Chapter 94 - This Ornn is too awesome

"What is wild core?"

Yu Le looked confused,

"have no idea."

"Probably just for taking damage in team battles."

"Your penis doesn't smell like cum."

Several teammates also cooperated with Yu Le to get angry, which made Wei Feng have the urge to strangle his teammates to death.

"The so-called wild core system depends on whether you have the heart to carry the whole team." Yu Le said disapprovingly: "You can play as a wild core even if you play a pig girl Zach."

"Is this why you, Aoun, chased and beat the opponent?" Ma Yi said resentfully,

Yu Le's performance in the team battle just now can only be described as perfect. It's hard to imagine that one person can play the front-row tank hero well.

"Isn't it enough to have hands?" Yu Le shrugged his shoulders and said: "The other side is like glass. You can't blame me if it breaks when you touch it."


A good one will break when touched.

But we can't blame the opponent for being unable to stand up. After all, Yu Le's Ornn is different from the ordinary Ornn. The ordinary Ornn is Sunfire + Abyss Mask, because these two equipment match the attributes of the tank and can be upgraded.

But Yu Le’s style is the Ice Fist style, because the Ice Fist equipment can also be upgraded, which increases its output ability on top of having some physical resistance attributes.

It means that he doesn't regard the opponent's top order as a human being.

GDE's back row is all dead.

And KG just lost a jungler.

Seeing this, Qinggangying and Galio could only retreat. After all, the two of them couldn't defeat the four on the opposite side. They could only watch helplessly as Ornn took down the Canyon Herald.

After this wave of team battles, the GDE team suffered a huge loss.

"This Aoun is so awesome." Maitreya couldn't help but sigh. He looked at Yu Le now like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law. The more he looked at Yu Le, the more he liked her.

As a new top laner, he can play carry-type top laners and also play in the front row of tanks. This is simply the most perfect top laner professional player. It is really wrong for him to join the KG team. It should be said that the KG team has He is the greatest luck.

"Ah, I understand!"

At this time, Xiye suddenly said: "I finally understand why Yule wants to take Ornn in this game."


The Cat King has a question mark on his face. Although Yu Le's Ornn is indeed playing very well, if he were replaced by someone like Sword Queen, the effect might be better.

"It's like a way to express yourself."

Xiye sorted out his words and said: "Perhaps everyone knows that in the last two games of KG, whether it was against the GNR or PM teams, they have shown an extremely terrifying dominance, and because of this, they It will definitely become the research object of other teams, and they will even focus on Yu Le.”

"Previously, Yu Le gave us the impression that he was a carry-type top laner with a output flow, and we have seen many players of this type in the LPL. It may be difficult for them to control the kind of tank tool player, such as Ornn."

Xi Ye analyzed clearly and said: "But Yu Le took the initiative to use this type of hero today, which is invisibly telling other teams that it is unrealistic to target him through the hero pool."

Maitreya and the Cat King looked at each other and nodded.

Not to mention. This statement is somewhat interesting.

"The player Yu Le really brought us too many surprises." Maitreya couldn't help laughing: "We still don't know whether the KG team with player Yu Le can enter the World Championship this year, but it can What is certain is that the KG team will definitely have a place among the top LPL teams in the coming year.”

Even old fans like Maitreya dare not guarantee that KG will definitely make it to the playoffs now. They can only say that the KG team has a bright future.

Because KG lost so many before Yu Le joined, KG now has only one way to enter the playoffs.

Undefeated in one game.

All subsequent games must be maintained at 2:0, and any appearance of 2:1 will depend on the expressions of other teams to determine the score.

Now Yule brings surprises to them in every game.

From Kennen, Sword Lady, Green Steel Shadow and now Ornn, every time he plays a hero, he seems to prove his accomplishments in the top lane position.

Unlike ordinary newcomers,

Yu Le doesn’t need time to grow, nor does he need to defeat anyone to prove himself.

Now he has achieved that just this ID is enough for other teams to take him seriously.

And this is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that he can also swing to the jungle position, and his performance in the jungle position is not weaker than that of the previous unit. This can be the ultimate secret of the KG team. Weapon, swing Yu Le to the jungle position.

As for the original jungler?

Since you can get sick once, you can also "get sick" a second time.

Of course, Wei Feng in the game didn't realize that the commentary had arranged a "sickness" scenario for him at the critical moment.

This Wei Feng was also played very well. I gained some advantages by myself and then converted them into team advantages. After plundering some map resources, I kept suppressing the blind monk at a high frequency, and soon there was a level of suppression.

After Yu Le got the canyon, he also smashed the first-blood tower on the top lane. After all, Ornn was still not as good at demolishing towers as Sword Princess Qinggang Shadow, so he didn't expect his canyon to be able to directly destroy it. Got to the high ground,

The only person who suffers unexplainably is the blind monk.

Qinggang Shadow was defeated in the lane, so it was understandable that he was miserable, but what about the blind monk?

Now there is an invasion of male guns in the lower half, and Ornn in the upper half.

After Yu Le destroyed a tower, he began to stay in the upper half of the blind monk's jungle area for a long time. For a time, the audience thought that Ornn was a jungler.

"Find a way to interrupt Ornn's rhythm."

The GDE team also wants to solve Ornn first. If it continues at this rate, Ornn's level will increase beyond the timeline.

This hero is not a fierce hero who can defeat several enemies at once.

But when he reaches a higher level, he can not only upgrade equipment for himself, but also upgrade equipment for teammates. This is the strongest point of Ornn as a hero.

On the GDE team, the three midfielders and upper junglers soon found Yu Le in trouble. However, Yu Le relied on his keen sense to detect the danger in advance and directly told his teammates not to worry about it and quickly went to get the plating money.

As for him, he was surrounded and suppressed by three people from the beginning of the river, and they staged a desperate escape script for everyone.

However, the GDE team did not consider that the output capabilities of the three of them were completely insufficient. Galio, the blind monk who could not defend the jungle, and the Qinggang Shadow who was penetrated in the lane.

Against Yu Le, Ornn lacks the output of a fatal blow, so he can only chase after him.

But Yu Le didn't panic at all, as if he was taking a leisurely stroll in his back garden.

From the river to the jungle area of ​​the GDE team and then to the high ground of the GDE team,

Three people chased after each other

As for the second dragon at this time, Wei Feng also took it easily. Ueno and Ueno in the GDE team were in trouble, and Ornn was too strong.

How can it be so meaty! ! !

You should be fine after taking today's medicine. Don't be afraid

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