What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 2 Why call me Ah Le? Call me Brother Le! [Please vote for recommendation]

Chapter 2 - What are you calling A Le, Brother Le! 【Asking for recommendation votes】

This burst of first blood surprised everyone. Why were all the soldiers gone as soon as the troops arrived?

The two hosts responsible for explaining the game were a little confused, but soon they found out what happened on the road through follow-up interviews.

As soon as the soldiers came out, this skateboard shoe went directly to suppress the sword demon.

The most important thing is that the sword demon's three levels of Q are all empty. The moment he realizes something is wrong and hands over the flash, he pulls out the spear with his skateboard shoe and uses the E skill to directly kill the sword demon and get the first blood.

"Can skateboard shoes be used like this? Isn't this too strong?"

"It was only then that we noticed that this skateboard shoe was equipped with Cluster Blade instead of the regular AD talent."

"You are too confident in your skateboarding shoes. If you don't take them off early or late, you just wait for the Sword Demon to flash before taking them off. Is this kind of damage calculation really a top laner?"

"According to the information provided by the organizing committee, Yu Le joined Hainan University less than half a year ago. He has been sitting on the bench because he is a freshman. This is his first official game."

"However, even though I got first blood, the line of troops on the top lane is too long. As a long-handed AD, I will inevitably press the line. Once the line is pressed, it will be easy for the opposite jungler to find an opportunity."

The commentator was still talking about this first blood, but unexpectedly, within half a minute on the road, another tragedy broke out, and the sword demon died again!

And this time it was a solo kill!

The four members of the Shanghai University team all had questions on their faces, what's going on?

This forced top laner had directly penetrated his own side in the previous two games. Why is it that a new player this time is like losing his mind? If the first blood is not enough, he has to resurrect and teleport to give another one?

"Ah, is Ale so fierce?"

Zhao Ya looked at the sword demon who had not healed a single sword but had been killed twice. He couldn't help but fell into a state of doubting life.

"Now you go to the top road, we will hold the bottom road steady."

As the captain, Chen Yue also directly made a decision change at this time. Originally, their focus was on the bottom lane, but now that Yu Le has a huge advantage in the top lane, they would be really stupid if they didn't help.

Let alone the professional arena, if the top laner in ordinary ranked games is single-killed twice by his opponent at the beginning, he will basically say goodbye to this game.

However, Yu Le uses skateboard shoes. If the opposing jungler finds a chance and helps Sword Demon kill once, then Sword Demon can turn over and become the master.

"Stop talking, Brother Le, I'll be on the road now."

Zhao Ya is not stupid either. There is no need to say more about who is the father in this round. Unknowingly, the title has changed from A Le to Le Ge.

At this time, Nankai University has been bombed, at least on the road, it is impossible to play.

The sword demon said angrily: "Why is this thing so disgusting?"

"Hold on, long hands will definitely have an advantage over short hands. Just wait for me."

"Don't worry, if you catch him to death once, he will be a loser."

Obviously the Nankai school team doesn’t think these skateboard shoes pose much of a threat to them.

By the time Sword Demon returned to the line, the skateboard shoes were already at level three and he was still at level one with zero CS. He didn't even dare to go there to gain experience.

"The skate shoes are on the troop control line. Oh my god, are you not even planning to give the sword demon experience?"

"This level of oppression is unimaginable."

"The skateboard shoes didn't miss a single blow, and the Sword Demon didn't miss a single last hit. Isn't the contrast too stark?"

"Sword Demon is feeling very uncomfortable right now. What should I do? The jungler hasn't come over yet, but this line is very difficult to catch, especially since the jungler from Hainan University is rushing here."

The commentators and the audience were dumbfounded when they saw this scene. After all, the opponent was about to reach level 4, and it was outrageous that the sword demon was still level 1.

Backstage, Yan Qing was stunned when he saw a skateboard shoe exerting such terrifying pressure on the road.

To be honest, she really didn't intend to put her hope in a new substitute, but there was really no way that the original top laner was losing his temper and BP chose the wrong person.

She was mentally prepared to lose the game, but Yu Le gave her such a big surprise.

"This guy hides his secrets."

Yan Qing opened her little notebook and started recording. She found that her understanding of Yu Le, the substitute, seemed not deep enough. The proficiency of these skate shoes was obviously extraordinary, and it even gave people the impression that they were being manipulated by professional AD players.

But you must know that Yu Le’s position is the top order

During the game, Yu Le looked at the sword demon who wanted to step forward but didn't dare.

He guessed that the blind monk must be nearby,

"Brother Le, wait for me, I'll be here soon." Zhao Ya also guessed the location of the blind monk and signaled to Yu Le not to worry.

But the next moment, Yu Le’s skateboard shoes jumped up directly,

"Damn it, this bitch really dares to jump up?"

"Save your third Q for control."

The Blind Monk also emerged from the grass, and he and the Sword Demon looked like two fierce men ready to show off their arrogant skateboard shoes with some color.

Blind Monk Level 3, Sword Demon Level 2,

Needless to say who to kill, Yu Le directly used the Q skill [Piercing] on the sword demon.

The sword demon's health bar instantly dropped by one-third.

"What the hell kind of damage is this!!!? How come it's the third level Q skill and he didn't learn W!?"

The sword demon looked at the numbers that appeared on his body and was stunned.

Cluster blade triggers,

The attack speed of the skateboard shoes instantly increased, and three basic attacks once again suppressed the sword demon's health to less than half.

Blind Sin used E skill to slow down, but what he didn't expect was that Q skill still missed the skateboard shoes.

Too flexible,

In the blink of an eye, five or six spears appeared on the Sword Demon's body, and he looked like a hedgehog from a distance.

The key point is that in this short period of time, the Sword Demon didn't even have time to release the third stage of the Q skill, although during this process, the blind monk had already set W on him.

After estimating the damage, he pulled out the spear directly.

The Sword Demon died miserably on the spot,

Blind Monk:.

What the hell is this thing? Do you want to fight two people alone?

Because Skateboard Shoes has already transferred the output target to him, the key point is that he has no skills now

Blind Monk gave up the flash and ran under the defense tower, but he didn't expect that Skateboard Shoes would flash with him, as if he would not stop until he killed him,

"Hey, Brother Le."

Zhao Ya, who was on his way, was stunned when he saw Skateboard Shoes flashing and output. Is it so exciting?

He has already started to bear the output of the defense tower, and the blind monk is confused. What is the basis for this Skateboard Shoe?

Yu Le glanced at the Q skill and saw that it had finished cooling down again. He then predicted the position of Lee Sin and threw a Q skill over and turned around without looking back. He pressed the E skill casually after hearing the special effect sound of the Q skill hitting.

[Double kill! ]

Yu Le's skateboard shoes still had a quarter of the health left. He turned around and happened to meet Zhao Ya who was late.

"Hey, did you call me just now?"

Zhao Ya was stunned for a moment, and then said: "No, no, no, Brother Le played well!"

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