After returning home, senior reporter Peng Aiting wrote a report about the "Martial Arts World" game. When she handed in the manuscript, what she couldn't believe was that her superiors actually returned her manuscript and told her that it now involved "Martial Arts World". Reports on "Martial Arts World" are not allowed to be published in newspapers.

Peng Aiting couldn't help but be shocked. She didn't know the truth, so she thought the backstage of "Martial Arts World" was so big. Otherwise, why could such negative reports be suppressed?

However, when she went to truly understand the truth of the matter, she realized that it was not the big backend of "Martial Arts World", but the creator of this game who was so awesome that the country was unable to do anything about this game and was completely unable to control it. This game is technically blocked, so I can only block it informationally.

Therefore, no matter whether it is a positive report or a negative report about "Martial Arts World", it is not allowed to be published in newspapers, otherwise it will be propaganda for it. When there is no way to harmonize the game, the only way to use this method is to Treat it in a deceptive way.

After a few days, Peng Aiting still couldn't get over this hurdle. She finally chose to learn about this epoch-making game in person...

With this understanding, she finally understood the young people before. By the way, they no longer stayed overnight in the park. After all, this really affected the appearance of the city too much. They chose to open a cram school together and prepare to spend the night in the "Lord God" "Space" to help students with tutoring.

Later, Peng Aiting's child, who was still in high school, happened to join a cram school run by Liu Yuanxin and others. The tutoring effect was very good. This can only be said to be fate.

Studying in the "Lord God Space" actually has the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort, because it is learned directly through the conscious body. Everything learned seems to be directly engraved in the soul, and the impression is particularly profound...

Students who have poor memory and always make mistakes in the same place will often not make mistakes again as long as they correct them in the "Lord God Space".

This makes the cram schools in the "Lord God Space" very effective, so that as time goes by, the cram schools in reality are replaced by those in the "Lord God Space".

There are even many famous teachers in reality who have built their own "Master God Space" into a school. When there are no students on weekdays, they use the live broadcast tool in the game to conduct live teaching to all audiences. If you feel If he teaches well, you can come to his "Master God Space" and receive his close-up teaching. This kind of immersive teaching environment is definitely better than just watching the live broadcast.

Of course, perhaps the only negative effect of studying in the "Master God Space" is that after coming out, it seems that the mental power has been drained, and it takes a period of deep sleep to recover.

But it needs to be pointed out that the longer people study in the "Lord God Space" or the more people die in the "Martial Arts World", their total mental power will increase subtly, because these behaviors are Exercise for mental strength.

This is probably like people who exercise every day. Over time, their bodies will definitely be better than those who don't exercise.

Now that the game "Martial Arts World" appears, although it does not allow players to become martial arts masters like in the game, the more players play this game, the better their spirits will definitely be. If they don't play the game sometimes, I guess they will I will be so excited that I can't sleep.

This is the difference between "World of Martial Arts" and traditional games. In the past, if you stayed up all night playing traditional games online, you would definitely be very depressed the next day. However, after playing "World of Martial Arts", players whose mental energy has been harvested are often You will enter a deep sleep that does not even exist in dreams. When you wake up, of course you will be very energetic.

Likewise, this is why the single young people at the [camping party] would rather spend the night in the park than waste money on renting a house.

Whether people live in this world, whether they live in an ordinary house or a luxury house, if the quality of sleep is the same, what is the difference between the two?

I guess it's because my state of mind is different before going to bed, but now everyone is playing "Martial Arts World" before going to bed, or thinking and studying in the "Lord God Space", so of course it doesn't matter what the external body is. What kind of environment are you in.

Anyway, the single young people in the [camping party] have never rented a house again, but directly regard the company as their home, and they are also frequent visitors to the laundromat and bathroom...

Some people even think that the laundry and bathroom industries may have great prospects in the future, so they can invest in them.

Others believe that when "Future Technology Studio" launches online games in the future, the nutrition cabin will also be very innovative, so that you can always fight in the game world, and you will definitely be ahead of players who still have to take into account reality. .

And these players at the [Camping Club] who are extremely addicted to "Martial Arts World" don't know that the wave of cram schools they created through the "Master God Space" has actually changed the views of many stubborn parents on the game...

They rush to send their children to the game for fear of falling behind others. When they think about other people's children, 20 minutes of learning in the game is equivalent to 5 hours of learning in the real world. Who can withstand this?

Even the country has changed its view on "Martial Arts World", or to be more precise, on the "Master God Space" because of this. This is clearly a learning artifact with extremely positive and positive significance!

If you don't seize this opportunity, wouldn't you miss a big opportunity?

Since "World of Martial Arts" has never shown negative effects, but all positive effects, no matter how conservative the Chinese officials are, they cannot refuse the temptation of this artifact.

Especially now that martial arts culture is a niche in the world, and there are not so many players from other countries, it is the right thing to be the first to enjoy the dividends of "Martial Arts World"!

As a result, it didn't take long before many media outlets in China, under the covert instructions of the government, began to spread rumors.

And there is one thing that makes this game more popular than ever before!

Even Li Shushan did not expect that the existence of the "Lord God Space" could actually save someone's life...

That was a "Martial Arts World" player who was on the verge of death due to a car accident. He chose to enter the game at the moment before his body died!

First update today! ! !

Thanks to [I Love Misaka Mikoto] for the 100 tip~~~

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