Chapter 67 - Didn’t you expect that?

"The check-in location has been refreshed. It is the enemy spring water in the first match between KG team and PM team in the regular season of LPL summer season!"

After confirming the lineup, a familiar reminder sounded in Yu Le's mind.

In order to get used to this cheat, not to mention the daily ranking in the game, I have to go for a walk in front of the opposite spring in every game.

The more times he did it, Wei Feng or Ling Xiaohei thought he had a special habit of torturing springs.

"You eat the troops in front first, don't wait for me." Yu Le also began to plan his jungle ideas for this game. The system of gem + sword master is a very old thing, and he feels that it will definitely be used against the opponent. Perceptible.

But this is not his purpose,

The biggest reason why Juggernaut cannot appear in high-end rankings or even professional leagues is that he is too weak in the early stage.

Leaving aside the ability to fight in wild areas, the most important thing is that it is difficult to catch people.

You can't let your teammates wait for you, right?

Secondly, I am very afraid of control. Others are not stupid enough to know that when you have a Juggernaut in a group, they will focus on you with all their skills. Whenever you enter the field, control it and focus your fire to kill it instantly.

If you want the Juggernaut to be effective, you must gain an advantage, but there is no one else in the jungle that can beat him, his capture efficiency is not as fast as others, and he is easy to die in team battles. How can he establish an advantage?

Based on these circumstances, Juggernaut is basically extinct in high-end games. As long as the game is played, it has not been seen for more than ten years.

If Yu Le dares to choose Sword Master, he will not be afraid of being targeted by the opponent.

What is the most fearful thing about playing Juggernaut? In the early stage, the jungle area was being targeted crazily.

But who is he?

He is a man with a golden finger. [Sensitive Perception] can give him the ability to see through all the dark fog. No one can ambush him.

Based on this premise, Yu Le directly took out the Sword Master.

Although this hero has many shortcomings and weaknesses, once this hero is developed, it doesn't matter whether the opponent is a professional player or a passer-by. When facing a sword master with an advantage, there will only be one end.

The melons and vegetables were chopped.

"Then how do I equip my equipment?" Ling Xiaohei also asked. To be honest, he didn't even know what the hero's skills were, let alone how to equip them.

"Let's set up a crucible or something first, mainly to cool down the CD."

Yu Le thought for a moment, after all, he would still rely heavily on the gem's ultimate move when it came to operation later.


As for the commentary desk at this time, the three commentators all started new topics because of this sword master.

"I remembered it. It was most likely a routine that appeared a long, long time ago."

Maitreya thought for a long time before he remembered this routine. If I remembered correctly, the KG team had used this slutty routine more than ten years ago, but he never expected that it would still be used by the KG team more than ten years later.

"Ah? What kind of trick is this?"

Huahua looked confused, after all, she had just learned to walk more than ten years ago.

"He can be regarded as the ancestor of the jungle core genre." Maitreya recalled: "Juggernaut did not gank or control resources fifteen minutes ago. He brushed the wild monsters in his own jungle area and then went to the middle to eat the troops."

"And because Gems bring salary clothes when they go out, their levels won't affect them too much."

"This kind of gameplay is to give up lane suppression, give up map control resources, and then go all out to raise a Juggernaut. Just imagine that a three-piece set of Juggernaut will appear in ten minutes, and his level is three or four levels higher than the solo lane. What's the concept? As for team battles, it's easier to operate. When the gem releases his ultimate move, basically no one can stop it. "


Isn't this too ancient?

"No, if I remember correctly, the jungle knife now has a punishment mechanism." Zhui Feng thought for a moment and said, "It is easy to trigger the punishment mechanism before the jungle knife is made."

"So I can't understand it. Let's see how they operate it first." Maitreya shook his head.

At the same time, the PM team is also discussing how to play the Juggernaut. They guessed that the Juggernaut will definitely go to the middle to occupy the line of troops, but is this really cost-effective?

"Level 1, hold the line and wait for me."

Chen Xiuer decided to use the trick. If she guessed correctly, the Juggernaut should have finished her second buff and then went to the middle to attack the enemy line after getting an extra group of wilds. Then she only needed to seize this opportunity to get a wave of Juggernaut in the middle. , then you can cut off his rhythm.

The combination of Blind Sin + Galio also has control and damage at the second level.

Once the Juggernaut operates improperly, he will report it directly here.

But what she didn't expect was that Yu Le's opening route was different from others. Normally, Yu Le's side should open with blue buff, but when he was at level one, he captured Chen Xiuer's specific position through his keen perception, and then he directly chose Red BUFF is on.

"Just go online later."

Yu Le felt that he still couldn't let the PM team know his jungle route so quickly, so he asked them to cooperate a little bit.

"Do you want me to help you?" Xu Jiusheng asked,

After all, it is still a bit difficult to use the buff alone at the first level of Juggernaut.

"No, just start as normal."

Chen Xiuer successfully got her buff. She did not rush to get the second buff but continued to brush F6. She wanted to wait for the sword master to come over.

However, at this moment, Yu Le took off his first BUFF and went straight to Chen Xiuer's jungle area.

What stunned the commentator the most was that in order to avoid the view at the entrance to the wild area, Yu Le chose to flash next to the wall and go down to the river.


Even though Miroku is an experienced commentator, he really doesn't know how to describe the scene before him. Is this flash of the sword master worthless?

Is it really just to rush for time?

What if the blind man gets caught? Oh, the blind man is still in the lower half of the jungle, so that's okay.

But even so, this flash is too childish to use.

But not to mention, this flash caused Chen Xiuer to be completely unable to capture Yu Le's course of action. Yu Le started to attack Chen Xiuer's blue buff, but Chen Xiuer was still attacking F6.

"In this case, Chen Xiuer will basically not be able to detect the specific route of the Juggernaut. Not only will he lose a BUFF, but also because of this, he will not be able to judge the Juggernaut's jungle route."

Huahua came back to her senses and responded: "Now the early development of the Sword Master is guaranteed."

"But what's very strange is why Chen Xiu'er chose to stay in the middle. Was he waiting for the Sword Master?" Zhuifeng shook his head and said, "But the Sword Master has no intention of going to the middle."

"No, the Sword Master didn't leave after taking the mana, and planned to eat another group of wild monsters. Isn't this too bold?"

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