What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 140 Cashing out rewards [Ten updates]

"Lao Li, I have successfully completed the mission and I am back!" Yu Shengfan said excitedly.

"Xiaoyu, welcome home, thank you for your hard work. This is the Happy House water specially prepared for you." Li Shushan smiled and offered her a Coke.

Unlike Olivia who prefers sweets, Yu Shengfan likes junk food on earth. Potato chips, cola, barbecue, fried food and the like are her favorites, because in the original world, her Her parents didn't allow her to eat these at all.

After coming to Li Shushan, she completely let herself go. Anyway, the existence of the "game board" prevented her body from being negatively affected by eating junk food. On the contrary, it also increased her pleasure value. The higher the pleasure value , the better she will be in playing games.

Perhaps the only negative effect of the "game panel" is that Yu Shengfan's appearance will no longer change. She will always look like a fourteen-year-old girl with twin tails.

Because Yu Shengfan's body is no longer a human body, but a special body under the 'game' system. It's probably like you pinch a character to play a game. As long as you keep playing the game, the character's appearance will never change. It won't change, you can only change the character's hairstyle, outfit, etc.

Yu Shengfan happily took the Coke, opened it and took a big sip. Then he gave it to Su Wuming, who was exuding sword energy behind his back to support Yu Shengfan, and asked her to try the earth's specialties.

Su Wuming blankly imitated Yu Shengfan's behavior and took a small sip, with a faint arc at the corner of his mouth.

Yu Shengfan said at this time: "If you complete this task, you should also get a reward that greatly increases your favorability, Lao Li. But I can't see your favorability. How can I prove that you have a significant increase in my favorability?" Has it been improved?"

Li Shushan couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. He should have a full favorable impression of the female characters he "wrote". He could treat everyone equally and treat everyone equally, because their appearance also completely made him realize it. The fantasy in your heart makes this boring world interesting.

At this moment, Yu Shengfan received a reminder from the "game panel", saying that Li Shushan's favorable impression of her was enough for her to directly ask Li Shushan to hug her, as long as she took the initiative to speak.

Yu Shengfan couldn't help but feel overjoyed. She felt that although there was no numerical value to judge Li Shushan's favorability towards her, this method seemed to be able to replace the numerical value!

She didn't think much, and said to Li Shushan in front of Olivia: "Old Li, give me a hug and prove it in this way."

Li Shushan will naturally not reject Yu Shengfan. He can be said to be Yu Shengfan's guardian in this world. He almost dotes on Yu Shengfan to heaven. He strongly supports Yu Shengfan in playing games because he respects Yu Shengfan. He said that this is a kind of practice. He also supports Olivia's study of magic. These are their ways of establishing themselves.

Li Shushan hugged Yu Shengfan like this, which was regarded as encouragement for her to successfully complete the task and bring Su Wuming to reality. A good child like Yu Shengfan deserved this.

Yu Shengfan was extremely happy at this time. The "Game Panel" really didn't lie to her, and Lao Li's favorability towards her had indeed increased significantly!

In this case, as long as she keeps improving Li Shushan's favorability, she can unlock more "postures"?

Yu Shengfan only felt full of motivation for a while, just like playing a game to collect various achievements. He had to unlock all the "postures", and now he has unlocked "hug", which is not enough!

Anyway, now, she feels that Li Shushan's hug is extremely warm. Hugging him makes her pleasure level even higher than drinking Fat House Happy Water! So high!

However, Yu Shengfan couldn't help but said: "Lao Li, don't get me wrong. I didn't let you hug me because I missed you. I just wanted to redeem my mission reward."

But just when Yu Shengfan was enjoying such warmth, she suddenly felt a chilling atmosphere...

At some point, Su Wuming, who was holding a Coke blankly, had already stood in front of Yu Shengfan, one person and one sword, facing the cold-looking Olivia, who was holding her gem cane tightly.

The color difference between Olivia's ice-colored long hair and Su Wuming's short gray-white hair is still very obvious, but there is no doubt that they both have characteristics that "white-haired people" like.

The two of them didn't say a word, but the aura they exuded was extremely powerful. After all, they are both legends in their respective planes...

It's just that their strong aura doesn't seem to have any effect on Li Shushan.

At this time, Yu Shengfan hurriedly left Li Shushan's embrace that made her feel extremely warm. She cursed in her heart that the old woman was still so stingy. What kind of legendary mage was she? The jealous mage was just about the same. She deceived Lao Li into being her just because she was here first. Her love partner, Lao Li, was also stupid and didn't see through her tricks at all! Do you really think that the old woman is so innocent and a nerd who only studies magic?

Sure enough, only women understand women best, Yu Shengfanren Xiaogui Dadi thought.

Yu Shengfan couldn't let her partner Su Wuming become enemies with Olivia because of her as soon as he came to reality. No matter how much he slandered Olivia, she still recognized her strength.

At the same time, Yu Shengfan also noticed Olivia's importance to Li Shushan. If it weren't for Olivia's magic that allowed Li Shushan to create the game "Martial Arts World", Yu Shengfan might not have found it. A way to save Su Wuming.

So in a sense, Olivia also played a role in saving Su Wuming, although this still has to be attributed to Li Shushan.

"Hey, Mr. Legendary Mage, why are you still so cold-faced? Are you so unwilling to welcome my nameless young lady?"

After leaving Li Shushan's arms, Yu Shengfan suddenly jumped between Olivia and Su Wuming, and said to Olivia.

Olivia restrained her aura and smiled faintly, still with a sense of arrogance and reserve. She said extremely elegantly: "Of course I welcome. I will welcome any woman who can become a legend in all the worlds." Be respectful.”

After a pause, Olivia said to Su Wuming with a hint of regret: "It's a pity that you haven't grown up yet, but I can't blame you. The energy level of the plane you are in is not high enough. My martial arts skills may have reached its peak, but my strength is still a little behind after all.”

Su Wuming remained silent. After she came to the real world, she didn't say a word. She just took a sip of Feizhai Happy Water out of curiosity.

Ten updates are completed! ! !

Thanks to [Kedoli Come On] for the 1000 reward, [Xiao Yan] and [Shu Zi Fang Hua] for the 500 reward, and [Habit]. 】, 【榦宇】’s 100 reward~~~

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