If Li Shushan was an ordinary home buyer now, he would definitely have to consider many things, such as whether the price of the house exceeds the budget, whether the location of the house has transportation advantages, whether the house is in a school district...

Yes, buying a house is a top priority for every ordinary person, or even for the entire family. Mainly among today's young people, how many of them can buy a house entirely by their own ability? Everyone says they have to rely on "six wallets".

And when you reach a certain age, how can you find the person you like without the almost standard condition of "owning a house and a car" now?

It will definitely make it lose in competition with others, unless there is a face that can rely on it to capture the woman through so-called love.

However, the problem is that at the age of marriage, the woman will definitely not be as naive as she was when she was a student.

The most important thing is that these days, as long as a woman is a little bit pretty, in her student days, as long as she wants to, love is easily available, because there is really no shortage of people chasing her.

Therefore, when a woman reaches a certain age, she will no longer be easily moved by so-called love. If you don't come up with superior conditions, you can't get her easily.

Cheap love, she no longer wanted to experience it a second time.

Li Shushan is undoubtedly lucky. The moment the heroines in his novels come to reality, his original ordinary and even bleak life has been completely changed.

There is no way. Nowadays, people's origins can indeed determine most people's lives. There are really too few people who can achieve class leaps through their own efforts.

Many people work hard all their lives, but they can only reach the starting point of the lucky ones, or even not reach the starting point.

Li Shushan's background is very ordinary, and the university he went to is also very ordinary. He does not have a strong ambition, that is, he just likes fantasy and uses novels to interpret his fantasies.

In this way, he may become a little famous in the field of online novels as time goes by, but it will certainly not be too great. After all, he is only a niche writer.

But now Li Shushan, although he is still Li Shushan, is no longer Li Shushan.

Li Shushan's budget for buying a house is 30 million yuan, which is already three times the original amount. Who made the players of "Martial Arts World" so enthusiastic about spending money?

However, after spending so much money to buy a house, he will definitely not have enough money to buy an LPL team for the time being. It is said that the current price of an LPL team may not be worth hundreds of millions of dollars.

It can only be said that the e-sports competition of "League of Legends" is indeed becoming more and more popular, and more and more viewers are paying attention to e-sports.

But Li Shushan is not in a hurry at all. LPL teams can't afford it, but that doesn't mean LDL teams can't afford it either. Now almost every LPL team has its second team, which is used to compete in LDL.

This is basically used to train newcomers. Teams that do well in their youth training camp will often have a very strong second team.

Li Shushan was not prepared to become a big fat man in one go. He would be tired if he kept pointing his sword at S9 or something.

Besides, it is unrealistic for Yu Shengfan to be eligible to participate in S9. It is almost September now, and the S9 series will start in October. The three LPL teams that can go to S9 have already been gearing up and preparing their troops. It is impossible to do it here. It’s time to change the participating team members, not to mention that Yu Shengfan is still a female player.

Therefore, the time for Yu Shengfan to truly shine in the professional arena should be next year, and the organizers of the LPL have also released news that the number of teams in the LPL will definitely increase next year.

Obviously, the organizers of the LPL have great ambitions and want to turn this e-sports event into the NBA of Stars and Stripes, so there is no doubt that the organizers welcome major capital to enter.

In such a situation, Li Shushan does not have to worry about being unable to successfully purchase an LPL team even if he has money. Moreover, in the process from this year to next year, Li Shushan will also use the "Windsor" eldest lady's deceitful method to acquire some social impacts. Powerful companies form groups and build LPL teams in the name of large company groups. This is also the current development trend of LPL.

At this time, Li Shushan took Olivia and Yu Shengfan directly to see the villa they wanted to buy.

The only thing that Li Shushan, a home buyer, needs to consider is the preferences of Olivia and Yu Shengfan, especially Olivia. After all, the fundamental reason why "Martial Arts World" can make money lies in her magical magic.

"What? I've only made a thousand dollars from my live broadcast and handed it over to you. Lao Li, how come you have money to buy a villa?" Yu Shengfan said in disbelief.

After Yu Shengfan got acquainted with Li Shushan, she just called Li Shushan "Lao Li" like buddies. Anyway, the other party also called her "Xiaoyu". She felt that the two names "Xiaoyu" and "Lao Li" went well together. , which seemed to make her dominate Olivia, which made Yu Shengfan quite happy.

Before Li Shushan could answer Yu Shengfan, Olivia responded calmly: "Yu Shengfan, this is the value of magic."

Olivia always calls everyone by their full name. This is her unique habit. People who don't know her well will feel alienated. Coupled with her rather reserved and superior temperament, It can be said that the arrogance of the mage is vividly explained.

Yu Shengfan snorted softly, grabbed one of her ponytails, and bared her little fangs. She felt a little unconvinced. As long as she was given a little more time, she would definitely be able to make a lot of money through live broadcasts!

Maybe this is also related to the fact that Yu Shengfan did not go to big live broadcast platforms such as Douyu and Huya. The place she chose to live broadcast turned out to be the Mowang platform, because this platform belongs to Li Shushan, and she and Li Shushan wear a pair of Pants, so the rewards from the audience will 100% be counted as money earned by her.

When Yu Shengfan saw that the side mission in her game panel was about to be completed successfully, she felt like "Kobe and I scored 82 points together", and Li Shushan was clearly the pinnacle Kobe!

Li Shushan did not hide anything, and directly told Yu Shengfan how to make money through "Martial Arts World", which made Yu Shengfan feel even more "Old Li is awesome!" She is worthy of her destiny as a game designer. This His ability to induce players to make money is truly amazing.

And this time when viewing the house, Yu Shengfan didn't express any opinions. First, because she felt that she was not qualified. The money to buy the villa was all obtained by Lao Li and the hot old woman. She completed her own house without any hesitation. Secondly, she is not particular about where she lives. A computer and Internet are enough.

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [note book] for the 1000 reward, [Shuzi Youth] and [Super High School Ace Pigeon] for the 100 reward~~~

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