaction when watching the final results of the edit. With a wave of her hand, Wen Jiexi went to rest first.

"Good job!" Li Lingmeng handed the water bottle to Wen Jiexi and smiled excitedly. Although she didn't understand this, she only knew that it was continuous shooting, but she still knew Xiaoxi's look at other people's expressions Not bad.

"Come here, everyone is here for snacks!" Lin Yejia followed in with a few people smiling, and each person moved several cartons, and each person carried several cans of drinks.

Everyone was cheering, rushing to the side of Lin Yijia and others,

"Come and come, this is for you, ignore those stinky men who only know to eat." Lin Yanjia came to Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng with a box and a jar of juice, hehe laughed.

"I heard it! Kobayashi, you said bad things about us in front of the little girl!"

"Just, or not brothers."

"Who is a brother with you? Eat it and talk to me. When it comes out, I'll tell you to eat it back." Lin Tongjia snorted with a hip.

The men cried for a while, and chewed with food in their mouths as if they were about to come to Wen Jie Xi, but Lin Yejia ran a hand over Zhao Ya who was about to open the box for Wen Jie Xi and Li Lingmeng, and swung forward.

"Come, come, rebel, you guys!"

Males: "噗 ..." "Keekekeke ..."

Lin Yijia: "!!!" Who did I catch? !!

Wen Jiexi & Li Lingmeng: "Woohoo, work is so interesting ~"

Zhao Ya turned her head, clenched her teeth and pinched Lin Yingjia's cheek, and pulled out.

"I think you are the rebel."

"Don't mess with it and push seven (I'm wrong, sorry)."

Zhao Ya-Leng hummed, released Lin Yejia's cheek, and said to Wen Jiexi,

"Don't bother with these living treasures, come on, now is our group's snack time, despite what we want to eat, there are many more." Zhao Ya opened the carton, which was filled with neatly arranged small cakes, there were all kinds of different You can choose your taste, open the juice again, put two disposable plastic cups, and fill them up.

"Thank you."

"Thank Sister Zhao!"

"You're welcome. I would like to thank you for your help. Otherwise, if you don't agree that day, our chance of advertising this time will be directly transferred to the second group, which will be a big blow to our group's position in the company. "Zhao Ya also picked up a small cake, peeled off the plastic piece above and ate it.

"Huh, the second group of people are not at ease, there is actually the son of the horse and the bald donkey, you also saw it just now, that insignificant man, every time he saw Sister Zhao's look really disgusting, no, he should say Women are like this, and really want to pump him. "Lin Yanjia said in disgust.

"But your working environment feels good. It's different from what I imagined. Isn't your work busy and busy? Is the environment quiet? But you are so happy here and there is snack time." Li Lingmeng looked at the cake with a smile. , Dug a small piece into his mouth, squinting contentedly.

"No, of course, the office is what you think in your mind, but we are quite different here. We have a group of capable but lively people." Zhao Ya said helplessly.

"Hey, it turned out to be this way, but this working environment is not bad either!" Li Lingmeng said with a raised eyebrow.

The four chatted for a while, Wen Jie stood up,

"Sorry, I'll go to the toilet first."

"Go, just go out and turn left." Zhao Ya gave directions to Wen Jiexi.


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