Chapter 11 -Have you seen my peak strength?

Yan Qing was a little helpless towards Yu Le's attitude.

But after all, people are strong and whatever they say is right.

Thinking back to Yu Le's two games just now, Skate Shoes showed his ultimate laning ability, and Qinggang Shadow proved his gaming style. However, in the two games, there was not even a decent team fight. However, it was either one versus three or two versus five, which completely failed to reflect Yu Le’s team fighting ability.

Now Yu Le has become a favorite in the eyes of many clubs. They are all waiting for Yu Le with banknotes and contracts in their hands.

Perhaps out of guilt, Yan Qing wants to raise Yu Le's starting point to a higher level. His performance in the first two games alone has proven that Yu Le has the potential to become an excellent professional player, but it is not enough.

Ordinary people may start with a youth training contract and an annual salary of only 100,000 yuan, but Yu Le has the opportunity to start directly as a player in the top league, with an annual salary of one million

The difference is not even a tiny bit.

"Okay, in the last game I will formulate a lineup with the top lane as the core to bring out your peak strength."

Yan Qing said, this is one of the few things she can do for Yu Le,

"Ah, have you seen my peak strength?" Someone was stunned for a moment,

Everyone:? ? ?

Doesn’t this person show off without any foreshadowing?

At this time, the City Hegemony League has entered the fifth decisive game, which has aroused a lot of enthusiasm on the Internet, making it seem that a miracle of two to three is really going to happen.

And because the managers of all the top clubs are paying attention to this game, some professional players heard during the live broadcast that a strong newcomer appeared in this year's City Contest, and they immediately became interested and opened the game page to play for a while. , but soon they were frightened by Yu Le’s laning ability.

Isn't this person too fierce?

Although the City Contest League can only be said to be a semi-professional competition, being able to produce such a dominant performance can be regarded as proving Yu Le's tyranny.

With this kind of blessing, the name Yu Le began to gain popularity, and even the name Yu Le directly became a hot search on Weibo. Combined with the editing of some operational shots of these two games, it is really amazing.

"@GDE Team, have you seen it, have you seen it, have you seen it? Don't you buy, buy, buy, buy?"

"@GNR Team, hurry up, buy, buy, buy, please, hurry up and buy this top order."

"This person is too fierce. I came here during Brother Zaozi's live broadcast room, and he was intimidated by this Qinggangying. He said that this person has great potential if he comes to play professionally."

"Haha, Brother Zaozi also said that this guy's skateboard shoes are harder than his."

"@GDL Team, please, buy someone better, let the fans be optimistic."

"I've never seen Qinggang Ying play like this. It's so cool."

"This person is really wasted if he doesn't play professionally. @GDE team, buy it."

"He's from Hainan University's varsity team. Isn't that my school? When did such a tough guy appear in our school?"

"Friends from the audience, welcome back to the fifth game of the finals of the City Competition. Will the Nankai team turn the tide or the Hainan University team will let two chase three? This game will give the answer!"

"I have to say that Yu Le, the top laner of the Hainan University team, brought us a big surprise. If the Hainan University team can win the championship today, wouldn't it be too much for him to win an FMVP?"

"What I have to repeat at this time is that if you go to Yule early as a member of the Hainan University team, what are you doing at this time?"

"Okay, enough gossip, let's take a look at the BP for this game. I'm really looking forward to what Yu Le will do in this game!"

The BP on both sides has already started. What surprised everyone was that this time the Nankai school team only banned the skateboard shoes and not Qinggangying. They seemed to think that although Qinggangying was beaten to death in the previous game, they still felt that There is a chance to solve this Qinggang Shadow.

"It seems like they want to give up on the road. If nothing else happens, they will use a team-fighting tool in the lane." Yan Qing quickly saw through the intentions of the Nankai school team,

After two games of hard work, they finally realized that the top laners on both sides were not on the same level, so they adopted another method to resist the pressure.

Then the hero chosen by the Nankai school team confirmed her guess, top laner Ornn.

"A Le, what do you want to take? Continue with Qinggang Shadow?" Yan Qing asked. She didn't want Yu Le to continue with Qinggang Shadow.

Because Qinggang Shadow's words against Ornn are a bit hard to explain. This thing is too fleshy. Even if Qinggang Shadow's second Q skill has real damage, it will be difficult to directly penetrate it like the previous game.

If the thread cannot be worn through the back, I can only wear it alone.

On the contrary, Ornn's impact on team battles is greater than that of Qinggang Shadow.

Yu Le thought for a moment and said, "Bring me Kenan."

"Kainan?" Yan Qing was startled. She was very pleased with Yu Le's choice. Yu Le obviously chose Kainan from the perspective of the team.

You use Ornn to fight in a group, okay, then I will also use Kennen to fight in a group with you.

From a laning perspective, these two heroes can't do anything to each other. What they compete with is each other's role in team battles.

But the question is whether Yu Le’s Kenan proficiency is enough?

Ornn is a pretty brainless hero. As long as he can release a good ultimate in a teamfight, he's basically done. But Kennen is different. He has a very high requirement for the timing of releasing the ultimate in a teamfight.

"If it doesn't work, Shen is also fine." Yan Qing was worried that Yu Le was not proficient enough.

"This hero is not difficult. Just have a hand."

Everyone's mouth twitched slightly when they heard it. OK.

Soon the lineups of both sides were completely determined.

The Haida team has Kennen on top, Troll in the jungle, Clockwork in the middle, and Ezreal and Titan in the bottom lane.

The Nankai team has Ornn on the jungle, Graves in the middle, Karma in the middle, and Aphelios and Thresh in the bottom lane.

In terms of lineup, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages, but the specific result still depends on the players' performance.

Both sides quickly entered the game. Because it was the last game, both sides were very stable, and it was impossible for a level 1 team to appear.

However, Yu Le's outfit surprised his teammates. Extraction, also known as "mining knife".

How much does he look down on the opponent's top laner?

However, thinking that Yu Le had beaten the opponent in two consecutive matches, it was no big deal to buy a mining knife.

At one minute and fifty-four seconds, the two sides faced each other again. This time, Ornn was much more honest and just developed honestly. If you hit me, I will let you hit me anyway. You can't kill me. You can't be able to surpass me, an Ornn, right?

When the time came to a little over three minutes, Yu Le suddenly felt a sense of vigilance in his heart.

He had an intuition telling him that the opponent's jungler was in the top lane, and even specifically in the triangle grass.

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