What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 75 Don’t be afraid, you are the second best mid laner in the world

Chapter 75 - Don't be afraid, you are the second-best midfielder in the world

"Hello, audience friends, welcome back to the second game of today's competition."

After a short break, the second game started soon. The audience on the scene had already started to hold banners to cheer for the PM team. After all, it was a bit hard to get beaten like this in the first game.

The fifth-best PM team in the league was defeated by a lower-level team, and it was defeated in an extremely exaggerated record. Who can accept this?

"Hey, when will there be voices cheering for KG under the stage?" Ling Xiaohei glanced at the audience in the audience, and wherever he looked, he was all shouting for the PM team to cheer.

"To be honest, cheer for the girls or cheer for the men, if you were the audience, how would you choose? This is self-explanatory, right?" Geimer added silently at the side,


To be honest, it is true.

"Don't worry, as long as you crush the opponent's mid laner today, there will be people cheering for KG team in the next game."

"What if you can't crush him?"

"Then you will be crushed by your teammates."


"Okay, concentrate, BP begins."

Behind him is An Yurou, who is also reminding these naughty players that the atmosphere in the team is obviously much better now that Yu Le is in the team, although it may also be because of winning the game.

But no matter what, a good atmosphere in the team is one of the basic conditions for winning the game.

"The opponent directly banned the swordsman."

Xu Jiusheng took a look and laughed out loud. This is too funny. Just ban it if you really can't beat me?

It's just a swordsman.

Why ban this thing?

"This wave is very cost-effective. It can be regarded as cheating a ban position." An Yurou laughed dumbly. This kind of thing is very comfortable for any coach. If a player randomly picks a hero and performs well, the opponent must consider whether he will pick this hero in the next game.

Now that PM has banned this hero, it means that another jungle hero has been released, which is a good thing for them.

The three commentators on the commentary desk were also in tears and laughter. This Juggernaut was probably the only one on the ban list.

"But this is not a good thing for PM, because Yu Le's hero pool is still a mystery to many people. Banning a Juggernaut means that other heroes will be released." Maitreya calmed down and analyzed: "Now the BP of both sides has not changed much from the previous game. Obviously, PM thinks that the only core of KG is Yu Le, and they keep making a fuss about the jungle position."

"I think this is a bit too exaggerated. PM can try to use the side lane as a breakthrough point. In this way, KG's jungler will become uncomfortable no matter what hero he chooses."

Zhuifeng thought about it and felt that PM was a bit too cautious. It was unnecessary to use all the bans to target Yu Le.

"It's normal, because I don't know if everyone has an impression of Yu Le, the Zaozi brother of the GNR team." Huahua tilted his head and thought for a while, "Both of them gained advantages through operations in the laning phase, and they are also the only core of the team."

"This statement is very suitable, but there is one difference. Because of the position, AD needs the team to allocate most of its resources, but the top laner does not need it. Especially after Yu Le gained an advantage in the laning phase, his jungler can be directly released to help other lanes." Maitreya has now unconsciously become a Yu Le fan, and he always finds an opportunity to praise Yu Le.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with what he said, and others don't know how to refute it if they want to.

"Hey, why did KG directly lock the blind monk? What does this mean?"

At this time, Zhuifeng showed a surprised look. There is something wrong with KG's blind monk. Isn't he supposed to play the jungle core?

How come he pulled out a Lee Sin and took it in the first hand?

"Could it be that he wants to teach Chen Xiuer how to play Lee Sin?" Maitreya joked, "In this way, it is equivalent to confirming that KG did not focus on the jungler this time, that is, he directly used the PM team's routine in BP."

"Something is wrong. I am not targeting a certain person, but who else in the current KG team is qualified to be the main C in the team except Yu Le?" Zhuifeng analyzed in a serious manner, "In this way, KG's mid AD will bear a lot of pressure. I now have some doubts that they are Can they withstand this kind of pressure? "

"Let's keep watching. Obviously, once the blind monk is picked, the PM team will have a headache. If I guess correctly, they should want to continue to pick the blind monk."

"Let's keep watching, Syndra, is the KG team going to let the mid laner be the C position? Here comes the problem. I remember that whether it is the average output per minute, the average economy per minute or even the KDA, the PM team's mid laner is in the top ten of the league, while the KG team's mid laner Ling Xiaohei is at the bottom of the league."

Zhuifeng brought out some data to confirm his guess. Obviously, he was not optimistic about this KG game.

"In the game, data is not the most important. What is important is the on-the-spot performance of the players."


While they were talking, both sides had already determined their respective lineups.

KG's top laner is Crocodile, jungler is blind monk, mid laner is Syndra, and bottom lane is Aphelios + Thresh.

PM team has Ornn on top, Olaf in the jungle, Zoe in the middle, and Ashe + Karma in the bottom.

The lineups on both sides made many viewers, including those watching the live broadcast of the game, feel a little outrageous, because KG's lineup is too good. In the current version, no team can get both Syndra and Aphelios at the same time, but PM team let KG put together this high-intensity lineup to target Yu Le.

Just another question is that in terms of the current status or strength of other players in KG team, can they handle these two high-intensity version heroes?

And the strongest thigh in the team chose a blind monk, which is even more outrageous.

This hero can only lead the rhythm in the early stage and cannot take over the game in the late stage. Even if Yu Le is as fierce as a tiger and helps his teammates to establish an advantage in the early stage, the opponent is PM team. If you make a mistake in a team battle, you will lose all the advantages in the early stage.

So basically no one could understand what KG was doing in the second game, they almost wrote "I don't want to win" on their foreheads

"I'm a little nervous, damn."

This was the first time Ling Xiaohei had to take on a hero who was responsible for C, so he was really nervous.

"Don't be nervous, Ling Xiaohei, you are the second best mid laner in the world, believe in yourself, don't be afraid, just do it!"

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