What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 23 Ma Yi: Why am I always the one who gets hurt?

Chapter 23 - Ma Yi: Why is it always me who gets hurt?

Xiang Guo didn't believe it.

He stayed there for a few seconds and couldn't help it. He didn't believe that the other side really knew he was here.

But just when he walked out of the bush, Yu Le's policewoman reached level 2 and used an E skill in the direction of the bush.


Xiang Guo was dumbfounded. He hadn't even started to catch people and he was shot in the head?

In desperation, Xiang Guo could only turn around and leave.

"Damn, it's true"

Wei Feng was stunned. This awareness was really fierce!

"Brother, you are not a human being, ah?"

Wei Feng smiled and immediately typed on the public screen: "Don't bully people like this."

And Xiang Guo could only respond with a series of ellipsis,

"Give me a shield at level 3, I will kill this ice directly." Yu Le estimated the health and skills of both sides.

"Oh oh."

What happened next gave Wei Feng a new understanding of Yu Le's strength. This person's suppression power was too strong!

Just like playing top lane with him, he is always showing his suppression power!

In theory, top lane and bottom lane are two completely different lines, but Yu Le can't see any discomfort at all. Just from the laning situation in the past few minutes, no one would doubt that he is a professional AD player.

The most terrifying thing is the control of the attack distance.

It can only be described in four words: terrifying!

The AD Ashe on the opposite side can't touch him at all. Every time he releases the W skill, it is avoided by Yu Le's movement. As for the A, it goes without saying. Wei Feng roughly counted that on average, Yu Le A-ed the opponent three times before Ashe could fight back once.

Everyone is on the line, why can you A-ed me three times before I can A-ed you once.

But Yu Le did it.

When he was promoted to level 3, Yu Le was not polite to Ashe. He started with the Q skill to suppress the blood volume and then directly A-ed Ashe to chase. At the same time, Wei Feng applied a shield to him. The shots hit Ashe one by one, making the opponent lose his temper.

In desperation, Ashe's healing speeded up, but he didn't fight back but ran away. His own health was suppressed too badly. If he continued to fight, he would definitely suffer.

"That's enough. Don't chase too deep. I'm afraid that Xiangguo is still there." Wei Feng saw that Yu Le seemed to be a little bit drunk, and he couldn't help but remind him.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Yu Le flashed and chased him to close the distance and hit a passive headshot, and then used the E skill to hit Ashe while retreating and hit the second headshot.

[First Blood! ]

Wei Feng: ? ? ?

No way, directly killing a professional AD player?

Even the other teammates asked a question mark to the bottom lane. Obviously, they didn't expect that their bottom lane would directly kill T1's bottom lane combination.

It's okay to just kill the line, the most important thing is that Yu Le's policewoman still has two-thirds of her health, and the treatment is still there.

In this case, directly killing T1's AD, what kind of concept is this?

"What did you say just now?" Yu Le turned his head and asked at this time. He was busy operating just now and didn't hear clearly what he said.

"You played well!"

Wei Feng came back to his senses and his mouth twitched slightly. To be honest, the combo just now was still pretty cool.

But to do this kind of operation, you must have a certain damage prediction and hero understanding. If it were other professional ADs, it wouldn't be surprising, but the key is that Yu Le is just a top laner.

"Isn't this a basic operation?"

Yu Le's face was full of question marks.

Wei Feng thought about it and couldn't help but say: "The opponent is T1's bottom lane."

"No wonder T1's performance is not good," Yu Le muttered,

Wei Feng: …….

This is a bit too much, and he quickly changed the subject and looked at Ma Yi next to him, who happened to be playing a policewoman, and his record was still 0-2.

I couldn't help but say: "Rubbish."

Ma Yi: ? ? ? ?

In the game, Xiang Guo saw the bottom lane burst out with the first blood and said in his live broadcast room: "Is this policewoman really playing in the top lane? Why do I feel that she is more powerful than professional AD? No, I have to punish her."

"Haha, is he Le Shen? I watched the previous game, this guy is really powerful in the top lane."

"Why call him Le Shen? Call him Fountain God!"

"Haha, this guy is really cruel. He is so fierce even when playing in the bottom lane."

"Are we going to play against KG in the game tomorrow? Isn't he arranged for him?"


In the game, as Yu Le's policewoman got the first blood and gained an advantage, the opponent became more and more uncomfortable.

The purpose of the policewoman hero is to get the plating in the line and then change to the line speed push, so Yu Le went home and made an attack speed shoe and still maintained the suffocating dominance.

The gap between the ADs on both sides was soon reflected.

Before reaching level 6, Ashe's last hits were suppressed by nearly 20, and the plating was taken away by two layers. If this continues, the bottom lane will basically be simply penetrated in the line.

Xiang Guo has been trying to find a way to gank the bottom lane, but for some reason, every time he approaches the bottom lane, Wei Feng will type a question mark on the public screen.

It would be fine if it happened once or twice, but it happens every time

"How did they create this vision? It feels like there are eyes everywhere."

Xiang Guo is about to vomit blood. How can he play this game?

Even with the scan and the true eye, he couldn't find the opponent's vision, but every time he approached, the opponent would be aware of it, which made him very desperate!

However, not long after he walked, the bottom lane received another kill message.

This policewoman was simply lawless. She killed her own bottom lane duo again against the defense tower.

How can we play this game?

Xiang Guo was a little anxious, and he didn't care about anything and returned to the bottom lane.

When he saw the half-blood policewoman still hitting the tower to eat the plating, he was determined to kill her.

He knew that the policewoman had no ultimate, no flash, and no treatment. If he couldn't operate it, then there was no point in playing this game.

Xiang Guo's idea was very simple. He went over to touch the eye and kick the policewoman back to the defense tower, and then used the Q skill to take his head. But he never expected that when he touched the eye and approached the policewoman to kick, the policewoman directly used the E skill to pull back a body position, so that his kick did not kick Yu Le back to the defense tower, but directly sent him away.

"Hahaha, brother, are you here to make fun of me?"

Even Wei Feng couldn't help but flash a thumbs-up expression when he saw this scene, and then typed and laughed on the public screen.

"Is this policewoman played by Ma Yi?"

Xiang Guo was so impressed that he couldn't help but typed and asked: "With this kind of operation, you told me that he is playing top lane?"

Wei Feng turned his head and saw that Ma Yi's policewoman next to him was already 0-4. He couldn't help but shake his head and typed "Ma Yi? Who is it? Oh, just a teammate who plays AD."

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