Chapter 77 - The gap between junglers

At this time, the commentators also began to find that the situation was not right.

In addition to the bottom lane being at a disadvantage because of the jungler, the top and middle lanes also began to be at a disadvantage, and they were at a disadvantage without the help of the jungler.

This is very unusual.

Crocodile vs. Ornn and Syndra vs. Zoe are laning advantages, but Ling Xiaohei and Xu Jiusheng were able to maintain a balance with these heroes with strong laning, which was already a good situation. But what about now?

They actually played an advantage.

It was acceptable that Ornn in the top lane was suppressed by Crocodile, but the commentators saw that Zoe in the middle lane was suppressed and the most important thing was that her health was a little bit low, which made them feel very wrong.

"PM team is at a disadvantage in the top and middle lanes. I think Zoe is going home." Maitreya couldn't help but be surprised. He felt it was outrageous when he saw the screen given by the director.

I don't know whether to say that Syndra's skills are like a tracker or that Zoe didn't move.

She got hit by many skills that she shouldn't have, which caused Zoe's health to be a bit low.

"Grand Gun has to come over to help push the line. If he doesn't leave, Yu Le will come over." Huahua couldn't help but shake her head and said, "I think PM team seems to be affected in terms of mentality. Zoe has been suppressed in just a few minutes."

"Fortunately, Lee Sin didn't come over to have any ideas about the middle lane, but there happened to be a wave of soldiers in the top lane. Is he going to have any ideas about Ornn?"

At the same time in the game, Yu Le turned around and went to the top lane after seeing Grave Gun appear in the middle lane.

Because there happened to be a wave of soldiers in the top lane, and the crocodile was still in a red angry state, it was simply a godsend.

Although the focus is on the middle and bottom lanes, you have to look at the top lane occasionally. Even if you can't get a kill, forcing a flash is also an advantage.

Professional leagues don't mean that you have to get a kill to be considered an advantage. The so-called advantage is formed by a little bit of small details and eventually snowballed into an advantage.

"Do you want to cross?" Xu Jiusheng hesitated for a moment,

"You're not crossing the tower? Don't be afraid."

Yu Le disagreed. The mentality of all KG people is actually two words: seek stability.

Adhering to a mentality that I won't make mistakes if I do nothing, but in fact they should make changes.

I would rather make mistakes than do nothing.

"I can teleport."

At this time, Ling Xiaohei in the middle lane also noticed the situation in the top lane, and immediately said that he could teleport to support.

Because he had gained an advantage in the line for the first time, he began to become confident.

"Okay, if you come over, just cross directly."

Yu Le's eyes lit up,

It seems that the effect of [Strongest Domain] has been fully presented on Ling Xiaohei. That's right, now he is the world's second-best mid laner!

As a top mid laner, he never delays roaming in the lane.

The next moment, something unexpected happened in the game. When the soldiers entered the tower, Ornn was on guard, but his eyes were on the triangle bush. As long as Lee Sin came over, he would retreat directly. However, he did not expect that Lee Sin would go directly into his own jungle and come out from the side of the stone man.

And there was not only Lee Sin, but also Syndra who appeared out of nowhere.

Ornn was stunned. Can KG team have some shame?

I am only level 4. What do I mean by three people crossing the tower?

"This wave. This wave of crossing the tower is really a classic teaching!" Maitreya was a little incoherent on the commentary desk. Oh my God, what did he see?

It was surprising that their mid laner had an advantage, but now he actually learned to cooperate with his teammates to support and directly cross the tower!

What did Yu Le do?

It was able to make the entire team undergo a reborn change!

In this situation where three people cross the tower, Ornn definitely has nowhere to escape. This kill was taken by Crocodile, which is a huge advantage for the top lane!

"It's so comfortable to play."

Xu Jiusheng also smiled. If he got a kill in this wave of tower crossing, it would be too easy to fight Ornn next time.

"So don't be afraid, operate when you have the chance."

Yu Le is like a chicken soup master, and now he is constantly giving chicken soup to his teammates.

"You are the second top laner in the world, understand."

Xu Jiusheng nodded, this is right.


This wave of tower crossing successfully gave KG team a lot of advantages, especially Zoe and Graves. Now these two girls are even more miserable.

Fortunately, there is one more assist in the middle lane, so the problem is not particularly big.

But in terms of the jungle position, the gap is immediately apparent. Since the start of the game, Lee Sin has completed two perfect ganks, but what about Chen Xiuer's Graves?

In this context, Chen Xiuer's Graves seems to be shopping.

Chen Xiuer can only farm at the door now. Perhaps the only good news for her is that her jungle area is preserved this time. At least this blind monk does not continue to treat other people's jungle areas as a back garden.

After all, according to the development curve, Graves' role in the later stage is much greater than that of blind monk.

However, she doesn't know whether Yu Le didn't invade the jungle area because he was too lazy to go.

The middle lane has an advantage in the laning and teleports to the top lane to support a wave, resulting in a little experience ahead of Zoe and reaching level 6 earlier,

At this time, Yu Le started to work. He took advantage of the time difference and came to the opposite F6 to signal Ling Xiaohei to find an opportunity to push Zoe and kill her.

"Can you kill her?"

Ling Xiaohei was a little doubtful and unconfident.

"Yes, as long as you push Zoe, she will die."

"You have to flash. If you can't push her with flash, I will be a background again."

After estimating the casting distance, Ling Xiaohei thought that flashing might be necessary to have a surprise attack effect.

"Don't be afraid, it's not the first time you've been a background, right?" Geimer in the bottom lane couldn't help but joked, because it was a rare situation for them to get an advantage by laning in the bottom lane, and now everyone in the team was in a relaxed mood.

Ling Xiaohei:...

What's wrong with this person? Why does he always like to tell the truth? Doesn't he know that this is very hurtful?

But since the words have come to this point, Ling Xiaohei has nothing to hesitate about. He flashed and stunned Zoe with a double EQ combo.

At the same time, Yu Le used his Q skill through the wall to hit Zoe's second stage Q and then went over to deal some damage. He then used W to move out of the range of the defense tower, and Syndra's ultimate skill poured all the damage on Zoe to kill her!

This operation made Yu Le's blind monk look very calm and confident. As the saying goes, a real man never looks back.

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