"Fantasy World" was naturally launched quietly again. There was not even a game promotional video, which was even less impressive than "Martial Arts World".

All I can say is that "Future Technology Studio" is really awesome, with a completely do-it-yourself attitude.

However, for the players who discover it, it is definitely a surprise to find a treasure!

Brandon is a black man from the Star-Spangled Kingdom. He likes playing games very much. Of course, they are not computer games, but console games. He is a die-hard supporter of the Four Princesses (PS4).

His favorite games on the PS platform are basically Hidetaka Miyazaki's games, such as "Bloodborne" and "Dark Souls 3". In addition, he also likes the game "The Witcher 3" very much. , the Polish jackass is really too conscientious, releasing a DLC is almost like releasing a new game.

It can be seen from the games that Brandon plays that he is a loyal fan of fantasy games, and he can barely be considered a hard-core gamer. After all, he was so stunned that he played Hidetaka Miyazaki's game. The game is over.

Of course, Brandon also knows about the "Magic Network" platform. Now this platform is very well-known to many senior players, even abroad.

The reason is very simple. The "Future Technology Studio" that created this "Magic Network" platform seems to have traveled from the future through a time machine. It has the only true virtual reality technology in the world!

The "Magic Network" platform also comes with a universal translator. In the eyes of Chinese players, the entire Magic Network platform speaks Chinese, but in the eyes of Stars and Stripes players, the entire Magic Network platform is very friendly in English!

This platform truly allows players from all over the world to communicate without any barriers!

In the live broadcast platform of Magic Online, many famous foreign game anchors have also joined in, because they found that no matter what game they live broadcast, audiences from all over the world can understand it, and they can also understand languages ​​​​from all over the world. The barrage sent out.

It is precisely because of the entry of these foreign anchors that there are of course more and more foreign players. It was through a well-known console game anchor that Brandon learned about the "Magic Network" platform.

Then Brandon plunged into this platform, because this platform is really amazing. Even if he doesn’t understand the language of other countries, he can clearly understand the meaning of the other party, and then he can communicate with him in the live broadcast room. Players from other countries yelled at each other...

The game under the "Magic Network" platform that Brandon first came into contact with was undoubtedly "My Lord God's Space". He also paid money to buy a dark-skinned maid in it, and of course he also bought a house.

Anyway, Brandon never hesitates to spend money on games, even if he doesn't actually have any serious job. For example, he often does parade work, which is paid by someone to hire him.

He had previously participated in a march to support the Star-Spangled Kingdom's use of force against the Samba Kingdom to ensure the survival of the rare giant beasts in the "Prehistoric Beast Continent". This was paid by the Animal Protection Association to hire people to do this, which can increase the momentum.

While playing "My Lord God Space", Brandon of course also saw another game "Martial Arts World" under the "Magic Network" platform. He entered the game with interest and then played it with gusto.

Of course, he doesn't know the plot of any martial arts novel, but this does not prevent him from being a black warrior in it...

However, when the level was low, he still had fun playing it. Even if he died at the hands of an NPC, he still found the trick, just like he used to play Hidetaka Miyazaki's games, even if he died, he would die. You can knock it over.

As for the plot of "Martial Arts World", what is it? Can it be eaten?

Anyway, Brandon doesn’t understand the spirit of chivalry. He just knows how to do it. What he enjoys is the pleasure of fighting in the game, but he always feels that the fighting in this "Martial Arts World" is too unscientific...

But when Brandon's level increased, he felt that "Martial Arts World" was becoming more and more difficult to play, and it was also becoming more and more boring.

This is a problem that many foreign players encounter, because they really don't know how to use the plot, because they really haven't seen many works of the so-called martial arts masters, and of course they don't have the fun of participating in the plot and using the plot.

If it is a map generated by an online novel, it is estimated that many foreign players will find it interesting. After all, some foreign readers who are obsessed with Chinese online novels can use online novels to detoxify...

Brandon is not the kind of person who likes to read. He played until he reached a high level and found that he could not defeat those highly intelligent NPCs and was scolded by them as "Kunlun slaves". He was very unhappy. , this is definitely racial discrimination, right?

I didn’t expect that there would be racial discrimination in a game. The world is too unfriendly to black people like him. Isn’t it a general trend that black lives matter now?

He is doing well in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom now, but it is said that those who go to China to study abroad do better. One person will have three study companions by his side, which is very cool to think about.

Fortunately, "World of Martial Arts" released an online mode when he was about to give up. From then on, he became a player who focused on PK. If he couldn't beat highly intelligent NPCs, could he still be unable to beat other players?

Anyway, the matching in the online mode of "World of Martial Arts" is also a very smart match. Players with similar PK levels are matched, so he can fight back and forth with the opponent. This kind of fair competition without any delay is better for Bu. Langdon found it very interesting.

However, although Brandon recognized that "Martial Arts World" is a good fighting and killing game, he still very much hopes that "Future Technology Studio" can produce a fantasy-style stand-alone game, so that it can truly satisfy his " Fantasy Control”.

However, Brandon didn't have high hopes because "Future Technology Studio" had just launched a masterpiece online game called "Infinite". Of course, he didn't qualify for the first test, but he did have a lot of ideas. A large number of foreign players have obtained this qualification.

Since there are new games on the market, there shouldn't be any other games in the near future, right?

Brandon fell into a fixed mindset, because as a veteran gamer and a "fantasy controller", he still knew that it would definitely take a lot of time and energy to create a stand-alone masterpiece that satisfies players.

However, what he didn't know was that "Future Technology Studio" has magical artificial intelligence Alice. She also has experience in making "Martial Arts World". To make another "Fantasy World", except for some places that need guidance from Li Shushan , modifications, many other places can be copied based on "Martial Arts World".

Therefore, making "Fantasy World" is very simple and fast.

Today’s second guaranteed update! ! !

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