In the dense smoke and dust, a figure walked out leisurely, and it was Qin Zhe who was unscathed.

"How can this be?"

   James's complexion changed again, and he took a few steps back on guard.

   In order to avoid killing Qin Zhe, he only used 50% of the force in that blow.

   But even with 50% strength, the offensive of the Holy Light is definitely not something that ordinary warriors can resist!

   The line of Holy Light has always been known for its invincibility. Qin Zhe suffered a frontal blow, why could he stand up?

   On the high platform, James’ Eagle Country teachers’ eyes widened and their faces were in disbelief.

   Why is this student named Qin Zhe?

   Why did you get a blow from James and even... the clothes weren't torn?

   seemed to be aware of their thoughts, and Wang Chongguo said cheerfully.

"The material of the players' jerseys in our academy is made of luminous silk, a special product of the Cold Moon Secret Realm. It is not invaded by water or fire, and ordinary swords cannot hurt it. I am trying mass production recently. I wonder if you are interested in it? Buy, I can sell you a batch, and the style can be adjusted at will."

   smiled and promoted, Wang Chongguo glanced at Qin Zhe, cursing inwardly.

   Brat, why didn’t you hide just now?

  Plainly scared me!

   You can’t play like that if you are physically strong! Can hide, there is no reason not to hide?

   Qin Zhe didn't know Wang Chongguo's thoughts. If he knew, he would sneer at him.

   Because he doesn't want to hide, but can't avoid it.

   Since entering Xianwu, he has been able to capture the trajectory of quick attack in dynamic vision.

   But his body can't keep up for the time being. With only a trace of aura in his body, he can't react quickly.

   But this is not important, the important thing is that his blood tank is thick enough.

   Qin Zhe was not only okay, but also took the opportunity to use the counter-shock talent to accumulate a lot of energy, which was controlled and not released.

   He must admit that James is very strong and has conceited capital.

   In terms of pure power, James' offensive is even comparable to the power of a giant in the secret realm.

   If Qin Zhe hastily vented the energy returned by the counter-shock talent, it may not be able to cause substantial damage to him.

  Would you like to stay together again to save more energy?

   Qin Zhe thought, calmly on the surface, looking at James who was backing guard.

   "What? I'm scared?"

   Before the words fell, the students in the stands burst into laughter.

   Someone ridiculed.

   "James! Didn't you feel confident just now? Why did you suddenly start? Go up! Have the ability to go up to Qin Zhe!"

   Another girl screamed.

   "Qin Zhe! So handsome! Kill that yellow-haired monster!"

   A mess of words rang out for a while, some boasting James and others boasting Qin Zhe.

   James turned pale when he heard these words, and he was surprised that he did not act rashly.

   Qin Zhe turned his head to look around. Which beauty just thought he was handsome? Very discerning!

   Seeing that the two on the martial arts stage were not moving, Wang Chongguo was anxious.

   Qin Zha, what is this kid waiting for?

   As long as you beat James, what kind of little girl does he want afterwards?

  If you don't do anything, what if William, a shameless old boy, repents?

  Thinking about it, Wang Chongguo couldn't take care of maintaining his demeanor, so he stood up.

   "Qin Zhe! For this next game, I will personally pay you out of my own pocket to reward you with a hundred superb spirit stones!"

  ? ? ? ?

   Qin Zha raised his head with a question mark on his face.

   One hundred superb spirit stones, dean, are you serious?

  Wang Chongguo has shamelessly once, and naturally doesn't care about shamelessly the second time.

   As if he could perceive someone's thoughts, he said solemnly.

   "I'm serious, no kidding."

   Qin Zhe exploded in an instant, suppressing the shock talent and suddenly couldn't control it, venting to the soles of his feet.

   He only heard the sound of "boom," and in everyone's gaze, the performance stage at his feet shattered abruptly.

   What power is this?

   Not only the people in the stands, but even Wang Chongguo was a little dazed to see this.

   Academy performance platform is made of very rare special materials, and it is extremely hard and strong enough to withstand an ordinary fourth-order full blow.

   Qin Zhe didn't move, why did the floor suddenly crack up?

   At this time, the person involved, Qin Zhe, was also a little dumbfounded.


   is too excited, can't control it, how can this be neat?

   The energy that was finally saved leaked out. At this moment, James is so defensive, how will he win next?

   Qin Zhe struggled, but quickly made a decision.

   One hundred superb spirit stones!

   It's a full 10 million to change into Dragon Coins!

   Even if it is the kind of fruit in the dormitory, he can also dig out a potential point!


   It's great to lose a wave of people!

   Burning blood is true!

   Qin Zhe's vitality and blood boiled instantly, and I really regained consciousness.

   The next moment, he was surprised to find that he had not lost control of his body.

   Normally, awakening the true self, he will become an ideology and sneak into the body.

   But now Qin Zhe has a feeling that the real self has become an ideology at this moment!

   is it because there are many people nearby?

   can I be shy?

   Qin frowned, and immediately realized a key factor that he had overlooked.

   Previously checked the information, all the people who practiced the True Self Heart Sutra did not appear to have made any aggressive actions in public. They all committed the crime first and then were arrested.

  Think about it again. He was ran into by Yu Shuangshuang when he was out of control in the library. The real me seemed to be in a panic, but it was just the time limit.

   So... as long as you use it in public, there will be no problems?

   Qin Zhe was ecstatic, and then he converged.

three minutes!

   Determine the outcome!

   stomped on the ground, and the spiritual energy in his body wandered around his body like hair. Qin Zhe used this martial art technique to swim the dragon seven styles, and rushed towards James with a burst of dragons.

   James was stunned because Wang Chongguo and Qin Zhai were shouting in the air, suddenly seeing the latter's breath surging wildly around him, he jumped forward and couldn't help but back up a few steps.

   This breath is completely different from just now!


   is not so strong!

   I have to use my best!

   James judged the situation instantly, raised his gun and prayed again.

   "The Almighty Lord! Help me defeat the enemy in front of me!"

   A thick beam of light suddenly fell But this time it was not aimed at Qin Zhe, but on James, and his aura became stronger.

   Without waiting for the light to dissipate, Qin Zhe had already arrived in front of James.

   Shaking Mountain Boxing is very basic.

   But there is no doubt that it is Qin Zhe's most familiar and most comfortable martial art.

   Encountered such a basic martial arts head-on, James sneered disdainfully and swept with a gun.

   The strong power of holy light was added, and his confidence was back.

   With a "bang", James came first and shot Qin Zhe's waist.

   However, the scene of Qin Zhe being swept away did not happen...

   James was horrified to find that Qin Zhe had been hit hard but his body was tilted, the trajectory of his fist remained unchanged, and he banged straight into his face!

   Faced with such a simple and rude offensive, James did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly concentrated his power on his face.

   "Puff", punch to the flesh!

   James only felt that he was hit head-on by a high-speed train, his head buzzing, and he almost lost the ability to think.

   He didn't understand why he couldn't resist with such basic martial arts.

   "His Royal Highness, please grit your teeth, then...maybe a little pain."

   Nightmare words sounded, James was hit so hard to see everything in front of him, how can he resist? ?

   "I...I recognize..."

   James spoke in a hurry, trying to admit defeat, but an iron fist hit his chest, abruptly interrupting his speech.

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