Ji Yunzhou quickly matched with a player whose nickname was [Wei Jian Wei Ji]. The name was very cool and trendy, but she was actually a heroine with an extremely outstanding appearance!

However, there was no fluctuation in Ji Yunzhou's heart. Apart from the fact that he considered himself a "married person" and a perfect husband, he also knew that the gender of the players in "Martial Arts World" was the most untrustworthy. .

Not long ago, in the official forum of the game, a player who had just joined the game said that he had developed a new gameplay called "Pang Daddy High Level Flow".

That is to create a very good-looking female account, and then rely on your face to make a living in the game. Of course, your emotional intelligence must also be high, then you can use beautiful and intelligent NPCs who are famous in classic martial arts novels. Sexy and confusing...

Anyway, "Martial Arts World" is a very harmonious game, and your innocence will not be tainted by those male NPCs at all. Using such a game mechanism, you can boldly rely on strong male NPCs to rise to the top.

As soon as this "Pang Daddy High Level" came out, the normal players were shocked. Is there such an operation?

This is definitely a super evil way to play!

It's even more evil than the previous "self-concubine"!

Some players who couldn't stand it couldn't help but ridiculed the poster for being a sugar daddy and a green tea bitch in reality. However, the poster was not annoyed at all. Instead, he proudly said, how could he be a green tea bitch? He is a pure Man, straight man! Playing a female account in the game is just fun and enjoyable...

The other players were instantly shocked. Sure enough, if men are aroused these days, women will have nothing to do with it. A pure man playing games can actually play such an evil way. Isn't this too disrespectful?

Yes, there are many players who think it is wrong for him to play the game this way. His views are really wrong. Some female players have come forward and want to give him a female punch warning because he actually takes advantage of a woman's appearance to do this. To do such an unrestricted thing is simply to blatantly objectify women and corrupt the image of women.

However, this player has his own way of doing things and doesn't care about the criticism of other players. Anyway, "Martial Arts World" is a stand-alone game. He can play it however he wants. Since he is playing a female account, of course he must play it. The advantage of having a female number.

Of course, there are still some players who support him playing this way, because in the eyes of these players, playing games should be more imaginative and broad-minded. If everyone plays the game according to the normal gameplay, then this game will The fun will be greatly reduced.

Precisely because of this minor controversy, Ji Yunzhou, a relatively simple player, knew how unconventional other players who were full of tricks were.

So much so that even if he is matched with a female hero, he doesn't dare to confirm the other person's true gender. He will feel chills when he thinks that behind that perfect appearance is the soul of a big man who picks his feet.

Most players who play "Martial Arts World" have carefully pinched their faces before playing. The male characters are naturally pinched to look handsome, and the female characters are naturally pinched to look beautiful. People like Wang Laoju always like to pinch their faces." After all, there are only a few weird players who have the appearance of ancient gods.

And the player's appearance may not have much impact on those NPCs without intelligence, but if you encounter those NPCs with intelligence, the player's appearance will still affect their perception.

Therefore, in a sense, the more players make themselves look good, the difficulty of the game will actually be lower. Players who like to make themselves look more attractive will find that face is also a factor in this game. of……

Ji Yunzhou is the kind of player who doesn't play games much because he thinks this process is a waste of time. He can't understand those players who play games for three minutes and spend two hours playing games. He would rather spend all his time playing games.

When Ji Yunzhou saw this [Wei Jian Wei Ji] was silent, he tried to say hello: "Would you like to form a team and play together? You should have seen my general information, right?"

He completely ignored the other party's gender, treating him as an ordinary player, and did not gossip about whether the other party was actually a boy or a girl.

Players who are randomly matched together can indeed check each other's information to see which map the other party is on, what martial arts they have learned, and their combat effectiveness.

[Wei Jian Wei Ji] seemed to be more introverted, and she nodded silently.

Ji Yunzhou knew from the information that the opponent started in "The Sentimental Swordsman and the Ruthless Sword", and then he somehow learned A Fei's "Quick Sword" in the novel. Now the opponent's combat power is no weaker than him.

In fact, purely in terms of difficulty, the starting difficulty of "Sentimental Swordsman" is higher than that of "Swordsman". After all, the rivers and lakes in Gulong's martial arts novels can be said to be real and ordinary. Old people, women, and children all have hidden murderous intentions.

As a result, Ji Yunzhou easily led a female hero player to conquer his own version of "Swordsman". He happened to be stuck on a mini-boss in the main mission, and he failed after trying many times.

This time he brought an assistant with him to do this main mission. Although he found that the boss's health bar had become thicker and the difficulty of the mobs had also increased, he still felt that it would be easier to complete the mission with a helper.

The main reason is that the player nicknamed [Wei Jian Wei Ji] is indeed very reliable. Although the opponent doesn't talk much, seems aloof and has the baggage of an idol, there is no doubt that he is a good teammate.

After successfully completing a certain main mission on the big map of "Swordsman", he proposed to enter the other party's world and help the other party complete the mission together.

[Wei Sword is the Ultimate] did not reject Ji Yunzhou. He obviously believed that although this player talked a lot of nonsense, his combat effectiveness was still very reliable, and he was also full of enthusiasm for the game.

Ji Yunzhou was a little excited when he set foot on "Sentimental Swordsman" for the first time. Although he was more familiar with the works of Master Jin Yong, it did not mean that he was unfamiliar with the works of Master Gu Long.

In fact, this "Sentimental Swordsman" has also been made into a TV series, and the name is "Little Li Flying Knife". In it, the instant noodle head Li Xunhuan played by Jiao Enjun really brought him to life, and of course Wu Jing played Ah Fei. , which is also impressive. I am afraid that no one could have predicted at that time that Wu Jing would achieve such great achievements in the film field in the future...

Ji Yunzhou also successfully helped the other party complete a difficult task, so the two of them added a friend, which was a successful conclusion to the online gameplay experiment.

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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