The only way to make money is to find a legitimate source to convince his parents.

Han Cuiting took a deep breath to digest the news she had just received.

"So, the reason you do e-commerce is not to make money, but to cultivate talents?"

Li Xian nodded.

Of course, he would not say that he asked at the beginning to find a legal source to convince his parents.

But now, well, this method is no longer needed. No matter how much money you make from e-commerce, it is not as much as the interest you can earn from depositing money in the bank in a day.

"Am I the one who successfully trained the talent?"

"For now, I am. This is not 100% certain. Isn't it? And you haven't graduated yet. It's just that the company is not big at present. I recruited you mainly because you were trained by me. To put it bluntly, you are my own person. The main purpose is to supervise the management. I may be a little blunt, but please forgive me."

Han Cuiting nodded, indicating that she understood.

Then Li Xian told her some other things, and then said, "Then I will take you to the company tomorrow."

"So soon?" Han Cuiting was a little surprised.

"I'm sure. It's almost the New Year, and I can't leave my businesses alone. And now is a good opportunity to practice, which will be very helpful for your ability."

Han Cuiting nodded slightly, thought about it, and said, "To be honest, I am more interested in financial management. Because I also like to manage money. And I have passed the accounting qualification certificate, and I am currently preparing for the intermediate accounting qualification certificate. My goal is to become a certified public accountant."

"Oh? So amazing?" Li Xian was a little surprised. He didn't expect Han Cuiting to have this side.

Thinking about it carefully, I think it's right. I have added her WeChat. When I was reborn in my previous life, I remember that guy had become a senior accountant.

It seems that Han Cuiting is really the same as before.

Out of affirmation of this persistent woman, Li Xian couldn't help but joked, "Okay, if you can become a certified public accountant, I will give you an extra 500,000 yuan in annual salary."

Hearing that the annual salary was increased to 500,000, Han Cuiting's expression moved. He asked.

"So how much salary will you give me now that I'm employed?"

"Hahaha, then we have to talk to the CEO. However, the income may not be as high as when I was working in the online store. Will you still go after I say that?"

"Go!" Han Cuiting nodded affirmatively. Li Xian regarded the online store as his own Huangpu Military Academy, so she would naturally not refuse Li Xian. "You said that the original intention of establishing an online store was to cultivate talents, so I will naturally not stay in the online store."

"Okay, I'll let Lin Leqiao contact you when the time comes."

Han Cuiting was stunned, and she didn't understand why Li Xian didn't go with her.

Hearing this, Li Xian smiled bitterly and said, "Don't you remember that Yi Taiying and the others signed me up for a 5,000-meter long-distance race?"

"Puchi~" Han Cuiting couldn't help laughing.

Originally, I thought Li Xian didn't go because he had more important things to do. It turned out that he was cheated by his classmates.

Speaking of the group of people who cheated people, it seems that she was also one of them.

So he had screwed his future boss?

After thinking about it, in order to prevent the big boss from hating him, Han Cuiting stood up and shook hands with Li Xian, "Then, I will be your employee again. Big boss Li Xian? Please take good care of me, a college student who has not graduated yet."

After saying goodbye to Han Cuiting, Li Xian returned to the dormitory. But he found that only Huang Fucai was talking on the phone with his girlfriend.

After seeing Li Xian come back, he just lowered his voice a little, but in fact, his words could still be heard.

Li Xian didn't care about Huang Fucai. Just now when he was chatting with Han Cuiting, he suddenly remembered that he seemed to have criticized a group of people on the Internet before.

He didn't know what happened to that group of people.

Opening the forum, Li Xian noticed that there were 99+ messages in his replies and private messages.

Clicking on the private messages casually, most of them were the words of some big guys asking for support.

There were also some male netizens who showed themselves and hoped to become lackeys.

As for women, forget it. There are not many female players of the toxic milk powder, not to mention players in a small game server. The current game has not yet merged, not only the big regions, but also the small regions under the big regions are separated.

After reading it, I found that there was no nutrition.

He closed the webpage and started to check his previous posts.

As a result, most of them were similar to the speeches of local tyrants seeking support.

See the post

The words were meaningless, so Li Xian stopped caring about them. He opened the game and prepared to go online to take a look.

After logging into the game, he found that many netizens in the game also sent him a lot of messages through emails.

Among them, there were many junk materials sent.

Because in the game rules, if you simply send an email, the system will only save it for 15 days, but if you put some materials and props, it will be kept for more than 100 days.

Looking at the red email icon, Li Xian was a little amused.

Didn’t he just want to take revenge on the merchants in the game and show off by the way? How did he end up being blasted by the game netizens?

Well, it can be regarded as a taste of the pain of Xu Xu Baby playing games.

Fortunately, there are many netizens who play memes, so sending emails is just for fun.

Most of the messages sent by netizens in the game are just some common game materials. Li Xian received them with one click, and it didn’t take much time.

When cleaning his backpack, Li Xian accidentally found that there was a soul-suppressing sword with a reinforcement of 13 in his weapon backpack column.

"Hey, who sent this to me?"

Li Xian's doubts did not last long, and soon a private chat window appeared in his game interface.

"Wealth Merchant?" Li Xian quickly remembered this familiar ID.

Wasn't that the game merchant he had been fighting with some time ago? Why did he send him a message? Wasn't he fighting with him enough?

Thinking of continuing to fight with him, Li Xian opened the private chat window.

As soon as he opened it, he saw a bunch of messages from the other side.

Wealth Merchant: Please let me go, big boss.

Wealth Merchant: I'm wrong, I'm really wrong. I'm just trying to make a living, and I offended you, big boss. I'm so sorry.

Wealth Merchant: +13 weapons as an apology gift, please forgive me, big boss.

Wealth Merchant: ...

No, you are a game player, how can you be so cowardly?

What Li Xian didn't know was how miserable Bu Haoxuan and his friends were during this period.

First of all, in the game business, there were still many people playing Tieba at that time, and as long as you played Tieba, you knew about their affairs.

Some who don't know will be widely known by netizens in the same guild.

It can be said that most people in the entire game server know about their troubles.

Therefore, many netizens no longer look for them to sell props.

Soon their market share was occupied by other game merchants.

Looking at the decreasing market share, Bu Haoxuan was heartbroken. In this area, he invested almost 100,000 yuan.

As a result, the money just recovered and didn't make much money, but he offended a big boss in reality.

Moreover, because of this, his two partners are ready to go south to the factory to screw.

Seeing that his team was about to disband, Bu Haoxuan gritted his teeth and decided to apologize to the big boss first.

Not for anything else, as long as the big boss forgives. If he can become the big boss's private game merchant, it will be much more beneficial than the game merchants in the entire region.

Didn't you see the big boss's garage? They are all sports cars starting at millions.

The price of any one is enough for his lifelong struggle.

If Li Xian ignored him, he could also say that he had apologized, but the boss ignored him.

Putting himself in a humble position to ask for forgiveness would at least win some favors.

Then he could use this popularity to slowly sell the goods in his hands. Then he could just switch to another region and start over.

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