What Li Shushan will do next is naturally to hatch a demon on Venus and make it a leveling point for Yu Shengfan.

But of course this also requires Olivia's assistance. After all, it is not easy to establish a stable portal directly between the Earth and Venus.

"I haven't eaten more delicious food for a long time." Olivia said in a resentful tone.

Li Shushan, who knew Olivia very well, instantly understood that if he wanted Olivia to help him, he had to satisfy her stomach first.

Olivia has been on Earth for such a long time, and she is no longer the girl who could enjoy a bowl of instant noodles.

On the contrary, Olivia and Li Shushan are lovers. They have had countless dinner dates and tasted almost all kinds of food. Even the food in three-star Michelin restaurants can no longer satisfy her pursuit of food.

Since Olivia was almost obedient to Li Shushan when it came to magic, whatever he asked Olivia to achieve through magic, she would do it for him.

With Olivia's extremely selfish character, being able to do this for Li Shushan shows her feelings for Li Shushan.

However, this time Li Shushan wanted to build a portal between Earth and Venus, which was obviously for the "illegal lolita" Yu Shengfan, which made Olivia not so happy.

Li Shushan now needs to make Olivia happy.

So he took Olivia and watched a few animations, including "The Little Master of China", "The Spirit of the Halberd Eater", etc., all of which were about gourmet food.

After reading it, Li Shushan said to Olivia: "Next, I will let you eat the food in these gourmet episodes in real life."

Olivia's eyes suddenly lit up when she heard this, and she couldn't help but wonder: "How are you going to make them appear in reality?"

To be honest, the food in food animations generally have exaggerated effects. For example, the dishes inside will glow, and the dishes inside are so delicious that the tasters will burst into tears...

However, no matter how good the food is in reality, it is impossible to achieve such an exaggerated effect!

Unless the cook has a system!

Making such delicious food in reality would seem very unscientific, but magic can definitely create such delicious food.

"Let's take it step by step. Of course we won't be able to eat the exaggerated delicacies like those in the animation at the beginning, but as long as a person who is determined to reach the peak of cooking skills is bound to the God of Cooking system, he will definitely be able to eat it. ." Li Shushan said with great confidence.

Olivia was also infected by Li Shushan's confidence. She was obviously more interested in pursuing delicious food than helping him build the portal.

Because she can get pleasure from this matter, which is more beneficial to herself. As the most selfish and rational heroine, she is so real.

"This time I won't be able to find the most suitable person to bind you to the Academic Master System like I did last time." Olivia said helplessly.

It can be said that Olivia is really lucky that Tan Keying can bind the future technology system of the top student. After all, she and the other party are now having a heated fight, and the two of them have more common topics in study.

What also makes Olivia interesting is that this Tan Keying clearly admires her very much. She finds this beautiful first love very interesting.

"Don't worry, we have the magical artificial intelligence Alice. As long as we use big data, we will definitely be able to find someone who can truly control the God of Cooking system." Li Shushan said. Now that there are more and more users of the Magic Network platform, he The confidence is getting stronger and stronger.

"Then I hope a woman can obtain the God of Cooking system." Olivia put forward her own suggestion.

"Woman?" Li Shushan was slightly startled, obviously very surprised by this suggestion.

Anyone who is a more experienced foodie will find this problem, that is, although women cook more than men at home, most of the chefs in restaurants are men, and there are very few female chefs. Like the nursing profession, there are very few male nurses.

So what's the reason?

In fact, this has a lot to do with the job content of the chef. Being a chef in a restaurant is a very boring and hard job. First of all, girls generally cannot accept this kind of working environment.

It's too greasy, the smell of oil smoke is very strong, and your body smells like chopped green onion all day long. What girl would want to do this?

Secondly, chefs in restaurants are sometimes not only responsible for cooking, but also responsible for preparing ingredients, cutting meat, and killing fish and chickens. These tasks are also difficult for girls to accept.

There is also the issue of physical strength. Chinese cuisine generally requires stirring the pot when cooking. Many restaurants use large pots, which requires very high strength and skills.

There are many big pots, let alone serving dishes, and it is difficult for girls to tip even empty pots. After working as chefs for several years, their hand strength will be very strong, which is also something that many women cannot do.

In some high-end hotels, the chef may only be responsible for cooking, but in some small restaurants, the cook is also responsible for the entire back kitchen, and sometimes even moves and unloads the food himself. Moreover, the business hours of restaurants are generally relatively late, so you need to stay up until midnight every day...

Therefore, when Li Shushan heard that Olivia was going to bind the God of Cooking system to a woman, he felt that it was a bit difficult. It seems that according to statistics, only 3.6% of the top chefs in the world are women, and they are The fields are still in the fields of Western food, pastries, cold dishes, etc.

Besides, how many women in this world would ideally want to be chefs? There are many modern women who find it troublesome to cook at home...

"When a woman is willing to embark on the journey of being a chef, how much consciousness and perseverance does she have to have? But without the God of Cooking system, a woman's physical fitness will limit her, and the various systems you create will break the Is this a restriction? Instead, she will pay more attention to the God of Cooking system, and in the end she will naturally make the food we want to taste." Olivia explained her thoughts in detail.

Li Shushan couldn't help but nodded slightly. Although he always felt that there was something wrong with this, since Olivia hoped to eat from a future female chef, of course he would not disobey her.

Regardless of whether you are a male chef or a female chef, a chef who can make delicious food that pleases Olivia is a good chef!

Li Shushan immediately started looking for candidates. Not to mention, there are many people in the world with backgrounds that resemble the protagonist, but they lack a system...

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