What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 83 Yu Le's first live broadcast

Chapter 83 - Yu Le’s first live broadcast

"Are you an honest person? Haha"

An Yurou glanced at him and exclaimed in disbelief. If Yu Le was an honest person, then there would be no bad people in the world.

"To be fair, it's my turn to improve my score today."

Next to him, Ma Yi was rubbing his hands. It was a joy to watch his midfielder and Yu Le double-ranking together a few days ago. The speed of winning points by lying down was as fast as riding a rocket.

"Hurry up and double queue with me. I don't want to think about who is the support who raised you to be fat and fat." Geimer next to him said carelessly.

Ma Yi:…….

"Is there anything else I should pay attention to during my first live broadcast?" Yu Le tilted his head and asked,

"It's nothing, just calm down." Wei Feng, who was lying on the sofa next to him, said feebly: "Just don't expect too much."

"Actually, it's just like that. Our team is not well-known and we don't have many fans." Ling Xiaohei comforted: "There will probably only be a few thousand people by then. Just read the barrage from time to time."

"Oh, this is quite simple."


"You will know later how difficult it is to live broadcast, you have to read barrage interactions and play games, and you will always see some comments from keyboard warriors." Wei Feng said in a dumbfounded voice: "Anyway, just don't let your mentality be affected. "

"That's not it, isn't it just a live broadcast? Is there anything that will affect your mentality?"

"I hope you can still maintain this mentality after the live broadcast."

At the same time, the Raccoon Live Broadcasting Platform has already provided all the resources that should be provided.

When you open the APP, you will see Yu Le’s team promotional photo, and there is also a line of text underneath: The future top laner of the new world!

Resources of this size are only arranged when some super anchors or top professional players move in.

So before Yu Le officially started the live broadcast, many people gathered to watch. After all, the name Yu Le is familiar to any fan who likes to watch League of Legends games during this period.

At eight o'clock, Yu Le also started the live broadcast on time.

The live broadcast room suddenly became active, and the number of online viewers exceeded tens of thousands in almost the blink of an eye. Ling Xiaohei and Wei Feng next to them both looked envious. Why did this kid have so many viewers during his live broadcast?

"Hey, why are there only 30,000 people? Wei Feng, didn't you say it's difficult to increase the number of live broadcasts?"

Yu Le turned around and asked why it was different from what others said.

Wei Feng:......

"This is directly 50,000. What's going on? Did the official swipe the data for me?"

After a few seconds, Yu Le felt something was wrong, and even felt that the data was not real.

Ling Xiaohei:......

What's going on with this guy? Can it be installed like this?

"One hundred thousand"

Yu Le's face was full of questions, and he couldn't help but said to himself: "Are you all alive?"

When these words fell, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help it.

"I never thought that as a viewer, I would one day be treated like a human being by the host."

"Leshen, I am not only human but also alive. Do you want to give me a shot?"

"The future Shiyi top laner? How dare you brag?"

"Who is this? I've never heard of it. Who gave you the courage to say that you are Shiyi's top laner?"

"The anchor is a bad person and abused my GNR spring water. Please remember this."

"Not only the GNR team, but also the PM team was tortured today. It is said that Chen Xiuer cried after the game."

"Why do so many people accuse me of abuse?"

Yu Le suddenly became unhappy, thought for a moment and said, "Which team are you fans of? Let me note it down."

The live broadcast room became much quieter at this time. It seemed that he was afraid that Yu Le would get a small notebook and write it down again when it was KG's turn to play their home team.

Yu Le also logged into his game account at this time. As soon as he went online, he saw a message from Brother Zaozi.

"Awesome, brother, this jungler really scared me today."

"That's it, just for fun." Yu Le replied casually,

Brother Zaozi on the other side of the computer was also stunned for a moment. He looked at this sentence in the chat box for a long time before saying: "Why is this person so pretentious?"

"One thing to say, I think it's lucky that he was playing top lane that day, otherwise he would probably be gone after beating me."

The incense pot next to him came over to take a look and smiled: "Rang Di has been seeing a psychiatrist every day since he was beaten. I think Chen Xiuer is almost done today and should see a psychiatrist."

"Shall we do two?"

Brother Zaozi is also ready to play a few games with Yu Le in double queue.

First of all, it was the sympathy between geniuses. He knew that Yu Le was broadcasting live for the first time today, so what he did to GNR a few days ago was probably going to be washed away by some extreme team fans.

Inviting him to double queue is a way to stop some trolls.

The game is a game. No matter how good the game is on the field, there are no grudges between professional players.

Especially since he has experienced this, he knows very well that it is quite harsh for a newcomer to face public opinion. At this juncture, being in double queue with him can be regarded as a kind of protection.

Another way is that he feels that it was the biggest regret that GNR Club did not sign Yu Le.

If you can't be a teammate in reality, you can always make up for your regrets with your teammates in the game.

Yu Le thought about it and did not refuse. He accepted Zaozige's invitation directly. Playing alone is playing, playing with two people is playing, it's the same.

I have to say that Zaozige's move is amazing.

There are fewer fans in the live broadcast room who scold Yu Le for abusing the GNR team's fountain. After all, Zaozige is a celebrity in LPL. Even the parties who were kicked out in the game did not speak. These black fans are too embarrassed to speak.

"Hey, hey, hey, can you hear me?" Zaozige's voice came from the game.

"Yeah, I can hear it."

"Then go ahead and help me win." Zaozige didn't know whether he was joking or sincere.

Yu Le clicked on Zaozige's record and almost laughed out loud. What is eight consecutive defeats?

Is this the current situation of AD?

"You lost miserably."

Yu Le said. This record doesn't seem to be the same as Wei Feng after his duo.

"That can't be helped. Xiao Ming is resting. I don't know what kind of monsters I met in the solo queue today."

When it comes to the record, Zaozige starts to complain.

What a 0-7 top laner, a mid laner who can't support, a jungler who can't catch anyone.

"That's right, so I have one idea in mind whether I play in a match or in a ranked match." Yu Le also expressed the same feeling at this time.


"As long as I kill faster than my teammates, I can win."

Zaozige: !!! !!! !!! !!!

Easy to understand!

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