What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 200 Traveling to the Age of Dinosaurs

In addition to "Master Bei", of course, there are also some explorers who are not well-known in the country, but are actually very capable and knowledgeable.

For example, there is a South African named Austin Stevens, who is recognized by the world as the "King of Snakes". He likes to live with snakes since he was a child and regards snakes as his partners. Many highly venomous snakes are around him. Just like a doll, he takes many viewers around the world to experience the most representative venomous snakes and non-venomous pythons on each continent. Through close contact between people and snakes, people have a greater love and awe for nature. It also awakens people's awareness of protecting snakes and nature.

Documentaries about him in the "People" column of China National Television include: "Snake King of the World: Austin Stevens", "Austin Into the Wild", "Saving the Black Mamba", "Searching for the King Cobra" , "The Hunt for the Anaconda", "The Hunt for the Tuatara", "Chasing the Man-Eating Giant Python", "Seven Deadly Attacks", "The Hunt for the Komodo Dragon".

After watching Ou Ruini's video, Austin became very interested in the "Misty Forest". He was also very familiar with the anacondas in the Amazon rainforest, but he had never seen such a huge anaconda!

After he learned the location of the "Misty Forest", he immediately set off with his team, obviously to explore the secret behind it. If possible, he also wanted to see if he could communicate with the mutant anaconda. , if this mutated anaconda could be controlled, wouldn't it be a pity to become a real "snake king"?

In addition to many explorers and wildlife zoologists, the most interesting thing is that several religious groups from the Americas have also been dispatched. Yes, these small sects are native sects that believe in the "Feathered Serpent".

These small sects firmly believe that the "Quetzalcoatl" mentioned by Ou Ruini exists and saved her life. Without the guidance of "Quetzalcoatl", she would have died in the "Misty Forest" long ago.

Suddenly, the outside of the Amazon rainforest in South America has almost become the most lively place in the world. It can be said that it is all the limelight!

You know, South America's international presence basically depends on football, and Latin America as a whole, including South America, is basically the same as Africa, a region that has not made much contribution to the entire human civilization.

Latin America is the region of America south of the Stars and Stripes of America, with a total population of only 651 million.

Now the future of mankind still depends on China and the American Stars and Stripes, and other countries are basically soy sauce.

When these private adventure groups came to this place, they were shocked by the changes happening outside the "Misty Forest" before they even reached the "Misty Forest"!

I don’t know since when, the areas originally occupied by human activities outside the rainforest are no longer suitable for human survival!

Giant ferns that cover the sky and the sun rise very suddenly from the ground, directly destroying the human settlements outside the rain forest. Human beings are so small in front of these giant ferns!

The long-extinct dinosaurs seem to have appeared at the same time as these giant fern creatures. Regardless of the Triassic, Jurassic or Cretaceous, all possible dinosaur species are in the reality of a certain ancient elf tree that loves to cause trouble. Under the version of "Spore" game, they all began to appear!

In addition to dinosaurs, other prehistoric giants such as mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, etc. have also appeared. Logically speaking, it is impossible for such ice age giants to appear in the Amazon rainforest. However, the fact is that they just appear. Got it!

These are essentially creatures created by the ancient elf tree Luna, and there is no science to them at all. From the moment they were created, they have been perfectly adapted to the current earth's environment.

And these giant beasts are obviously full of the desire to expand. As long as giant ferns appear, their traces will also appear. The South Americans who were caught off guard were not prepared for their appearance at all.

Many people have become food for prehistoric giant beasts, which is equivalent to being sacrificed to the ancient elf tree Luna. Her growth rate has increased, and the area shrouded in fog has become wider. Among them, as long as it is a forest shrouded in fog , these towering trees with a long history have also begun their second evolution. They are obviously taller than the rain forests that are not shrouded in fog, which is more suitable for the survival of giant beasts.

The current ancient elf tree Luna can be said to be protected by two "walls". The innermost layer is of course the "Misty Forest". This area is a real forbidden land for humans, because in this forbidden land, Humanity's technological products will be completely useless, and the magical creatures inside will be a nightmare for humans!

The outer layer is the world of dinosaurs and prehistoric beasts. The wildly expanding giant ferns are like bacteria that are multiplying wildly. They will one day occupy the entire South America! And the waters around South America, including the Caribbean!

Prehistoric aquatic animals will also appear in these sea areas!

Fortunately, in this layer of the world of giant beasts, human technological equipment can still be used, and the line of sight is not as bad as in the "Misty Forest". The giant beasts do not have supernatural powers. They are in the human world. With caliber weapons, they still have no ability to resist, and at the same time, their intelligence is not too high.

Therefore, in a sense, they cannot threaten humankind's dominance of the earth at all. Of course, if they appear not in South America, but in the mainland of China or the mainland of the Stars and Stripes, then they will It will definitely be destroyed as soon as possible.

The appearance of giant ferns and dinosaurs undoubtedly instantly made the "Misty Forest" an insignificant existence!

The explorers who originally came for the "Misty Forest" suddenly found that they seemed to have traveled through time and space to the age of dinosaurs!

Such a discovery has confused countless explorers and biologists!

Of course, there is also the anchor Tang Xuejie who has been following the public to the "foggy forest". He has successfully spent the night with the open-minded beautiful reporter Sonia. As a result, when they woke up from this small hotel that was getting closer to the rainforest, they discovered that Not far from the hotel, a giant fern that existed in prehistoric times has appeared out of thin air.

When he started the live broadcast to show his findings to the audience, he suddenly photographed a giant flying animal in the sky - Aeolian Pterosaur!

He was in shock at this time and said to the audience in the live broadcast room: "Have I traveled to the age of dinosaurs?"

Second update today! ! !

Thanks to [Qin Xiaotian] for the 100 reward~~~

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