History has proved that the birth of every new force will trigger various changes in society. On the surface, groups like warriors seem to be a very simple thing, but in fact they will gradually evolve as time goes by. Become a huge force that must not be ignored.

To put it bluntly, the birth of warriors is comparable to a new technological revolution. If the extraordinary power of warriors is used in the development of science, it will definitely be another excellent help.

In fact, when existences with extraordinary powers like warriors appeared, the most fanatical about it were of course the scientists. After all, they were the most curious creatures in the world. Will frantically pursue the mystery behind this phenomenon.

Therefore, what many ordinary people may not dare to believe is that among the officials of Huaguo, apart from the soldiers who are most enthusiastic about martial arts, the rest are the curious scientists.

Of course, many scientists did not believe in martial arts at first. In their eyes, the deception created by this martial arts is comparable to the "qigong craze" of the last century. At that time, there were also many scientists at the top level who were deceived. Shangqigong may really exist, but it is absolutely impossible to have such a great effect. It can be used to put out forest fires and the like.

However, when some scientists who didn't believe in martial arts went to read "The Way of Martial Arts" and practiced in strict accordance with the above guidance, they were completely shocked!

Because they never thought that martial arts really existed in this world. The most embarrassing thing is that, as scientists, they have also practiced martial arts, and then they can use internal strength to assist their own scientific research.

As a result, a kind of internal energy fever has also formed among the group of scientists. They began to study various magical functions of internal energy, such as using internal energy to heat cold water to boil, it is only the most basic application, and there are many others. , I have to say that the brains of the big scientists are really big.

Internal strength can also be used to stimulate and warm cells, so martial artists generally live a very long life. Many people are willing to practice martial arts even if they are not for the sake of becoming martial arts masters, but for the sake of longevity, at least to make themselves live longer.

Many people know that exercising is definitely good for the body, but they are not sure whether exercising can make them live longer, but the nature of practicing martial arts is completely different from exercising!

Every person who embarks on the road of a warrior, after cultivating the first trace of internal energy in his body, the huge sense of satisfaction cannot be compared with the exercise of a muscle, especially that trace of internal energy can also have various effects. This magical function, to warm and nourish one's body, is just one of them.

It's a pity that so far, no big scientist has researched the essence of martial arts, or to be precise, it is a very critical question-why can you cultivate internal strength by practicing according to "The Way of Martial Arts", while in "The Way of Martial Arts" Before "The Way of Martial Arts", there wasn't any exercise that could produce such an effect.

In a sense, this extraordinary power of martial arts is the same as Olivia's magic, it is full of a black box nature, warriors can practice martial arts to their heart's content, but they don't understand why through this kind of practice, they can Obtain such extraordinary power.

In fact, the system of science is also full of various black boxes. You can study all kinds of laws, but you don’t know why those laws hold true, so that it becomes a philosophical problem in the end. How did the world come into being, and who created it...

Although the black box exists, it does not prevent everyone from investing in this warrior's extraordinary system, perfecting it consciously or unconsciously.

For Li Shushan, he is actually very happy to see more people participating in the construction of this Martial Dao Extraordinary System, and he does have the intention of asking the entire Hua Kingdom and even the world to help him improve this system.

It's because although his personal realm has far surpassed the mortal realm and reached the peak of foundation building, which is enough to fly against the wind, but because of his breakthrough too fast, the use of various martial arts in the mortal realm, or the combination with technology , He didn't even have time to do such an experiment, and now he has other people helping him to do it, further helping him to lay a solid foundation, he just feels very comfortable.

As for the chaos in the martial arts forum, he didn't intend to intervene too much, but blocked those users whose words were too vulgar and dirty, and who had completely reduced themselves to swearing.

Allowing these users to exist is definitely polluting the page. Even if the "Magic Network" platform is free, it will not let this kind of thing go.

Anyway, there is magical artificial intelligence Alice, and her grasp of the scale is still very precise. There is no martial arts forum where harmonious beasts exist, and she also plays the role of a harmonious beast.

Li Shushan really doesn't care about the official recruitment of warriors. In his eyes, no matter whether the warriors follow the individual cultivation route or the official collective route, he feels that these warriors are essentially working for him, helping him with research, and laying a solid foundation for him.

Therefore, Li Shushan hopes that the warriors can practice quickly and use their imagination to use martial arts. Their brains must be many and great, but in the next second, their brains will be Li Shushan's!

As long as they are fighters who use the "Magic Net", their privacy is almost completely non-existent. However, more and more people are basically unable to leave the Magic Net. After all, there are many and interesting games on the Magic Net...

And now there is a rumor that as long as players who practice martial arts better in the game "World of Martial Arts", they will practice martial arts faster in reality.

Not to mention whether such rumors are reliable, those who are willing to practice martial arts in reality, who is not a fan of the game "Martial Arts World"?

In this way, during the process of transmitting their consciousness to the magic net, there will be no cover at all, and all their understanding of martial arts can be said to be clearly displayed in front of Li Shushan.

Of course, Li Shushan will definitely not be so low as to peek at all of them, he will only let the magical artificial intelligence Alice collect and summarize valuable information, so that what is presented to Li Shushan will always be the most essential things.

After all, the development of the martial artist's extraordinary system still needs time. However, before the warriors really appeared on a large scale, the kingdom of elves that appeared on the "prehistoric giant beast continent" once again shocked the whole world!

Today's first update! ! !

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