What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 240 Extraordinary battle! [Additional update after 2300 orders]

Yamamoto Danzo had previously boasted in front of Miyazaki Kazuhiko that he was 100% sure of killing the king of ghouls, Izayoi Kaede. However, now when he faced Kaede Izayoi, he realized belatedly that he seemed to have underestimated him. Got the other party!

This makes Yamamoto Danzo very embarrassed, because it is being broadcast live by the entire Japanese media. He originally wanted to use this stage to become famous and directly show his power as an S-class "ghost controller". As a result, he discovered that things were not that simple at all!

No matter what, Yamamoto Danzo cannot lose to his opponent in terms of momentum. He is a true Showa man. How could he bow to a guy like Kaede Izayoi who was born in the Heisei era?

He continued: "If I become a monster in order to choose to protect the people and the entire country, then I will be willing to do so! We Showa men are the roots of the entire Japan and shoulder the hope of the entire Japan's future!"

Izayoi Kaede is also very good at talking: "Japan? A decadent country like Japan should be buried in the dust of history. This is a country that has caused pain to countless citizens, but there are only a few carnivores at the top. Those who do not understand the pain of the people at all, and now I want you to feel the pain, think about the pain, accept the pain, and understand the pain! Starting now, I want to make the whole world feel the pain!"

After Izayoi Kaede's talk came action, which was infinitely higher than Yamamoto Danzo who was just talking.

Izayoi Kaede just opened the wings on his back and flew into the air all of a sudden, and then... thousands of arrows were fired!

Of course what was shot was not an arrow, but a Hezi hidden weapon that was more destructive than the arrow!

Of course, these hidden weapons shot directly at the "roots" led by Yamamoto Danzo, and of course there were also some "ghost hunters" who brought their own dry food to resist the tide of ghosts.

In fact, ever since the Abyssal Ones appeared in the "Amaterasu Shrine", some ghost hunters have been very dissatisfied with the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room". They chose to withdraw from the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room" and established a group of Their own organization of transcendent beings.

This organization is still biased towards justice. It makes a living by accepting people's entrustments and is incompatible with ghosts and things.

This time, the wave of ghosts is coming fiercely, and the target is actually "Ise Jingu Shrine". This makes many "ghost hunters" bring their own dry food and come here to defend "Ise Jingu Shrine", the spiritual pillar of the Japanese people!

However, at this moment, they realized what a terrifying thing it was when facing Kaede Izayoi, the true King of Ghouls who was infinitely close to the super-S level!

Almost only "Ghost Controllers" who have reached B level can barely block Izayoi Kaede's large-scale Aoe this time!

Yamamoto Danzo did not choose to resist, so naturally those A-level "ghost controllers" from the "roots" blocked this large-scale attack from Izayoi Kaede for him.

Yamamoto Danzo slowly put his hand on his katana, and the rising sun headband on his forehead fluttered in the wind. He knew that if he didn't take action now, the situation would become even worse. He must suppress Shiroku. Ye Feng's momentum!

"You are not the only one who knows pain! I am here to make you understand what real pain is!" Yamamoto Danzo roared.

For the Chinese netizens who are also watching the extraordinary melee in Japan on the Magic Network platform, they will only find the conversation between Kaede Izayoi and Danzo Yamamoto to be inexplicably interesting...

The reason is very simple. The homophonic pronunciation of the word "pain" in Japanese is very similar to "a bag of rice", so what Izayoi Kaede said just now, Kong Er said - how many floors can a bag of rice resist? A bag of rice is as strong as the second floor! …

"It is indeed a very painful thing if a bag of rice has to stand up to the second floor!" A Chinese netizen couldn't help but joked.

"This king of ghouls is really handsome. I heard that he is already the most powerful transcendent in Japan?"

"You're so handsome. Why do Japanese people speak so mediocrely? Are they not ashamed at all?"

"How can there be such a thing as a middle class? Some words, when spoken in our Chinese dialect, do sound like a middle class, but when spoken in Japanese, they don't sound like a middle class at all. On the contrary, they appear to be particularly powerful and extremely handsome!"

"Let's bet, let's bet. Who will win in this battle between top extraordinary beings?"

"Don't underestimate that uncle who is also in the second grade. At first glance, he is the kind of super master who will never draw his sword. Once he draws his sword, he will definitely draw blood. I think that the king of ghouls will definitely suffer if he underestimates the enemy. Heavy!"

"Speaking of whether there are extraordinary beings in our country of China, now I can only watch the various gods fighting in Japan next door, and I feel very panicked. Now Japan has anime characters like Enma Ai and Kikyo, why don't we have fantasy characters? Appear?"

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, you are not allowed to become a spirit. As a Chinese, I just want to play virtual reality games quietly!"

"Don't be anxious. First it was Japan, and then South America. One day it will be our turn in China. I guess we will be the revival of immortals. When the time comes, I hope those big bosses will lead the way..."

"Speaking of the live broadcast on the Magic Network platform, it seems to be better than the Japanese media. It can even give close-ups of the two top extraordinary beings. What kind of technology is this?"

"Future Technology Studio is awesome. I guess those extraordinary people are nothing more than chickens and dogs in front of the mysterious Future Technology Studio!"

Chinese audiences have always been interested in watching the excitement. In addition to being addicted to epoch-making virtual games every day, of course they also pay attention to the eye-opening things in reality.

Japan next door has become a prime program for Chinese audiences. After all, China is really close to Japan. If there is any trouble, China can pay attention to it immediately.

Under the expectations of countless viewers, Yamamoto Danzo began his "decapitation operation" without hesitation!

Yamamoto Danzo showed his power as an "S-class" ghost controller with just a slight jump. From the ground, like a bullet, he rushed directly towards Izayoi Kaede in the sky!

Such a scene would simply dazzle all the ordinary viewers!

This is why ordinary people, even if they choose to combine with ghosts, must choose to become a transcendent. This kind of casual leap, as if breaking away from the gravity of the earth, is really desirable!

The moment Yamamoto Danzo rushed towards Izayoi Kaede, he chose to draw his sword!

At the same time, the extraordinary beings on the human side also charged directly. The scene was not much worse than the final battle in Avengers 4, but the audience was not familiar with those extraordinary beings at all...

The third update today! ! !

Thanks to [Jie Ni Oh] for the 500 reward~~~

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