The two of them were very close, but the two of them were very close.

On the main seat, Li Xian wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Huang Lixia wiped the sweat from Li Xian's forehead with some distress, "Why didn't you come over from the side just now?"

Li Xian looked at his elder sister and younger sister unhappily.

"If I don't come over from the middle, your two daughters will have a lot of marriages this year."

"Stop, that's called bad fate, not marriage!" Li Jiaxuan crossed her hands and said.

"You are only a freshman, what are you afraid of? I am the one who needs to worry, okay?" Li Jiaxin looked at the wine glass in her hand worriedly, shaking the tea in it, "I have come out for internship, and just now, several relatives have asked me if I have a partner."

Huang Lixia opened her eyes wide and looked at her eldest daughter curiously, "Then my dear daughter, do you have a boyfriend?"

"No, ask those 60-year-old poor households to marry."

Seeing her daughter's resistance, Huang Lixia shut her mouth directly.

Seeing that the atmosphere at the table was a bit cold, Li Xian also called the staff to prepare the dishes and pull the atmosphere back.

"Dear clan members, I believe everyone knows why they come here to eat. It's mainly because I have money, but my parents said that if you have money, don't forget your family, so I decided to set up a foundation, which I will invest in. The main purpose of this foundation is to let the children in the family have books to read and various rewards. I won't go into details one by one, everyone have a good meal today!"

After speaking, Li Xian raised the wine glass in his hand and toasted.

At this time, an old man said, "Li Xian, why don't you learn from the rich man in Jiangcheng and build villas for the villagers to live in? You can build a community and let all your relatives live in it!"

Li Xian looked at an old man not far away from him. If I remember correctly, his relationship with the family is the son of my grandfather's brother. What is the generational relationship?

Oh, it's my cousin.

Maybe what my cousin said was inappropriate. Someone sitting at the same table with him had already poked his arm, signaling him to say less.

Li Xian took this opportunity to look at the expressions of the relatives around him.

He found that many people were looking at him with expectant faces.

Li Xian probably understood it now. It is estimated that my cousin has had contact with these people, or they have thought about the same problem as my cousin, but they didn't say it because of face or unfamiliarity with him.

Li Xian smiled calmly, "Uncle, the rich man in Jiangcheng didn't dare to go back to his hometown. Have you heard about this? If I buy you a house, will it be based on your generation, one for each person, or one for each of your children?"

When the uncle saw Li Xian answering his question, he smiled and said, "Of course, one for each male in the family. That way they can afford to get married, right?"

The uncle's words made the grandparents sitting at the main table look unhappy.

Did this guy give him face? He dared to say such a thing. Huang Lixia stood up directly and wanted to curse with him, but fortunately, Li Dafu, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed, pulled her down.

Some relatives looked at Li Xian as if they were watching a play. Some people looked worried or expectant.

Nearly a thousand relatives, but they performed all kinds of life.

"Uncle, you said that. I can see that you haven't read the regulations of the foundation carefully."

Seeing that Li Xian still had a faint smile on his face, the uncle felt a little strange, but he still felt that Li Xian was a good person to talk to. Maybe if he said a few more words, he would buy a house for himself and his son?

At that time, I would live in one house and rent out another. I don't have to work at all. It's time to live the life of those locals in Guangzhou!

By the way, it seems that Li Xian's foundation also gives living subsidies to those 60-year-olds. I know that I still have two and a half years to turn 60. How long will I have to wait? I might as well ask him to advance his age. Why can those women get subsidies at the age of 55? They are really young boys. They can't do this well.

"Doesn't the content of the foundation only say that men at the age of 60 and women at the age of 55 can get subsidies? And there are also learning rewards for children, but that's it?"

"It seems that uncle has read it carefully." Li Xian took a glass of wine and toasted to his cousin in the void. "The terms and conditions of the foundation clearly state that no matter whether you are a man or a woman, as long as you study well, you will be rewarded. Students who go to a national 985 or 211 university will be rewarded 200,000 yuan, and those who go to a national top ten university will be rewarded with a house.

For those who have these children, marriage is all covered. "

Listening to Li Xian completely repeating the regulations of the foundation, the cousin looked unhappy.

It is said that businessmen are cunning, but Li Xian is a child who is not a good student at such a young age! He can only do these big cookie-drawing things.

My own children dropped out of school to work early, let alone 985, 211, and they didn't even get into high school.

My children didn't enjoy those benefits at all.

For me, aren't those benefits meaningless?

The cousin thought about it, and soon a new idea came to his mind. "Nephew Li Xian, why don't you learn from the local tycoon in Jiangcheng and build a villa for us, or build a community for all of us to live in? A community is full of relatives, how good is that?"

"That's very bad, cousin." Li Xian looked at his cousin teasingly, "Many people here work in the city, right? How is your relationship with your neighbors? Are there any conflicts? Or are there any arguments about something? And everyone in the village, have you ever quarreled with your neighbor next door? "

Li Xian's words resonated with the relatives, and they all whispered to each other, thinking that what Li Xian said was reasonable.

Seeing that Li Xian was about to evade the question in a few words, the uncle hurriedly said, "That's different. We are relatives. With the relationship of relatives, the relationship will definitely be much better."

At this point, he suddenly had an inspiration and thought of a better question.

"Or, uh, or you just give us money and let us go back to our hometown to build a house, wouldn't that be better?"

The uncle's words moved everyone present, and they all looked at Li Xian, hoping that he would nod and agree!

In the end, Li Xian still smiled slightly, "Why?"

"Hmm?" The uncle looked left and right, "You tell me?"

Li Xian did not answer his uncle's words, looked around, and then continued, "Why should I give you money to build a house? My house, brick by brick, did you help me? Or, what do you have that is worth me investing hundreds of thousands to build a house for you. "

Li Xian put down the wine glass in his hand and said slowly, "It is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish. The purpose of my foundation is also very simple. I hope everyone will study hard and become a useful person to society. Instead of being a lazy man who only opens his hands to ask for money. If you think what I said is wrong, you can just leave directly. "

Li Xian's words made the whole audience quiet down. Some people felt that Li Xian spoke too directly and was unkind.

Some people thought that what he said made sense. Only people with value are worth investing.

"Dear clan members, my foundation can make everyone have a place to rely on when they are old and sick. If you want to change your family conditions, show your strength. You can think that I don't have the strength to build a villa for you, but I really don't have it now. It costs billions to build a villa. What if I use these billions to reward people who study well? How many talents do I have to cultivate?"

"In a word, if you want me to pay, then show your strength. If you don't have the strength, just wait for retirement! ”

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