This .. this is about to start acting? Wen Jiexi looked at the people around her nervously, some calmly, but others did not understand the current situation like her.

At this time, Bai Wei took out two boxes with a hole above them and pointed at the two boxes respectively.

"Come here, all come to draw the number, and this is your problem, don't sit still, come over and draw."

Wen Jie couldn't, but could only go forward with other people, struck a ball with the number 8 on it, and the number behind, and the title "Critical Patient"

"Well, now that everyone knows their number and title, the number one will get up here." Bai Wei came to the open space and beckoned, a girl in a dress came out with some hesitation,

"Please start your show."

"But ... but there is no script ..." said the girl, puzzled.

"Children, great actors can act at any time. This is called on-site reaction. Do you understand that actors are not a playful profession, if you want to be a vase, then I will not block it even if you withdraw from this course. "Bai Wei is still laughing, but Wen Jiexi clearly feels that her sharp eyes are continuously shooting at everyone,

Wen Jiexi was stunned in her heart. She never thought that this class was so harsh. She thought it was a teacher explaining how to perform. She never thought it would be direct performance. She held her own topic and began to meditate. What should she do? Interpretation

The title of the first performing girl was princess, which seemed to be a simple subject matter. It was printed on Bai Wei ’s words and was the first to go on stage. The girls' limbs were stiff, and even the words were a little shaken. Bai Wei called back, splitting her head to say that there was something inadequate and where it was not good, and finally the girl backed back with tears almost forbearingly.

The next performers were so calm. Although the expressions on the limbs were still stiff, they were not as bad as the first ones to be evaluated. Wen Jiexi observed that there were a variety of topics that required them to react on the spot. There were elderly people. The women, generals, and even ladies who sell vegetables are very diverse. This is all involved.

"No. 8 comes to power."

"Yes, yes!" Wen Jie quickly walked to the center of the clearing,

"Large, I'm No. 8. I'm going to perform in severely ill patients."

Said Wen, Wen Jiexi did not hesitate to lie directly on the ground, closed her eyes, and then opened slowly after a while, her face did not have the vitality that young people should have, but was full of quietness, slowly Holding up my body and pulling on the quilt, Wen Jie looked aside,

"... It's a good day again today ..." Looking down at his hands, he gently rubbed his friction,

"When can I go out ..." The expression was full of longing, but it soon faded,

"... still stay here obediently ... lest family members worry ..."

"Okay." Bai Wei clapped her hands and said.

"Thank you." Wen Jiexi bowed slightly.

"It's okay, but there is no new art in the plot, but I still bring the status of the seriously ill patient to everyone, next." Bai Wei did not watch Wen Jiexi, but recorded in the book, calling the next person Play.

"Whew ..." Wen Jiexi returned to her original position, and then she let go of her tight mood. She can be said to act in this nature. Although in the previous years, it was not nearly as severe as a patient, but it was almost the same. Now, her longing for the sunshine outside and the desire to run below is her long-cherished wish, but this kind of problem should only be this time. Seeing that everyone ’s problem is different, she must find a way to hone herself. Already.

The two-hour class ended like this. Li Lingmeng was already waiting for her at the corner, and Xue Moxue was standing beside her. The two came to see Wen Wenxi.

"How is it?" Xue Moxian asked first.

"It's more difficult than I thought." Wen Jie smiled bitterly.

"Also, after all, Xiao Su is very rare, but if you want to get that role, you must be proficient. I will ask Master Zheng to test it for you in the afternoon, and then see how you can become more advanced. The character's weapon is Hong Ling, that's not a simple thing, come on, Jie Xi. "Xue Moxie patted Wen Jie Xi's shoulder and encouraged.

"Xiaomeng, why do you have a bitter face?" Wen Jiexi looked at Li Lingmeng, who was holding a pile of information, her face almost wrinkled.

"Woohoo ... There are so many things to memorize. In addition to the method of conditioning, all the information of our company, we must also understand the status and dynamics of other entertainment companies, a lot of information." Li Lingmeng said with a sad face, knowing Star Music Company There are hundreds of artists, and they are divided into different fields, plus the scope of other companies ... and some of the important ones need to understand, so as not to accidentally offend people, this relationship is extremely complicated.

"Everyone is here, if you want to be Jie Xi's help, the people and things you will touch in the surroundings are basically what you need to understand deeply, and then spread out, you do n’t have to be a newcomer to Xingle The ancestors of the eighteenth generation of memorizing everything are meaningless. Your teacher just provides you with more complete information. As for what you want to be selected by yourself. "Xue Moxuan patted Li Lingmeng's head, this girl Looks smart, why is it so honest at this time?

"Ah, that's the case! That's the case." Li Lingmeng looked at the pile of information in his hand and thought about it before returning it.

"Let's go and eat first." Xue Moxuan took the two to a restaurant near the company, asked for a box, ordered a few dishes, and then put the tablet in front of Wen Jiexi.

"Let's take a look. Once your official account is registered for you, because you seem to have taken an advertisement before, it has a small foundation."

Wen Jiexi looked at the Weibo on the screen with the words "Wen Jie Xi V", which was filled with tens of thousands of people. The following is written to invite everyone to advise, and put a hIoc advertisement link, and also accompanied the video Screenshot, there are many rumors below.

"Well, I've seen this light. It turned out to be Wen Jiexi!"

"Wow! This skill is not covered! Three pointers!"

"It looks pretty good, first powder."

"The fox fox Xue actually accepted a newcomer again. I look at this face!"

"Really fake, has Fox Xue returned from the arena?"


"Fox Xue" Wen Jie looked at Xue Mozhen and looked at the tablet.

"Of course it's me!" Xue Mozhen held his chest up, proudly,

"Who deserves to be called Xue Xue besides me"

... It really looks like a fox ...

"How do they know that I belong to you?" Wen Jiexi asked.

"Of course I'm following you!" Xue Moji clicked the list of interest, and there was a word of Xue Moji V, the two interrelated, clicked, Xue Moji's Weibo fans have millions, and now By comparison, Wen Jiexi is basically a little witch seeing a big witch. In addition to her personal photo, the latest news is the news of a new person, and that new person is Wen Jiexi.

"At that time, Lingmeng also needs a Weibo. It is best to separate it from the private Weibo. The assistant's name is not certain. You can think about it later. We will announce it later. No name, need photos to make up. "

Xue Moxian thought about it, and suddenly came to Wen Jiexi's side, leaning on Wen Jiexi's shoulder, and a piece of food on the table.

Ding ... As soon as the tablet on the table lighted up, Xue Wei's Weibo on it soon showed a dynamic,

# Come out to eat with the new cute! # (With picture)

"Oh oh! Refreshed!"

"Who is this little sister so beautiful?"

"It seems to be the new artist of the fox Xuedai, replying upstairs."

"Well, look at her mouth slightly open, as if frightened by the action of the fox Xue, wow ha ha, a little sheep? Sheep enter the mouth of the fox!"

"Sheep enters fox mouth +1."

"Sheep enters fox mouth +2."

"Sheep into fox mouth + ID number."

"Hey, that's it!" Xue Moxun nodded satisfied with the effect on Weibo, and suddenly there was a comment on the back that made her blurt out.


Because this voice stopped Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng who were eating the room meal, their eyes swept away.

"Cough ... what's wrong?" Li Lingmeng patted his chest and asked with a big mouthful of water.

"Xiao Su actually praised me," Xue Moxie said incredulously. To know that in addition to reading messages from netizens, Su Chenyu paid attention to Xiao Yiyi, and even if she saw it, she would not reply. Like her Weibo today! Will the first praise behind the movie be given to me! Wow ha ha, suddenly feel a sense of contentment!

Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng opened their eyes wide, Xiao Su of Xue = Su Chenyu = Goddess Su!

Like them, the Internet has exploded.

"I fuck! Am I dazzled? Is it Goddess Su!"

"No, you are dazzled, I see it too!"

"Evidence has evidence (with photos)."

"The first praise from Goddess Su was for this newcomer or for Fox Xue"

"It's probably for the newcomers. Fox Xue has passed so many photos, only this one has been liked."

"Where is this newcomer holy?"

"I'm going to see!"

"I'm going to see it! +1."

"I'm going to see it! +2."

"I'm going to see it! + ID number."

On the other hand, Wen ’s Weibo, a large number of people came in, and originally less than 100,000 managed to rise brightly, and actually said a few hundred thousand, after seeing Su Ying, but just like the appeal So amazing.

"Jie Xi Jie Xi, there is a yellow mission!" The regiment shouted excitedly.

What is the content

"As long as the contractor's attention is increased by one million, five thousand catties can be obtained, but as long as it is reduced by 100,000, three thousand catties are deducted. The above shows that as long as the contractor is engaged in entertainment, as long as the contractor is entertaining One day in the circle, it works! "

Great reward! Wen Jiexi's eyes brightened. To be a little transparent in the entertainment industry, she needs to slowly accumulate one million fans. However, it is impossible to lose 100,000 fans at one time. After all, she is not in the millions. Fan big brother, not afraid not afraid.


"Good!" The Tuanzi replied.

"Okay, Jie Xi, we may have to take a good look at your business. Your Weibo, this afternoon I said to the master, let ’s take some pictures first! By the way, if you have photos on your phone Please also contribute. "Xue Moxie laughed, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

At the other end, Lin Yunxi looked at Su Chen, who was sitting on the sofa, lingering on his mobile phone, a little uneasily.

"Sister Xiaosu, it's not right for you to do this. Will you be in trouble if you are seen by Sister Wang? How do you explain it?" Lin Yunxi rubbed his hands and kept looking at the door, knowing what the public figures did. Being infinitely magnified, not to mention the status of Su Chenyu, paparazzi can't wait to catch Su Chenyu's little tail. There is no scandal, which means that if you get it, you can make a lot of money.

In the past, Xiao Su just looked at the fans' comments. How did you run to like it today? What kind of special effects will it cause ... There was a frontline star who accidentally slipped by hand and clicked a like on a report. That report happened to be related to animal cruelty. As a result, the star was criticized by the public. He stood up and held a press conference to apologize, but it is said that he praised a lot of things because of that! Xiao Su, don't do stupid things!

"Relax, it's nothing." Su Chen said faintly, looking at the messages on the Internet, and was very satisfied, and the door was opened with a touch.

"What's quite satisfactory." Wang Anyi frowned and walked in.

"Wang ... Sister Wang ..." Lin Yunxi whispered.

"Yunxi, didn't I tell you to look at Xiaosu, why did you ask her to come back and like it?" Wang Anyi yelled.

Lin Yunxi: QAQ mobile phone is in Xiao Su ’s hand, even if she is fast, she ca n’t get the finger that Xiao Su likes!

"Well, Sister Wang, since you can't fix it by pressing it, but it's just a photo." Su Chenyu held up her body, picked up a packet of biscuits from the table, and ate it.

"How can a photo be a photo, she ..." Wang Anyi was interrupted by Su Chenyu before she finished speaking,

"Sister Wang, he didn't know that. She was just a little newcomer. Wen Linshu asked me to bring her. I don't think there is any problem with this kind of promotion, and this is a personal issue between you and Agent Xue. Can't put it on the name. "Su Chenyu's face was still indifferent, but Wang Anyi felt the heavy pressure, which was only when Su Chenyu was stepped on the bottom line of the road.

"... I'm dysfunctional ..." Wang Anyi wiped her face and said bitterly.

Lin Yunxi left to look at it again:

I do n’t know if another situation is happening here. Xue Mozhen took Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng to finish lunch and went to various food stores to take pictures. Wen Jie touched her belly. She really ate and looked. The bowl of ice in front of me felt that she could no longer eat it. Li Lingmeng had helped her eat it before, and she was in a state of death.

"Sister Xue, is it necessary to take pictures of eating all the time?" Wen Jiexi dialed a dessert full of ingredients.

"Well, anyway, you don't eat fat. Packing food is the easiest thing to do." Xue Mozhen shook his mobile phone and said, each picture above, a short description below,

"I upload one or two to you every day.

"This ... you must try the food ..." I felt stupid ... Wen Jie was awkward.

"Okay, should we cooperate with what the fans said, sheep into the fox mouth, you wear a sheep suit, I wear a fox suit, now this animal seems to be very popular, pajamas and everything, I don't mind being with You sacrifice hue. "Xue Mozhen smiled.

I ... do you mind

Wen Jiexi counselled and shrank into a ball: "I'm still a food ..."

"Hey, this is good, what's the best food! Oh, you can't waste food! You can't finish packing and take it away." Xue Moxie waved.

Can Wen Bing be packed? Wen Jiexi looks at a large bowl of brown sugar shaved ice in front of me. There are taro garden, pearls, taro, red beans, mung beans, five kinds of materials. If Wen Jie is hungry, she may I'm very happy, but ... she vomited out soon, who will save me QAQ.

Half an hour later, Xue Moxuan returned to the villa with the half dead two.

"Well, I'm home, I'm very satisfied today! It's all my money, I believe you're very satisfied, remember to run fast for an hour on the treadmill, even if you are not easy to gain weight, But just in case you have to move. "

Uh ... demon ...

"Well, there will be no activity after today, you should take a good rest." Xue Moxie said he was leaving.

"Wait .. wait .." Wen Jie struggling to hold up her body, preventing Xue Mozhen's movements.

"Huh? Any questions? I'll let you know in advance." Momo Xue turned and raised an eyebrow at Wen Jie.

"No, no, I want to know if there is any way I can improve my acting skills at home. There is too little time to rest in class. I want to practice more in my spare time." Wen Jie resisted the desire to vomit, seriously Said quietly.

"... Hey ..." Xue Moxuan watched Wen Jiexi touch her chin and walked upstairs. After a while, she returned, holding a mirror and a laptop in front of Wen Jiexi. Then walked to the front of the TV and inserted a hard disk. The TV started to play the drama played by Su Chenyu. Xue Mozhen pointed at the TV, then turned on the laptop and inserted a hard disk. The top was dense and looked like Script information,

"You must have seen it, Su Chenyu has tried many roles, and her script is in the file of the laptop. Now you are studying the script while studying Su Chenyu ’s expression changes, and then look at the mirror yourself It ’s not like imitating. After all, your temperament and martial arts are different, and the feelings you bring are different. Just play it, and study the script together with Lingmeng. You play her, and cheer for two. Hope you guys. There will be good results. "

Xue Moxuan walked out of the door with a smile, and then suddenly looked back.

"Forget to say that today the Fruit Chamber of Commerce sent papaya, remember to receive it!"

Touch: the door closed ...

"I need ... stomach ..." Li Lingmeng staggered to the kitchen and walked to the kitchen.

"Give me a little too!" Wen Jiexi called out behind her.

After the two got better, they started to study the script. The two studied very hard, and even fell asleep directly on the sofa. Xue Mojiu pressed a few horns outside and no one responded, only to open the door and walk in. When I saw two young girls lying down and lying in the living room, there were page after page of notes on the floor and table. It can be seen that they were very serious.

Xue Moxian's face was a bit complicated. She felt that Wen Jiexi was a relative of the president, and she should also be a spoiled young lady. She might give up all of a sudden, and decided to be a vase, relying on the position of the president, plus Wen Jiexi had already Excellent appearance, it is not impossible to pack into a line, but seeing the state at this time, Xue Mozhen also understands that the other party is not a coquettish girl, but wants to enter the entertainment circle very seriously, but the change of heart is changed. However, it is still necessary to do it. It is possible for the artist to turn upside down day and night for a few days in order to film a movie. What is this now?

Clapped his hands, Xue Moxuan picked up the scattered paper and shouted,

"Get up and get up, oversleep!"



Two young girls jumped up with their sleepy eyes open,

"Wow ... the neck hurts ..." Li Lingmeng lying on his side wailed with a hand over his neck.

"... the eyes hurt ..." Wen Jiexi's eyes were a little swollen, and her eyes were bloodshot. It's not hard to see that she cried a while ago.

"Hey, don't rub! Go get a hot towel and apply it!" Xue Moxuan stopped Wen Jiexi's hand movement, and her hand reached Li Lingmeng by the way, and she heard a crisp click, followed by a scream, Xue Moxu was not angry. Patted Li Lingmeng's head

"Okay, don't call it, it's okay. I'm not going to do a quick search. I'm going to the company!"

"Oh! Really good, no more pain!" Li Lingmeng turned his neck and ran to the room.

"That's right." Xue Mozhen pulled his fingers across and pulled out, standing under the stairs and shouting in the direction of the two rooms,

"Only ten minutes!"

"it is good!"

"Got it!"

Xue Moxun went into the kitchen, looked at the refrigerator, took out two eggs and ham, and dialed some lettuce, washed the vegetables in a hot pan, fried the ham with fried eggs, and found the toast in the roast driver, and put the refrigerator The papaya and milk that have been shaved are beaten into a juicer, poured into a cup, coated with mayonnaise on the surface of the toast, and sandwiched with fried egg ham and lettuce.

Wen Jiexi and Li Lingmeng finished washing and saw that the two plates had a very good breakfast and papaya milk, widened their eyes, looked at the charming Xue Mozhen and looked at the breakfast on the table. I can't believe it was from Her hands are amazing!

"Not fast! We need five minutes by car and five minutes to the classroom. You only have 10% of you to have breakfast." Xue Moxuan leaned against the wall with his arms, raised his hand and looked at the watch on the watch Road.

"Eat fast!"

"Thank Sister Xue!"

"Hurry up." Xue Mengzhen walked to the living room, looking at the watch and the two people who were gorging at the table from time to time, sighing in her heart. She had never been in any place in the kitchen before, and the family would prepare it for herself. Hard to cook, but ... I never have the chance to show in front of her ... I didn't expect these two ancestors to be cheap now! I do n’t know whether to laugh or cry. Maybe she knows that she has learned cooking. She just showed her ironic expression. She closed her eyes tightly and covered the rising enthusiasm in her eyes. One fox-like, yelling,

"Well, it's time! It's time to go!"


"right away."

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