What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 6 Steady means I kill people and you push the tower

Chapter 6 - Stability means I kill people and you push the tower down

While the commentator was still immersed in the shock caused by the 2V5 wave just now, he unexpectedly discovered that the Hainan University team was directly pushed as a group, especially after seeing the skateboard shoes go home and then teleport directly to the middle.

This kind of move is mostly done when the team is preparing for a wave.

But this... has only been a little over twenty minutes!

"What does Hai Da want to do? A wave? This is too exaggerated. Xiaolong will be refreshed immediately. That is the dragon soul!"

"With the blessing of the big dragon buff, the tower can be pushed down quickly. The second tower is gone, and the high ground must be demolished immediately. But at this time, the opponent is about to be resurrected. Why don't the Hainan University team leave?"

"We really want a wave! They are hoarding troops. Oh my god, isn't this crazy?"

"I think it's most prudent to go back and get the dragon soul. It's too risky. If something happens, it will be like a break in the rhythm."

The commentator said on the stage that the Shanghai University team was too hasty in its decision and should be more stable. After all, how could it be possible when there are five people on the opposite side?

"Want to leave?"

Zhao Ya asked, now that they have broken all the crystals, the most appropriate way is to retreat and arrange the dragon's vision. If this dragon is captured, the dragon soul is in hand.

"What are you going to do? A wave."

Yu Le frantically marked the defense tower, and the other four people looked at each other and followed closely, making a bet.

"Point the tower, point the tower, point the tower."

"Leave them alone, leave them alone."

However, when all four of them were aiming for the tower, Skate Shoes directly chose to ride on the face to output, taking the lead in defeating the opponent's mid laner.

"Push the tower, push the tower quickly."


No, what is this person doing?

Shouting to demolish towers is killing people.

But what I have to say is that with Yu Le’s face-riding output, the opponent wanted to crush the ashes of this skateboard shoe.

As the skateboard shoe ended its criminal life by the defense tower, at the same time, the main base of the Nankai school team finally exploded directly due to the efforts of the remaining four people, declaring the victory of this game.

"Congratulations to the Haicheng school team for pulling back a game! Now the situation has reached 2:1. I originally thought that the Nankai school team would win the championship with a strong 3:0 today, but with the appearance of this substitute top laner, the game became confusing. ”

"I have a bold idea. If the Hainan University team had used this substitute earlier, would the Hainan University team have won the championship 3:0 today?"

"That's not true. I think the Nankai school team will probably have to focus on him in the next game. In the third game, he just suffered an unknowing loss."

"Anyway, let's take a rest. We will present you with a more exciting fourth game later!"

The people from the Haicheng school team who came off the stage swept away their previous decadence and smiled broadly.

Especially the bottom duo and the mid laner,

It actually feels like I won without doing anything?

"Ale's skateboard shoes are quite showy. Are you an AD player?"

"How about you play AD, and I'll choose a stone man to be the bastard?"

"This is too strong. Are skateboard shoes so powerful when walking on the road?"

A group of people gathered around Yu Le to praise him, and no one paid any attention to the starting top laner in the corner who was angry that he would not be able to play in the game.

"Yu Le continues to play in the fourth game, come on!" Yan Qing glanced at Yu Le and said: "I believe you can make two chase three!"

If the Hainan University team wins the championship today, Yan Qing feels that this is not the biggest surprise, but Yu Le’s outstanding performance is what surprises her the most!

Many people may think that Yu Le’s advantage is due to the hero’s advantages.

But in fact, from her point of view, both Yu Le's laning suppression power and his reaction ability when faced with being caught are very good. She feels that this is already a professional level.

Moreover, she also captured a rare characteristic in Yu Le, that is, Yu Le has the ability to conduct.

There is no difference between playing professionally and marching in ancient times. There are many professional players who are good at playing, but professional players who are good at playing and can command the team are really just like generals, there are very few.

After a short break, the fourth game officially started again.

"Why do I feel like they are always staring at me?"

With most of the stage on the stage, Yu Le seemed to be able to feel the resentful looks coming from the Nankai school team.


If you block the spring water and kill people, who else will be watching you?

"There is a bear released now. Do you want to grab it?" Yan Qing asked standing behind Yu Le. Bear is a popular hero in the current version. If you don't want to ban him, you have to take it.

"I can be used as a jungler." Zhao Ya agreed from the side: "Finally, let's look at the opponent's lineup before deciding what to give Yu Le."

Others didn't have any objections. They obviously regarded Yu Le as the big brother in the team. There was no need to expose the top lane hero so early to avoid being targeted by the opponent.

Then Hainan University team locked up Bear, and Nankai University team chose [Card Master] and [Mantis] shortly after.

"Card? They may need to cooperate with a single-lane hero on the road." Yan Qing frowned, as if after the loss in the last game, the Nankai school team would choose a top laner who can single-lane and is strong online.

For example, Sword Girl, Qinggang Ying, etc.

This kind of hero will not collapse in the lane and can be used alone and then combined with the card's ultimate move to catch people. Whoever uses it will know how effective it is.

"Yu Le, can you play Qinggangying?"

Yan Qing showed a look of inquiry. She wanted the team to take Qing Gangying first, but the disadvantage of this is that it may bring great pressure to Yu Le.

Because it is very unwise to play Qing Gangying first, and Yu Le himself will definitely be severely targeted in this game because of his performance in the previous game.

"Take it, anyway, you will win no matter what you play."

Yu Le looked nonchalant, as if it didn't matter what hero he chose.

Yan Qing behind him was also frightened by his confidence, and almost couldn't hold the small notebook in his hand.

The four teammates were full of question marks. This little brother is good at pretending!

After the tit-for-tat in BP, the lineups of both sides also formed their own systems.

The Haida team has Qing Gangying on the top, Volibear on the jungle, Galio on the mid lane, and Ashe + Braum on the bottom lane.

The Nankai team has Fiora on the top, Mantis on the jungle, Card on the mid lane, and Ezreal + Leona on the bottom lane.

"Zhao Ya, remember to report any movement in the jungle to your teammates immediately. The premise of the solo push system is that your jungle cannot be invaded by the opponent at will, otherwise Yu Le will be under great pressure in the top lane."

Before leaving the stage, Yan Qing did not forget to repeatedly remind him that all the pressure of this solo push system would fall on Yu Le alone.

If he was caught by the opponent's jungler, let alone solo push, it would be a problem whether he could still fight in the lane.

Both Qinggangying and Fiora belong to the kind of team fights. I may not be very strong, but as long as there is a little advantage, I can face the opponent infinitely. Output, especially in the mid-term push. Any advantage can prevent the opponent from split pushing.

"Don't worry, I'm the dog in the top lane this time."

Zhao Ya showed the true face of a split slave. As long as he can win the game, what's wrong with being a dog for teammates?

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