What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 73 If you are strong, you can be strong in everything.

Chapter 73 - If you are strong, you will be strong in everything.

In fact, this question is not just asked by the commentator;

This is also the question in the hearts of all the audience at the scene. They can't even think of what the PM team should do to stop this Juggernaut, especially when this Juggernaut has not returned home to update his equipment for a long time and got another five kills.

God knows what equipment this sword master will make.

As for the five people in the PM team at this time, they all fell silent.

The commentators and the audience may not have a very intuitive feeling because they are not the parties involved. They can only judge whether there is a headwind through some economic data through the game interface.

But the five of them were in the game,

No one knows the intimidating power of this Juggernaut better than them. Normally, they might think that sometimes the economy might be able to turn around with a difference of five thousand or six thousand.

But today they couldn't find a point to make a comeback, nor could they find a way to restrain the Sword Master.

Heroes like Juggernaut cannot compete in the game because they cannot develop, but this does not mean that this hero cannot carry.

In League of Legends, there are many heroes who can influence the situation of the battle, such as level 16 Kassadin, Big Mouth, etc.

It also includes the well-developed Juggernaut,

Especially when the PM team does not have much control over the lineup, this advanced swordmaster will be slaughtered once he enters the field.

"This one is gone."

Chen Xiuer melancholy said: "Mine."

Obviously the team's situation has developed like this, and she, the jungler, has a big responsibility.

"It doesn't matter, maybe he'll have a wave later."

"No one can survive this. This person's jungle ideas are different from others."

"Don't be discouraged, just give it another good shot and it'll be fine."

Teammates comforted each other one after another. Although everyone knew that the possibility of a comeback was close to zero, what could be done?

You can't surrender in the game, you can only fight hard!

But when they saw the updated equipment of this Juggernaut after returning home, each of them couldn't help but smile bitterly. Why would such a Juggernaut appear on the field?

twenty minutes,

Jungle Knife, Blade of the Ruined King, Sheep Knife, Blood Hand, Mercury Shoes,

Good guy, it’s a four-piece suit!

How does this work?

This kind of half-meat sword master is the most unsolvable. It can output explosions and resist at the same time.

And looking at his level, he has already reached level fifteen first.

Not to mention Chen Xiuer who was beaten in the jungle, even their normally developing upper middle school was pulled down two levels at this moment!

At this moment, there is only one emotion left in the hearts of the entire PM team: despair!

"Just take the big dragon and then wave."

After completing the sign-in task, Yu Le did not want to waste time at all, and followed closely to command the dragon.

"So fast?"

Xu Jiusheng was a little confused. Logically speaking, in this game, I had not even started to use Ornn to upgrade the equipment for my teammates, so why would there be a wave?

"Ah, am I really not going to be able to see what the dragon soul looks like in my lifetime?"

Geimer couldn't help but cry. He wanted to know more about what it felt like to have a dragon soul hanging on his body.

"We are a quality team. We cannot keep each other in pain just because of our personal hobbies." Yu Le suddenly said seriously: "This idea of ​​yours is very dangerous, do you understand?"



You, the person who takes the lead in rushing to the spring, are worthy of talking about your quality?

But joking aside, we still did what we should do, and the five of us teamed up to take the baron directly.

During this period, Team PM also noticed it.

But that’s all I can do is take a look.

Want to stop the baron fight?

Don't even think about this kind of thing. They are afraid that before they walk over, they will see a mad dog sword master with a big move charging directly towards them. He will cut down all of them in three to five times and the sword master will still be full. Bloody.

After getting the baron, the five of them directly grouped together and pushed directly.

The five members of the PM team could only retreat a little bit. In fact, they also knew that blocking was useless. They might as well pretend to defend and then retreat. Maybe they could end the game as soon as possible.

After all, this game is a torture for them every second.

The second tower in the middle road is high and broken,

Highlands and slopes,

Every time a tower was lost, everyone in the PM team breathed a sigh of relief, almost typing on the public screen and saying, "Hurry up and push, we don't want to play anymore."

"Why didn't they stop them? Are they really going to attack?" Xu Jiusheng asked doubtfully.

"Look at Yu Le's equipment, who do you think can stop him?" Ma Yi said in a dumbfounded voice, "I wish we could hurry up."

"Push push push, hurry up."

Yu Le urged, but looking at the little crispies trembling in front of their teeth, he couldn't help it.

Directly activating the ultimate move, Ling Xiaohei quickly knew that Yu Le was going to do this again, and conveniently equipped him with the ultimate move.

"You can kill faster than anyone else by shouting to push down the tower."

"This is to not give the opponent a chance to resist and increase the efficiency of our wave."

Yu Le rushed in without looking back and started his own massacre. When Team PM and others saw the Juggernaut coming in again with the ultimate move of gems, they simply gave up their resistance, as if lying on the ground and saying, I won't resist you anymore. Move yourself.

The entire audience couldn't help crying when watching this scene. This dog sword master is so cruel.

You push the tower, so why are you still killing? Can't you have some sympathy?

"Let's congratulate KG for winning the first game!" Maitreya couldn't help but sigh: "It's hard to imagine that there will be a day in our LPL league where the sword master will appear in the game, and he can still win such a huge advantage!"

"PM team still doesn't study Yu Le enough, otherwise it would be difficult for this sword master to develop so quickly in the early stage." Zhuifeng showed a regretful look on his face. He seemed to be a fan of PM team. Seeing PM team being beaten like this, he couldn't help but wash it in his heart.

Huahua didn't say anything, because she knew that this game was really not about the difference in lineup but the difference between the players.

It can only be described in one sentence, if you are strong, you can play anything well!

"No matter what, I hope the PM team can make adjustments in the second game." Maitreya said with a smile: "Of course, I also hope that the KG team can maintain this momentum in the second game and win today's victory in one go!"

The game time was frozen at 22 minutes and 34 seconds.

The PM team, which ranked fifth in the LPL summer season, was beaten by the lower-middle KG team in the first game!

This kind of underdog game has not appeared in front of the audience for many years. If the previous GNR was luck, then is today's game still luck?

Many viewers in the official live broadcast room began to think deeply. Is there really a miracle in this world that can make the whole team transform because of a change in one person?

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