What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 64: Changing Generals Before Battle

Chapter 64 - Changing Generals at the Last Minute

Finally, Yu Le signed his name on the contract, which means that he can start live streaming on Raccoon Video.

After all, who can resist money?

Does anyone think that playing professionally really doesn't care about money?

"As for the day you will start live streaming, do you plan to start it today?" An Yurou continued the topic to the point. Now that the contract is signed, Yu Le can start live streaming at any time as long as he wants.

"Tomorrow?" Yu Le thought for a while and said, "Defeat the PM team and then start live streaming. This may have a better effect, right?"

An Yurou:

It's really a bold idea to defeat the PM team. The KG team is currently ranked fourth from the bottom of the league, and the PM team is currently ranked fifth in the league.

No matter how you look at it, there is no chance of winning, but Yu Le thinks that winning is also a good thing. After all, you should have confidence!

"Okay, then I'll communicate with Byte Entertainment. Tomorrow's game is still at 5 o'clock. After the game, it should be around 7 or 8 o'clock. I'll tell them that the live broadcast time will be 9 o'clock in the evening, and there will be some activities online." An Yurou held her chin and said, "By the way, there's one more thing."

"What is it?"

"Teacher Yan called me this morning and asked you to find time to go back to Ocean University the day after tomorrow. It seems that there is some international e-sports professional exchange event, and you are asked to go back to participate."

"Oh, if you didn't say it, I almost forgot that I'm still a freshman. Doesn't this affect training?"

"Do you think our team has training?"

"That's right." Yu Le nodded. In fact, from this point of view, KG's management is still quite loose. No wonder the other few people gradually become salted fish. In this environment, everyone will gradually be affected.

But it doesn't matter. Now those upper and middle teams look down on KG. After a while, it will be their turn to be unable to reach the KG team.

By then, do they still want to play training games?

Let's queue up for an appointment first.

Yu Le was immersed in the ranking for the whole day. After the others woke up in the afternoon, he started to happily duo-queue with the mid-lane Ling Xiaohei until the early morning. This process can probably be described in more popular terms. Before the game started, Ling Xiaohei felt that although he was not a big shot, he could not let Yu Le look down on him.

At the beginning, he was still playing against heroes like Syndra, but in the end, he just lay down and played Galio and Karma as a mess.

This kind of easy win made Wei Feng next to him envious, and he could only silently change the title of his live broadcast room to "The first day I was abandoned by an e-sports scumbag".

As for the PM club, their data analysis team has not slept for nearly 24 hours. They have no other channels and can only obtain Yu Le's ranking videos on the website for research. It seems that they want to comprehensively analyze some of Yu Le's small habits, such as when to insert a ward or where to place a ward.

Now e-sports has developed to a very professional level. Many times, it depends on the analysis team to find these insignificant details and analyze a player's weaknesses. Then the coaching team will use these data to formulate specific routines for these players to target, etc.

But this time, the PM team's analysis team was a little speechless. After watching more than 20 ranking videos, they found a very outrageous phenomenon.

Yu Le does not insert a ward.

Whether playing in the top lane or other positions, this person has never placed a ward, let alone spending money on vision.

This is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is that he has not been caught once.

No matter what position he plays, he seems to be able to accurately realize that someone is coming to find him, and directly take countermeasures in advance.

The more I understand, the more I feel that this person is a bit unsolvable. He directly confused the analysis team of the PM team. How can we study this?

After not sleeping for a day and a night, no data was finally studied. The PM team couldn't help but want to run to the KG club to question Yu Le in person, are you still a human being?

However, what made them even more desperate was that something happened on the KG team's side on the day of the game.

Wei Feng had a takeaway last night. Maybe the food quality was problematic, so he complained of stomachache after eating, and then went to the toilet once an hour on average.

Now Wei Feng felt that he was almost dead, and even standing up felt weak in the legs, let alone going to the game.

"I told you to eat takeaway! Are you still going to eat it?"

An Yurou looked disappointed and scolded Wei Feng: "What should we do now?"

Wei Feng was about to say something, but the rolling feeling in his stomach made him have to say Without saying anything, he continued to run to the bathroom.

"He can't play today like this," Gaimer said with a dark face. Not to mention playing, whether he can go to the scene is another matter.

"You go up and play for more than ten minutes and then call for a timeout to go to the bathroom and then come back to play?" Ma Yi suddenly made a knife.

Yu Le and others couldn't help but shudder when they heard this. This scene was unimaginable.

"How about this, Xu Jiusheng will play in the jungle today, do you think it's okay?"

An Yurou didn't continue to dwell on this issue. Since Wei Feng couldn't play, she would find someone to replace him. You can't just give up and not play, right?

"Oh, sure."

Xu Jiusheng didn't say anything. At this time, don't say whether it can be done or not. The key is whether you can get five people to play the game.

"How about this time, let Xu Jiusheng go back to play top lane, and I will go to jungle?" At this time, Yu Le suddenly opened his mouth and put forward a new idea.

The core point of the PM team is Chen Xiuer, the jungler. There is only one way to beat the PM team, that is, not to give Chen Xiuer the opportunity to lead the rhythm.

Of course, this is something everyone knows, but not everyone can do it.

And he thinks that if Xu Jiusheng goes to the jungle, the jungle may be directly counter-destroyed by Chen Xiuer.

When the jungle has problems, it will radiate to the line. He can withstand it, but the two lanes cannot withstand the chain reaction caused by the collapse of the jungle.

In this case, it is better to go to the jungle by yourself and directly press Chen Xiuer to death in the jungle.

In this way, the other three lanes will be relaxed and comfortable, and even if they can't win, they won't collapse directly.

"You can still play jungle?"

An Yurou showed an incredible look and said: "The game is different from the ranking. It's too risky to do this. I think you'd better go to the top lane for stability."

At present, Yu Le is the absolute thigh of the team. His role in the top lane is equivalent to the stabilizing force. Others can have problems but he can't.

"Nothing is different." Yu Le waved his hand and said: "I want to win more than anyone else."

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