What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 232 How to play the battle royale mode

The purpose of Li Shushan's launch of "Fantasy World", a stand-alone masterpiece, is of course to expand the group of players whose magical artificial intelligence Alice can harvest spiritual power, and to attract players who have little interest in "Martial Arts World".

Now looking at the number of new players joining "Fantasy World" every day after it was launched, and the fact that it has been well received in all aspects, Li Shushan is quite pleased.

The main reason is that with "Martial Arts World" in the forefront, making "Fantasy World" is even more complicated. It can be said that the magical artificial intelligence Alice is already familiar with this.

When Li Shushan saw a player proposing to open a "magic vs. martial arts" competitive mode, he thought this suggestion was quite interesting.

Nowadays, the ladder mode in "World of Martial Arts" is still very popular. It not only allows individual PK, but also 5V5 team competition. This is somewhat similar to the "Glory" game of "Full-time Master".

It is said that there are already e-sports teams evaluating whether "Martial Arts World" has the potential to become a new generation of e-sports projects, and some have even started to recruit players who are high on the ladder list.

However, what these e-sports teams are worried about is the extremely mysterious game producer "Future Technology Studio". After all, e-sports events still have to be hosted by the game company, and then sponsored by other companies, and finally the champion of the entire event. bonus……

Through Yu Shengfan, Li Shushan got to know the relatively mature "League of Legends" event. Now this "League of Legends" event is undoubtedly one of the most popular e-sports events, and its influence is also very large. Many e-sports events The mobile phone has even become the traffic controller, and it can be searched on Weibo at every turn.

However, Li Shushan feels that although the online mode of "Martial Arts World" satisfies the desire of many players to compete with each other, there are still many problems in creating an e-sports event.

Whether it is sports competition or e-sports, they all pay great attention to balance, fairness, and rules, and "Martial Arts World" obviously has many flaws in these aspects.

But as time goes by, these flaws should gradually be corrected to perfection.

It is indeed too early to launch e-sports events in "Martial Arts World". Li Shushan hopes that players can have more professions to choose from, and then of course they need to match various professions for team battles.

In any case, Li Shushan is still very much looking forward to the future of virtual reality e-sports, and has even considered making a separate, fairer e-sports game. In such a game, the number of player deaths in it is of course very considerable, just like " I don’t know how many Teemo die every day in League of Legends, and of course there are Tolso and the like.

This kind of virtual reality e-sports game really tests not only the consciousness and operation of the players, but also the imagination of the players. Players must make full use of various skills when playing the selected heroes. Rather than using them rigidly.

In addition to launching "Fantasy World", Li Shushan also added a "Chicken Fighting Map", the so-called "Battle Royale Mode".

Although the popularity of real-life chicken-fighting games has surpassed that of "League of Legends" in the past, and many chicken-fighting games have become less popular, the "battle royale mode" is indeed very suitable for Li Shushan's "use-it-allism" .

Li Shushan hopes that players who enter the spiritual world of the Magic Network can think more and die more. Is there anything that can quickly and easily harvest players' mental power than the "Battle Royale Mode"?

The "battle royale mode" is comparable to a Gu game. Just throw a hundred players in and fight with each other. Even the most powerful players will easily overturn and fall into pieces.

As soon as this "Martial Arts World" version of the chicken-eating mode was launched, it can be said that it once again aroused the passion of many old players of the game!

Originally, they may have temporarily encountered a bottleneck in their own game world, stuck on the main mission or something. For a while, they felt that "Martial Arts World" had become very boring. Even if they asked other people to come online to complete the mission, they still found it very boring.

Under such circumstances, the launch of the "Martial Arts World" chicken battle map can be said to have attracted the attention of these players at once!

For the game "Martial Arts World", players will find that when their level and martial arts reach a higher level, the NPCs in the game world are not as easy to fight as when they are at a lower level, because those with names and surnames All NPCs have very high intelligence, and they are all native warriors. Their understanding of martial arts is really not comparable to that of ordinary players.

Then players will be very depressed to find that their level and martial arts seem to be no worse than those highly intelligent NPCs, but why can't they beat the opponent?

This is obviously because many players use skills mechanically and rigidly, while those highly intelligent NPCs have already learned and used martial arts.

Therefore, many players increasingly feel that it is more difficult to defeat highly intelligent NPCs than other players, so they might as well play in online mode!

Strictly speaking, the chicken-fighting map of "Martial Arts World" is already considered an online game mode. It also has competitive and social attributes, because players can play in single row, double row, or four rows.

Therefore, after this new gameplay was launched together with "Fantasy World", many players who prefer the online game mode did not play "Fantasy World", which is also a stand-alone game, but played the new map of "Martial Arts World". I feel that this "battle royale mode" is very friendly and full of fun.

After all, in this "battle royale mode", even players with extremely poor skills can still win the chicken, and they can definitely be the kind of old Yinbi who "preys on the cicada, and the oriole follows".

Generally, after a player kills another player, he needs to meditate, adjust his breath, etc. This is an opportunity for those old Yinbi players.

It really doesn't matter if you are not good at martial arts. As long as you are willing to use your brain and add a little bit of luck, such as getting a level 3 magical weapon at the beginning, or getting the destiny circle every time, then eating chicken will be a special thing. Simple things.

And when players are fighting crazily in the "Battle Royale Mode", the biggest winner is of course not the player who wins the chicken, but Alice who silently harvests the player's mental power.

All in all, when the "Battle Royale Mode" was added to "Martial Arts World", players who already like this gameplay received rave reviews!

Today’s first guaranteed update! ! !

Thanks to [Silence in the Dark] for the 500 reward, and two [book friends xxx] for the 100 reward~~~

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