What To Do When the Heroine of the Novel Comes To Reality

Chapter 247 Changes in Beliefs and Thoughts

The "Tide of Ghosts" and "Supernatural War" that occurred in Japan this time had a great influence. In a sense, it completely changed the beliefs and thoughts of countless Japanese people who paid attention to this incident.

Originally, most Japanese people believed in Shintoism, and "Ise Jingu" can be said to represent the spiritual pillar of the Japanese people. But now, what has become of "Ise Jingu"?

Many media came to the original site of "Ise Jingu" the next day. The place still smelled of burnt fire. Looking at its current appearance, it was clearly in ruins!

How can such an "Ise Shrine" still become a spiritual pillar in the minds of Japanese people?

It just so happens that some media are also paying attention to the current appearance of "Amaterasu Shrine". The contrast between it and "Ise Shrine" is too strong.

According to media investigations, "Amaterasu Shrine" has also encountered a "tide of ghosts", but those ghosts cannot break through the defense line of those who have become extraordinary priests because of their devout belief in the "Amaterasu Sect". This does not even require a witch. Kikyo took action personally.

Many people who have chosen to settle within the protection of "Amaterasu Shrine" can be said to be full of security. They vividly described to the media the power of "Amaterasu Shrine", and of course their belief in the "Amaterasu Goddess Sect" is What a right choice.

If they still believed in "Ise Shrine" like some people did, they would probably be buried in a sea of ​​fire now, right?

That's right, Kaede Izayoi, the king of ghouls, burned down "Ise Jingu Shrine". Some unlucky believers didn't have time to escape from "Ise Jingu Shrine". Unfortunately, they thought "Ise Jingu Shrine" "We will definitely keep them safe.

"Ise Shrine is not worthy of being the spiritual pillar of our Japanese people. When facing a real extraordinary person, its priests will be crushed to death by the extraordinary person with one hand. However, if any extraordinary person or ghost dares to attack Amaterasu Shrine, If we take action, they will never come back!" A certain Japanese who had settled within the protection area of ​​"Amaterasu Shrine" told the media interviewing him in a very determined tone.

In addition to the "Ise Shrine", the reputation of other shrines that were damaged has also plummeted. Even if they spend money to rebuild them, there will definitely be no Japanese people who believe in them anymore.

These are all shrines that were easily razed by ghosts. Do they still have the nerve to rebuild them?

The "Amaterasu Shrine" with its extraordinary system of witch Platycodon and priests, after this night, became a truly trustworthy shrine in the hearts of Japanese people. It is protected by the "Goddess Amaterasu", while other shrines are just feudal Just superstitious.

If the current female ambassador of "Amaterasu Shrine" is the shrine maiden Kikyo, then its current male ambassador is Shinsuke Abe.

The shrine maiden Kikyo will hardly leave the "Amaterasu Shrine" for even half a step, as if she is always serving the "Goddess Amaterasu". She gives ordinary people the feeling that she is obviously like a flower blooming in the clouds. She is too far away from ordinary people. In addition, due to the influence of the work "Inuyasha", ordinary people always think that she is a paper person who accidentally came to the three-dimensional world, a born extraordinary person.

However, Shinsuke Abe was different. Before he believed in the "Amaterasu Sect", he was a real ordinary person. Even though he was born in the so-called "Onmyoji Family", he was just a collateral descendant. Of course, the most important thing is The strange thing is that no matter whether they are collateral descendants or direct descendants, no one in this family whose ancestor is Abe Seimei knows the real Onmyoji.

Why do people who don’t know onmyoji dare to say that they are onmyoji?

This is of course a normal thing. Before the "supernatural resurgence" happened in Japan, there was no extraordinary person at all. Onmyoji was probably like the Taoist priests and monks of China. They were very stable in doing things and bragging. Yes, many people are superstitious about this, even if these onmyojis, Taoist priests, and monks can only bring some psychological comfort to people.

After the "supernatural resurgence" occurred in Japan, many people thought that Japan's onmyoji, samurai, and ninjas would also evolve. Some shameless shrines also liked to brag about it, but in the end they found out that they were all liars!

In the end, those who truly embark on the extraordinary path basically take the route of "ghost masters". However, many ordinary people still hate "ghost masters" because they are really time bombs, and no one knows when they will They will change from "ghost masters" to "abyss masters", and then lose their minds and turn into monsters, killing all kinds of people.

Such an exposed "transcendent road" has discouraged many ordinary people. Except for those young people who are full of secondary fantasy and still want to embark on this extraordinary road of "ghost controller", most people have stayed away from it.

Anyway, the way to communicate with ghosts has disappeared now. Unless you join Japan's official research institution, you really need very strong luck to do it on your own.

And in such a situation, the appearance of Shinsuke Abe can be said to have made many ordinary people who long for extraordinary power feel that they have found another extraordinary path!

Shinsuke Abe has been surrounded by the fanatical Japanese media at this time. At this moment, his level of attention is comparable to that of the top traffic stars.

This is not something that Shinsuke Abe can stop. He actually doesn't like the feeling of being surrounded by long guns and short cannons at all, but now he has a mission.

Shinsuke Abe is the priest, or pastor, of the "Amaterasu Sect". He also has the obligation to "preach". Since the shrine maiden Kikyo will never leave the "Amaterasu Shrine", Shinsuke Abe will definitely serve as the "Amaterasu Shrine". The "Chief Missionary" of the "Zhao Goddess Sect" preached in the land of Japan.

The key is that all the obstacles in front of him have been cleared by this "tide of ghosts". What he has to do is to make those Japanese people who are in a state of confusion choose to convert to the "Amaterasu Sect".

Therefore, even though Shinsuke Abe hates the feeling of being surrounded by the media, he has to be patient and use them to further expand the influence of the "Amaterasu Sect".

But just when Shinsuke Abe was being interviewed by the media, he was also worshiped by many ordinary people.

Uninvited guests from the Japanese officialdom came unexpectedly. The most speechless thing is that they are not members of the "Super Disaster Countermeasures Room", but officials from Ise City, Mie Prefecture where the "Ise Shrine" is located. They asked Shinsuke Abe to hand over the three artifacts. One of the "Yata Mirrors", otherwise they would not let Shinsuke Abe leave.

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