Therefore, before playing the game "Martial Arts World" every day, it became Ji Yunzhou's daily routine to visit the official forum and take a look at the sand sculpture netizens who have broad ideas and lots of fun.

Today, the most popular post in the official forum turned out to be a post in the [Game Guide] section, titled - "A new genre of self-created game play - Zi Gong Liu!" ", the poster's ID is [a beast who studies future technology].

With curiosity in his heart, Ji Yunzhou clicked on this post, and sure enough he found that this post was full of useful information. At first glance, it looked like the kind of guide that had been made with great effort. It was important that every player who viewed the post could follow it. Follow the above guide and follow the instructions to complete a certain goal.

Ji Yunzhou read on with great interest, but at the end, he was completely confused by this strategy post!

It turns out that this strategy post actually teaches other players how to go directly to the Lin family's Xiangyang Lane old house in "The Swordsman" to learn the "Evil Sword Manual" through hard work, and finally pass the "If you want to practice this skill, you must first practice it in the palace" The "Secret Book of Magic Skills" and "Evil Sword Manual" became popular, and he got rid of his identity as a low-level minion and quickly rose up in the world!

Judging from the original work of "The Swordsman", this is indeed worth a try, because in the original work, those warriors who successfully practiced the "Evil Sword Manual" have become first-class masters in the world.

For example, Lin Pingzhi and Yue Buqun, the former could be said to have avenged his great revenge by practicing swordsmanship in his own palace, while the latter successfully became the leader of the Five Mountains Sword Sect, turning the head of the Songshan Sect, an ambitious man who was determined to win and had all kinds of calculations, into the head of the Songshan Sect. After Zuo Lengchan was killed, he became the final boss.

As for Dongfang Bubai, who has already practiced the "Sunflower Collection", it goes without saying that he is the early boss of the entire book "The Swordsman".

Lin Yuantu, who created the Fuwei Escort Agency earlier, also relied on the "Evil Sword Manual" to shock the martial arts world, but it also laid the groundwork for the subsequent tragedy of the Lin family.

After Ji Yunzhou read this informative guide post, he had to express his admiration for the player whose ID is "The Called Beast Who Researches Future Technology". His imagination is too big, and this operation is too sexy!

In order to successfully encourage more players to join this "self-uterine flow" genre, the poster also described his own self-uterinement process in detail, saying that as long as the pain is minimized, the process will be almost painless, and it will probably be like If you get bitten by a mosquito, your lower body will feel cold, and that’s it!

In addition, self-conception in the game will never affect physical functions in real life, so what are you waiting for? Act quickly and kill everyone in the game through "Evil Sword Manual", today!

[The beast who studies future technology] also emphasized that men’s things are useless in games anyway, and they can’t even take off their pants, so what else do you want to do, so cutting off this useless fat is the right choice. ! The true direction of human evolution!

Ji Yunzhou thought about how he was tortured and killed in the game by various martial arts people who did not even have names in the novel, and then thought about the thrilling feeling of killing everyone after practicing the "Evil Sword Manual", he unexpectedly found that practicing swordsmanship in the palace seemed real. Very tempting!

At this time, he suddenly understood more about those people who practiced this martial arts in their own palaces in "The Swordsman". In fact, both Lin Pingzhi and Yue Buqun can be regarded as tragic characters. I remember when he was watching "The Swordsman" When I wrote the novel "Jianghu", I thought Lin Pingzhi was the protagonist!

I can't help it. The whole family is broken up at the beginning. Isn't it the standard configuration of the protagonist? Even the appearance and personality are very similar to the protagonist.

According to the development of the general martial arts novel routine, Lin Pingzhi should be possessed by the protagonist's aura after his family was destroyed, and then he would have various adventures, and finally succeed in revenge and win the beauty back...

Who would have thought that Mr. Jin would be so naughty and carry out the counter-routine to the end? Lin Pingzhi became completely black. Although he succeeded in revenge, he also lost everything. He also personally killed his junior sister Yue Lingshan who loved him deeply.

And Yue Buqun, the "Junzi Sword", is actually in a particularly miserable situation. He can be regarded as a very responsible leader, but in the end he has an unreliable disciple like Linghu Chong, and the "Sword Sect" of the Huashan Sect is causing trouble. , there are careerists like Zuo Lengchan suppressing him from outside. Unwilling to let the foundation of the Huashan Sect go to waste in his hands, he can only become stronger by any means!

These characters in the novel choose to become stronger from the womb, but they have to truly experience this painful process. Not only the physical pain, but also their psychology will become very distorted as a result...

But the players in "Martial Arts World" do not need to bear this. They can treat the matter of "self-gown" more detachedly. Anyway, this is just a game. At worst, if you play this game badly, you can start a new one. .

It is not a loss to carry out various trials and errors and open up new fields through this first gear.

Ji Yunzhou silently collected this post. He was not ready to follow this guide to follow the "Zi Gong Flow" immediately. He would rather let other players who dared to try new genres try the water first.

In this powerful guide post, the responses from other players can also be said to be very enthusiastic!

"The poster is a great talent! I bow down to the poster's powerful strategy!"

"Zigongliu is too sexy, the poster really knows how to play..."

"It's not easy to practice swordsmanship in one's own palace these days. The poster died dozens of times just to obtain the "Evil Sword Manual" and then practice swordsmanship in one's own palace. It's quite hard to think about it..."

"Zi Gongliu feels unreliable. It basically means sacrificing future potential and just going for it. He may be very strong in the big map of "Swordsman", but what if he goes to "Dragon Babu"? Then He will probably be completely tortured.”

"I mean I'm not a newbie at the beginning of "The Swordsman". I'm just sitting back and watching all the cool moves from the bosses. Is there any boss from the beginning of "Seven Swordsmen" who can share their strategies for starting the game?"

""Seven Swordsmen Down the Tianshan Mountains"? Isn't it enough to kill the Tatars? However, Liang Yusheng's novels are really not as popular as Jin Yong and Gu Long. From visual inspection, "Swordsman" is the most popular choice in this forum to start, and "Sentimental Swordsman" is the most popular one. Secondly, "Seven Swordsmen Down the Tianshan" has the least, so there are also few strategies."

First update today! ! !

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