What to do if you sign in with the world champion at the start

Chapter 99 A jungler who can't play Yasuo mid is not a good top laner

Chapter 99 - A jungler who can’t play mid laner Yasuo is not a good top laner.

The GDE team is also a little panicked at this time. Can this be a swing?

If Ling Xiaohei chooses Yasuo because he doesn’t regard them as human beings, then swinging up and down in this situation is tantamount to directly stating that your GDE team is a human machine in my eyes.

Because top lane and mid lane have completely different requirements for professional players.

Top lane requires not only operations, but also an understanding of troop lines, gank prevention and even the most important awareness of support. These requirements are more stringent than mid-level units. Many players have experienced this in ranked. If you don't understand the troop line properly on the top lane, you will be stuck in the main troop line and it will be very uncomfortable.

But because the line in the middle is short, no matter how stuck you are, you can't control more lines of troops. Even if someone comes to catch you, you can quickly leave with displacement skills or flash.

Even in ranking, let alone in the professional arena,

Many times in the professional arena, the competition is not about who can operate better but who has more flaws. Once a flaw is caught, the opponent will quickly tear apart the entire team's defense.

"I'm not the one who started the trouble. I definitely can't bear it if it happens." The Cat King also said in anger on the commentary platform: "I won't say whether Yu Le can play in the middle, but Ling Xiaohei What does it mean for a middle-aged mid laner to go to the top lane? If GDE's top laner can't penetrate, his worth will be reduced by zero. "

"We have to look at the specifics. I think this lineup is actually quite reasonable. Prince Rambo is a tactical system in itself. As for Yu Le's Yasuo, I personally am not worried about it. The problem now is Ling Xiaohei Can you be stable on the top lane?" Maitreya thought for a while and said calmly: "This may be a tactical attempt by the GDE team."

"You said that if this attempt is successful, it will be very difficult for any team to do BP in the future, because this swing tactical system is the most difficult to target. It is no longer the heroes who swing, but the players." Xiye He couldn't help but sigh,

Maitreya expressed his deep sympathy and said: "Yes, this ultimate swing system tactic is actually KG's special skill. If the audience in front of the computer is an audience from ancient times, they will definitely be interested in the team that won the first LPL championship. The team has an impression that they were able to achieve this level of swing back then.”

At the same time, in the game, the positions of the KG team and several others also made the audience realize that although Yasuo was controlled by the top laner, he was actually going to the middle.

This is full of drama. If another team had done this, they might not have been directly criticized by fans to the point of shutting down all the members. Oh, the KG team has no fans, so that’s fine.

Moreover, Yu Le was a ruthless man who played two junglers in a row and crushed the PM team in the last game. Let alone him playing Yasuo now, no one would question him even if he took out a wet nurse and walked on the road.

Maybe a jungler who can't play mid laner Yasuo is not a good top laner?

"Ah Le, I'm panicking. What if my Rambo is smashed to pieces?" Ling Xiaohei was a little nervous. After all, the route to the top is too demanding on technique.

"It's okay, the order from the other side is very good." Yu Le thought for a while and said,

"That's for you." Ling Xiaohei was quite speechless. Just because you, Yu Le, think he is good at it doesn't mean that I can say he is good at it.

"Let's do this. I'll teach you the secret of playing top lane." Yu Le said leisurely: "If you don't have the desire to kill, you won't die."

Ling Xiaohei:?

Soon the game officially started laning. When the mid laner of the GDE team saw that he was actually laning against Yasuo, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of pain in his balls.

In terms of skill mechanism, Yasuo is relatively resistant to cards.

Especially starting from the second level, as long as Yasuo knows his skills well, he can basically make the cards only have A.

And he still doesn’t know Yu Le’s strength in the middle.

So he seemed very cautious in this situation. After all, he was afraid that if this guy showed the dominance of the top laner, he would really suffer.

However, Yu Le did not intend to live in such peace with him.

Because this game itself is bound to be a massacre!

When Yu Le struck, he hit very hard, even though he was the one with short hands.

Every time the third stage of the Q skill is saved, the card can be accurately knocked into the air. This gives the mid laner of the GDE team a headache. He doesn't know whether it is Yu Le's prediction that is too good or his own positioning. Too bad

Although there is no harm in eating skills, eating too much is really not good.

When he reached the second level, Yu Le learned the E skill and immediately started to be happy. Although at this stage he would still receive the card's W yellow card and the damage from the Q skill, his shield was completely justified and he was directly close to the card. He started slashing around the card, grasped the CD of the card's W skill, and then used the soldier line E to go back.

This process of changing the blood makes the mid laner of the GDE team want to smash the keyboard.

Can you do a good job of last-hitting?

Can't we all live in peace and develop, can't you still consume my remaining blood and jump over the tower to kill me?

Soon both sides reached the third level, and as Yasuo reached the third level, the initiative in the middle lane began to be completely in Yu Le's hands, because of the existence of [Sensitive Perception], he could clearly capture the opponent. Regarding the specific position of the jungler, he didn't worry about being caught at all, so whenever he had the opportunity, he would directly go to the E line to play a set of cards. When the damage was almost done, he would come back with E.

During this process, Card had no way to deal with Yasuo,

because as long as his W skill was used, Yasuo would definitely block it with a wind wall.

As for the CD of the wind wall?

This Yasuo is a thief who messes with people's mentality. He won't come up when the wind wall is on cooldown, and he will have a wind wall in hand whenever he comes up.

After being messed with like this twice, Card's supplies were completely consumed, while Yu Le's health was still at a very healthy level.

By comparing them, it is natural to see which of the two mid laners is stronger in terms of confrontation.

"Their jungler and support are coming to the middle."

Yu Le suddenly said. Under his keen perception, the opponent's jungler and support actually gathered together to mess with him in the middle lane?

"No, shouldn't his support be in the bush?" Gaimer showed a surprised look on his face. When did this support leave?

"Don't believe it? You will know if you force a wave of pressure on the opponent's AD." Yu Le said with a smile. It seems that the GDE team wants to use himself as a breakthrough point this time.

Hearing Yu Le's words, the duo in the bottom lane looked at each other and then made a bold move.

The support is not here, right?

You are still pretending to be so good when the support is not here. Good fellow, let me show you what it means to have more people against fewer people.

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