Nangong Lin smiled and gave a thumbs up, but this time the two did not follow him, and they still kept their heads down and remained silent.

Feeling a little embarrassed, he directly said that the store was very busy, and got up and ran out of the hospital.

Just as he was about to leave, he caught a glimpse of the black helmet in his hand, and thought of the sentence "The sun will be buried by darkness."

How could he not feel anything? He knew the recent changes in his body better than anyone else.

But in order not to let the people he cared about care, he chose to bear all the pain silently.

Because, only one person needs to know the pain.

Son of God.jpg

The Black Angel Guarding the Smile: Chapter 59, It's impossible to kill me!

In the dim room, a dagger flashed cold light under the light, and the smooth blade reflected the face of its owner.

This young man was the unemployed vagrant who was almost killed by the piranha Gurongi last time-Chou Ye Junyi.

He suddenly smiled as he looked at the dagger in his hand, and then he began to sharpen his pencil, and then he began to draw on a piece of white paper, but what he drew was unexpectedly soft and peaceful.

After the last incident, Junichi Chono also had a significant change.

After finishing his work, he looked at the publisher's cover advertisement with a smile on his face. The location was in Sumida District, and the deadline was just noon today.

At this time, Sumida District was a peaceful atmosphere, and pedestrians on the road were walking and talking and laughing.

But at this moment, a shadow suddenly appeared in the sky, and when I looked up, I found that huge iron balls flew from nowhere and fell to the ground.

Pedestrians who didn't have time to dodge were directly smashed into a bloody mess, the hard cement slabs were smashed into a dent, and the cars parked on the side of the road were directly scrapped.

For a while, screams came one after another, and everyone ran to the corner to avoid these iron balls.

This cruel scene fell into the eyes of the counter Gurongi in the corner, but he just moved the beads on it indifferently and praised slowly.

"37 out of 54 hits."

After the calculation was completed, he threw away the white cloth on his body and turned away, leaving only wailing on the ground.

[March Seven]: "I thought my mind had a certain degree of acceptance."

[Diluk]: "It's not enough to describe it as crazy."

[Infinite Tower Himeko]: "Watching this scene directly reminds me of the tragic scene when the collapse broke out. Although it is not as shocking as that, it is just as unacceptable."

[Yellow Spring]: "..."

[Seele]: "There is a feeling of powerlessness that a sickle cannot cut into the screen."

The roulette wheel slowly turned, and this time the ball fell into the red number 16. The thin young man next to it gave the location as Kameido 3-chome.

The man in the suit smiled after hearing this, and said while looking at the map in front of him: "This time the location is really narrow."

After that, he stood up and went to the roof of the building where he was, tore off his outer tire, and turned into a Gurongji wearing a turtle shell.

The turtle Gurongji waved the meteor hammer in his hand and threw it directly after determining the target area.

The Gurongji below was preparing to count, looking up at the iron balls in the sky, and his eyes were full of excitement.

Looking at the continuous rear-end collisions caused by the sudden group of iron balls on the narrow road, and the scene of people trampling on each other as they fled, he just moved the beads again indifferently.

"54 hit 51 people."

So far, there have been nine consecutive cases of falling rocks, and all the affected areas are lined up in a straight line.

According to the alarm of the witnesses and the shooting of the camera, the location of the throwing was analyzed, and it was concluded that the unknown life form might be on the roof of Fuyong Building.

After receiving the news, Xun Yichi and Nangong Lin also went to the upper floors around Fuyong Building to observe, in order to determine whether the other party was committing crimes on this floor, and to release the news to evacuate the crowd.

Just as Xun Yichi had arranged the task, they saw the turtle Gurongi sticking his head out, and then waving the huge meteor hammer in his hand.

Nangong Lin saw this scene, and directly transformed into the blue dragon form and jumped into the air, and then rolled forward to change into the almighty form and kicked out, kicking the turtle Gurongi on the edge of the building back.

The turtle Gurongi, who received his flying kick head-on, just staggered back two steps, and the meteor hammer in his hand did not fall.

Seeing this, Kuuga also pulled away at a safe distance, and at the moment when the opponent attacked, he slid close to kick again and kicked the meteor hammer in the opponent's hand away.

Then he added another punch, and then a side kick directly kicked the turtle Gurongi off the roof.

The remaining two Gurongis who were in a daze in the room, after seeing the turtle Gurongi fall, also realized that this place had been discovered, and turned around and left.

Looking at the deep pit smashed in the concrete floor below, Kuga transformed into the blue dragon form and jumped down directly, then slowly approached the motionless deep pit.

Just as he reached the edge, a hand grabbed his ankle directly, and then he was thrown out.

The turtle Gurongi staggered to his feet, shook off the gravel on his body, took off the spherical ring on his hand and transformed it into a meteor hammer.

Although the speed in the blue dragon form is very agile and can flexibly dodge the attacks of the turtle Gurongi, it also has no way to cause damage. This form has no advantage against the enemy.

Looking at the solid concrete pillar that was broken by the meteor hammer, he flipped to the side of the motorcycle and pulled out the handle, and the Yamadam suddenly turned into a gorgeous purple.

Because Kuuga was fighting fiercely with the turtle Gurongi, the road in front of Sumida District was blocked, which made Junichi Chouno anxious.

Seeing that the bus was not moving, he decided to run over directly with his legs, but found that the intersection had been blocked.

He was naturally blocked when he wanted to force his way in, and he had no choice but to move forward to other abandoned paths.

On the battlefield.

Kuuga, who transformed into a Titan, grasped the Titan giant sword in his hand and slowly approached, facing the meteor hammer thrown by the turtle Gurongi head-on.

The first two times were hit in places with armor, but the third time it hit the relatively weak defense of the abdomen, which made his forward movement obviously stiff.

And the fourth time the iron ball attacked, it was Kuuga's head.

Another iron ball hit his chest. Even though Titan Kuuga was knocked to his knees, he stood up again despite the pain.

But just a little distance away, Turtle Gurongi threw another iron ball, this time directly knocking Kuuga to the ground, and the Titan sword in his hand also fell to the ground.

Turtle Gurongi did not make up the blow when he saw this, but quietly watched Kuuga struggle to get up and use the power of gold to strengthen.

Kuuga picked up the Titan sword on the ground and sublimated it. This time, facing the attack of the iron ball, he easily resisted it, raised the sublimated Titan sword in his hand and stabbed it into his abdomen.

A golden symbol appeared, looking at the bloody wound and the sunken sword head, when everyone thought it was over, the golden symbol suddenly dissipated.

Under Kuuga's shocked eyes, Turtle Gurongi held the sword of the sublimated Titan sword with one hand and pulled it out of his abdomen directly.

"Things like this can't possibly kill me!" (Gurongi)


The Black Angel Guarding Smile: The Great Kikiru Game Rules.

This book will be available tomorrow, and the follow-up arrangements are for Triga and Beasts.

Basically, it's Knight and Oku. Other special effects dramas are not fixed teams. If you want to watch them, just leave a message. The order of writing is like this.

Then, for the second round, I plan to write Dragon Knight for Knight. I haven't decided on Oku yet. Magic Bullet Wars is about Dragon Sword King, Dragon Spear King, and Dragon God King.

Of course, I will go back to catch up on some dramas. Don't recommend Red Superman because I can't write about it.

In addition, many people criticize me for writing episodes one by one. Kuuga is a semi-serial drama. Every episode gives you some decryption or humanistic feelings. If you don't write it, it will be a waste.

If it's like Gao Si, it's not suitable for Kuuga's writing style. Pick a few better unit dramas and plots with high response to the interlude, and skip the rest to Chaos main line.

As for the name of Gurongi, it's a translation problem, but it's actually group + species + suffix, for example, 6 locusts is Baz, and the one with the red scarf is called Bada, both of which are close to locusts.

Also, why I didn't change the plot a lot, I can only say that I might change some of the toxic points, but if you want me to make a big change or even overturn it, I think you think too highly of me. No matter how those screenwriters write about the mid-term, it's not something I can touch.

By the way, the protagonist may not always replace the protagonist, just like I wrote Silver Wolf for Hundred Beasts. You can recommend other excellent special effects works. I know very little about Sentai and other special effects. I bought pirated discs of Hundred Beasts and Magic Bullet Senki when I was a child.

The first time I came into contact with Ultraman and Knight, one disc was a mix of Ace, the first generation, and Taro, and there were dozens of episodes. For Knight, it was considered a two-level RX.

The theatrical disc was a thousand Ultramen fighting a thousand monsters. I was deceived and there were not so many. It came with the last twenty episodes of Leo.

The first time I watched the complete disc was Jack Ultraman and the American version of Dragon Knight. After growing up, I didn’t understand it and just searched it casually. Then I got into the pit with Kamen Rider W, and Kabuto was completely trapped.

For tomorrow’s Kikiru game, it will take twenty hours and update ten chapters.

The belt has been twisted by Yamadam. If you fail the game, you will probably be beaten by a red iron caterpillar. I hope everyone will subscribe tomorrow.

The Black Angel Guarding the Smile: Chapter 60, the sad color (bowl wheel +1)

The turtle Gurongi held the sublimation Titan giant sword with both hands and started to wrestle with Kuuga.

But at this critical moment, the original gold color on Kuuga's belt flickered, and the golden lines on his body disappeared.

The power of gold can only last for thirty seconds, and there is no way to use it for a long time.

Feeling the weakening of power, the turtle Gurongi directly exerted force to pull him aside, and then hit him on the chin with an uppercut, knocking him into the air and falling to the ground.

You should know that the Titan form does not reduce the speed. The reason why the movement speed is slow is purely because the density increases, causing the body to become heavy, thereby increasing strength and defense.

But even so, the ordinary Titan form was still knocked away by the opponent with one punch.

After this heavy blow, Kuuga also turned into a white nascent form, fell to the ground and lost consciousness and canceled the transformation.

The turtle Gurongi covered his injured abdomen and looked at the unconscious Nangong Lin and said sarcastically.

"Next time, change the color and challenge me again." (Gurongi's words)

Fortunately, the turtle Gurungi couldn't look down on Sora, and his injuries were not serious, so he didn't do any last-ditch damage here, but chose to leave directly.

By the time Ichijou Xun led people to support him, only the unconscious Nangong Lin was left.

The leaving turtle Gurungi also bypassed the guarding police and chose to take the abandoned tunnel path, and happened to bump into Junichi Chouno.

As a result, Chouno Jun lost consciousness and the painting in his hand fell to the ground.

"It's really bad luck for you to meet me." (Gurangi)

After Oogway Gurungi left, Ichijo Kaoru also sent Nangong Lin to the ambulance, and he came to the building with other police officers to conduct a search.

After arriving in the room where the Gurungi were, the most eye-catching thing was the roulette wheel on the table and the map beside it. Unfortunately, they did not analyze the rules of the game of Turtle Gurungi.

[Latio]: "Well, that's it."

[Walter Young (Beng Tie)]: "Based on the damage area given above and the current location of the hotel, I think I have understood the rules this time."

[March 7]: "Uncle Yang, tell us quickly."

[Latio]: "It's very simple. The building where the weirdo is located is exactly in the middle of the victim area."

[Walter Young (Beng Tie)]: “The two green 0s are removed from the roulette wheel, and the remaining red and black areas represent the right and left sides.

The maximum number of red in the roulette wheel is 36 and 35 in black, and the distance marked on this road is exactly 3.6 kilometers. Divide the red and black colors by two and then reduce it ten times to get the location on the map. "

[Radio]: "Although the black distance is 0.5 kilometers less than the red distance, this error is completely acceptable."

[Silver Wolf]: "What about throwing 54 iron balls at a time?"

[Latio]: "This... information is too little."

[Nangong Lin]: "Since it has something to do with gambling, why not think about what the gambling thing is 54?"

[Golden Sand]: "Hahahaha, the answer is the number of playing cards. Mr. Nangong, with such an obvious hint, you shouldn't still remember these things, right?"

[Gui Naifen]: "Huh?! If the Nangong family really remembers it, they will definitely feel very sad. After all, we have experienced so much, but we don't have that memory."

[Nangong Lin]: "It's okay, let's just live a good life now."

In the Kanto University Hospital, Dr. Chun originally just wanted to inform Sakurako Sawatari of the recent physical changes that had occurred to Nangong Lin.

But she didn't expect that as soon as she arrived, Nangong Lin was sent to the ward and needed emergency treatment.

After examination, Dr. Chun concluded that an average person with his injury would need five months to recover, but now he only needs three hours.

This terrifying resilience is dozens of times stronger than that of Unknown Life Form No. 6.

But this is not a good thing. This kind of recovery ability that goes against the laws of nature will put a huge burden on the body.

During the conversation, Dr. Tsubaki brought Sakurako Sawatari to the ward, but found that the bed was empty except for the stacked hospital gowns.

Dr. Chun's expression changed. As soon as he walked to the hospital bed, he saw Nangong Lin behind the curtain. The other party greeted him with a smile and said he was leaving.

"Are you okay already?!"

"Well, it was such a pity at that time. I could almost kill him with the purple sword. It seems that I need stronger power."

Behind him, Sakurako Sawatari's face darkened when she heard this, and so did Dr. Chun. It was not a good thing to be overly thirsty for power in his current situation.

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