After a long time, the roommates woke up.

Back in the dormitory, all the roommates got up for the first time.

Li Xian was a little surprised. Why did they get up so early today? Shouldn't they sleep until 10 o'clock, then get up to play two or three games and go to eat?

This can be said to be the tradition of their dormitory.

"What happened today? You got up so early. The sun is rising in the west?"

"Of course I got up early. Isn't today the opening of the online store?"

"Oh, I almost forgot."

Xu Junjie looked at Li Xian with disdain, "That's for sure. You have the opposite sex but no humanity. You just think about it. How can you remember these things? I think Yi Taiying will become Mrs. Li soon."

"Huh?" Li Xian was stunned at first, then locked his arms around Xu Junjie's neck, "Tell me, how did you know? Did you hook up with Meizi from Yi Taiying's dormitory?"

Several roommates stood up like sharks smelling blood and looked at Xu Junjie!

"Brother Jie, which girl did you hook up with? And Li Xian, you too!!!"

Mo Fan directly covered his chest, "Where is the single dog we agreed to be? Am I the only one who is single now? It hurts, it hurts so much!!! Now I am the only one in the whole dormitory who doesn't have a girlfriend!!!"

"Is it Ye Dairu?" Li Xian raised his eyebrows and looked at Xu Junjie with an ambiguous face.

"Hey, how did you know?" Xu Junjie broke free from Li Xian's hand and sat on the chair.

He held his chest with both hands and said, "Didn't you notice? She ran duangduang, wow, it made my heart beat."

"Fuck, you dead pervert!!!"

"You are a pervert without a doubt."

"So Brother Jie, how does it feel? Can anyone tell me what it feels like to be with a girl." Mo Fan stamped his feet anxiously.

Are girls really so beautiful? Is the game I have been addicted to really wrong? Should I find a girl to try it myself?

"Okay, okay, stop talking. We're going to open the store today after getting the photos. What should we do then?"

It was obvious that Xu Junjie was trying to change the subject, but Li Xian still took over the conversation.

"After opening the store, we may need to place a few orders."

Then Li Xian told him the order-padding process he knew.

"Wow, there is such a plan? Is it feasible?"

"I think it's possible. First, ask my parents to place a few orders, then send them empty boxes, and then send photos to them for good reviews. I think this method is feasible."

"What if there are orders?"

The dormitory suddenly became quiet, and several people looked at Huang Fucai.

The latter also realized that he had said the wrong thing and patted his head. "According to Li Xian, we also need to print a batch of cashback forms for favorable reviews. I think it would be better to give them a discount for the opening of a new store, and then put a form inside to show how much discount it is, and send it back to us, and then we will give them cashback."

"It's a good idea, write it down. Let's see if it's feasible!"

"Do we have so much money? Will Li Xian's 50,000, Xu Junjie's 20,000, and our few thousand be enough?"

"Try it, if it doesn't work, open a power leveling store, and wait for it to get better. We will open an online store again!"

"Brothers, do it!!!"

The dormitory business is officially launched.

Several people were busy all afternoon, and they didn't even play games.

It wasn't until the evening that they finished all the work.

Next, they just waited for the orders to arrive.

The next day, Li Xian got up early, and after running, he signed in for body muscle optimization.

Li Xian felt that he was almost figuring out the rewards for physical strengthening.

The physical enhancement rewarded by the system is not achieved all at once, but it is like growing up, which comes slowly.

After getting the passive of Garen the day before yesterday, he still felt a little tired the next day.

But today he ran 10 laps in one breath, and nothing happened.

He even felt at ease, so he ran five more laps on purpose.

And even so, he still felt that he could run 5 more laps without any problem.

As long as humans are trained, they can run 20 laps on a 400-meter track, and most people can do it.

But Li Xian has only been five days since he got the system, and if you count it as 24 hours, it is only more than 4 days.

In 4 days, he has achieved the results of half a month of training before. Li Xian feels that his physique has really been strengthened a lot.

And he can clearly feel that his body is still

Keep getting stronger, and when you have completely absorbed the strengthening rewards, you will probably have the physical fitness of a high-level athlete.

Monday morning is still a torturous day.

Almost everyone looks lifeless, except Han Cuiting and Yi Taiying who are sitting in the first row and listening to the class with relish.

Mo Fan and others are in the last row with laptops.

The mobile phone is turned on the hotspot, and the web page is opened and refreshed continuously.

"Why are there no orders yet!" Seeing that there are no orders, Huang Fucai grabbed his hand, scratched his head occasionally, and looked at Li Xian and others nervously.

Noticing the eyes of his roommates, Li Xian comforted them, "How can a new store open so quickly? And we don't have the through train function. The ranking is relatively low, do you want to open it?"

"This, each click costs five cents. After the traffic comes up, will the price be very high? By then, the profit will not be enough to pay for the through train, right?"

"You can try it, and then mobilize your family to swipe the order."

Several people nodded, and this is the only way now.

In the next few days, they began to contact their families and place orders.

In order to get orders, Li Xian and his classmates mobilized the whole class to help them get orders.

The price they offered was not low, 5 yuan per order.

Except for Li Xian, all the roommates felt that the price was a bit too much.

You should know that they also opened the through train function. They had to spend five cents to open it, which was a bit costly.

But after having money, Li Xian was very confident and said that he would cover all the expenses.

In fact, Li Xian no longer cared whether the business was successful or not. What he wanted was to train his roommates and see if he could cultivate his own people. This was Li Xian's purpose.

It was until Friday, and in addition to the orders he had received, he finally got a few orders.

In order to store the clothes, Han Cuiting, as a member of the student union, specially helped them apply for an empty classroom as a warehouse.

And there was a point for express delivery in the school, because the volume was particularly large.

Xu Junjie used his eloquence to negotiate a very friendly price.

And several people in Yi Taiying's dormitory also acted as customer service and clothing packers in the present world.

Some of the packed packaging bags were even stored in their dormitory.

Although he was very busy these days, in order not to affect his sign-in, he even got up half an hour earlier and went to the playground to run.

But these days made him laugh and cry.

The reward on Tuesday was a domestic stock worth 100,000 yuan, but he did not sell it and still had it in his hands. It has fallen a lot today, and he lost more than 1,000 yuan.

On Wednesday, he was rewarded with various knowledge: finance, environmental resources and development economics, international economy and trade, finance, risk management and insurance.

At first, he thought it was a kind of enlightenment knowledge that was directly imprinted in his mind.

As a result, the next second, the system prompted that it had automatically chosen to send it to his Huiyuetai.

The next day, the housekeeper called and told him that the books had arrived and were temporarily stored in their office. However, since there were too many books, it was recommended that Li Xian come back as soon as possible to deal with them.

Originally, Li Xian planned to stay this week and experience the beauty of entrepreneurship with his roommates.

As a result, after running on Thursday, he signed for a luxury gift package again.

It was a real luxury car gift package!

There were 5 luxury cars in it: Maybach, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Bentley, Porsche.

A luxury car gift package.

These cars will also arrive tomorrow. Seeing those cars, the housekeeper Zhu Chengxin strongly asked Li Xian to come back to sign.

Just kidding, a Maybach is worth 12 million. It is not worth the price if it is disassembled and sold, not to mention the whole person, which is even cheaper.

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