What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 34: Go to the top lane for leveling, you will win if you don’t give up, understand?

Chapter 34 - If you go on the road and train as a booster, you won’t win without giving away a package, you understand?

There is one AD missing before the team fight starts. The key is that the AD dies in an unknown way.

"Why is he there?"

Not only Brother Zaozi, but also everyone in the GNR team, including the three commentators, couldn't help but ask questions,

"Give in, give in."

The GNR team didn't bother with the loss of AD, it was just a hammer blow.

While KG was taking the Rift Herald, the director also thoughtfully broadcast the footage before the kill, and for the viewing experience, the director gave Brother Zaozi’s perspective.

At this time, the audience discovered that Yu Le's Qinggang Shadow used the wall-climbing feature of the E skill to bypass some eye positions and enter the GNR jungle area, and in the process, it was not discovered by any vision at all.

Just like this, I met Brother Zaozi who was about to hit F6. The simplest and crudest combo of E+Q+R killed Brother Zaozi instantly.

"This is too exaggerated. Oh my god, how did he manage to avoid all sights perfectly?"

Maitreya's tone was a bit excited and incoherent. He has been commentating games for more than ten years and has never seen such a professional player. Even when he was commentating KG and those monsters a few years ago, he had never experienced anything like this.

"Perfect stab around the back. Yu Le, the Qinggangying, is really too cruel. He can hit Brother Zaozi with one kick. If he keeps going like this, how can he hit him?" Cat King followed: "Is it possible that Brother Zaozi has no cards? I can’t even do flash therapy in front of Qinggang Ying, so I have to watch black and white TV.”

This scene had a particularly strong impact on the audience. Team GNR had always thought they could win no matter how disadvantaged they were as long as Brother Zaozi was still alive, but this time they found it a bit difficult.

This Qinggang Shadow is really a bad person! ! ! !

Even in the official live broadcast room, the audience couldn't sit still.

"Designer, look at this, this is the current situation of AD, someone is kicking you!"

"Don't panic, don't talk about Qinggang Ying when Brother Zaozi has a three-piece suit, it's useless even if a division comes from the other side!"

"Don't give it away, Emperor. How can we have fun giving it to Brother Zaozi like this?"

"Brother Zaozi, hold on tight, I believe you can win."

"This Qinggangying is a bit invincible. Why is GNR unwilling to sign such a player!!!?"

"@GDE management, look at this, why don't you sign it?"

"Who said newcomers can't play in the LPL? I'm so angry. If GNR has this kind of top lane, they will immediately aim for this year's championship!"

No matter what the audience says, it can't change the trend that Yu Le's Qinggang Shadow is invincible in the game at this time. Especially after the Canyon Pioneer was killed, KG decided to let Yu Le pick it up directly. In this case This means that the first blood tower is basically taken by Yu Le.

As far as the current gap is concerned, if Yu Le gets the first blood tower, the gap in the top lane will be further widened, and GNR will have to make a choice, either to give up the top lane and let Qinggang Shadow penetrate directly, or to protect the top lane. After all, Zaozi brother is having a hard time laning in the bottom lane now. If he dares to be aggressive in the laning, a Wei Feng may rush out from an unknown place at any time.

What is Brother Zaozi famous for?

It relies on fierce laning and delicate operation, but the biggest fear of this style is being targeted by the jungler. After all, no matter how strong the AD is, it is impossible for him to fight three or four before the early equipment is ready.

Moreover, KG’s strategy here is also very simple. In order to avoid being shown off by Brother Zaozi, Wei Feng simply hates Brother Zaozi. He will come out to scare you if nothing happens, and will not do anything fancy with you like climbing over the tower and forcefully killing him. After all, they are also afraid of it. Let Brother Zaozi show off.

Now the mentality of the whole KG team is to go on the road and train without giving away a guarantee to win. Anyway, it doesn't matter if I don't have an advantage, but I won't give you an advantage either.

At the same time, the GNR team is trying to figure out how to deal with this Qinggang Shadow.

"We have to put an end to this Qinggang Shadow." Xiangguo knew that the most important thing to do at this time was to slow down the snowballing speed of the Qinggang Shadow, and he must not let him get any more advantages.

"I can't handle it. This force is too tough. Tiamat + Shining Light + Small Wooden Hammer. This is too overwhelming." Rang Di shook his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to fight but that he really couldn't fight.

"Let's give it a try, I should be able to do damage." Xiang Guo made an estimate. He now understands KG's strategy. If I'm on the road and I don't need a jungler at all, then the jungler will have to suppress the bottom lane.

Therefore, if there is a fight, he does not need to worry about the opposing jungler coming to support, and in this case, Mantis's passivity can be reflected.


Yu Le caught the incense pot almost the moment it appeared in the upper half of the area. He took a look at his level and equipment, and immediately had no intention of leaving and was ready to operate it.

Just pretending not to know that Mantis was approaching, Yu Le still maintained a very fierce fighting style. Let Di catch Yu Le's exposed flaw and attack with a set of skills first. The director was smarter this time and directly switched the perspective to the top lane.

I don’t know if the director is a fan of the GNR team, but he seems to want the audience to take a good look at how this Qinggangying was caught and killed.

"To be honest, Yu Le should have realized it. After all, I suppressed you and beat you for almost ten minutes, and you suddenly attacked me and said there was no one behind you?"

"Wait a minute, Yu Le's E skill. Did he immobilize Ornn? Didn't he notice that the opposite jungler was coming? He shouldn't have."

"It's over. This one-for-one exchange is Yu Le's fault. After all, he is a big man!"

"I'm impulsive, but I can understand it. The newcomers are definitely not as vigilant as these veterans. It's just a pity."

"In this case, the Qinggang Shadow has no room to operate. Orn can definitely kill it, but what can we do about this Mantis."

In the game, Yu Le did compete with Ornn. What I have to say is that Ornn's health dropped quickly with this set of skills, and in order to maximize the output, he did not make unnecessary moves. He took a lot of damage from Ornn's skills and killed him directly, but his health was also reduced to one-third.

In this case, Xiangguo's Mantis directly used his ultimate move to become invisible. The commentators felt that this wave of Qinggang Shadow who did not flash was bound to die, but they did not notice that Qinggang Shadow's ultimate move was still there and because After killing Ornn, the stopwatch that was still counting down in his backpack has become usable.

This is the [Perfect Timing] in the talent: starting the game with a starting stopwatch can turn into a perfect timing stopwatch 14 minutes after the game starts. Every time you participate in a kill, this time point will be advanced by 120 seconds.

Moreover, for Ye Changmengduo, Xiangguo immediately flashed a set of combos to keep up with him while becoming invisible.

Mantis dealt a huge amount of damage, and Yu Le's blood volume instantly only had 30 drops of blood.

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