The content of the letter of attorney is also very simple, that is, to entrust a law firm to rent out all the floors 35 and below.

Li Xian simply took a look at the contract, which was nothing more than renting the house to others, renting it out in the form of one year.

The rent received was paid into the designated account.

Li Xian tried to ask the system, thinking that it would not answer his question.

As a result, the system answered his question in detail.

Li Xian wanted to know who these rental funds would be given to before he was bound to himself.

The system said that these funds would flow into the system principal and would flow back into the reward pool. As long as Li Xian insisted on signing in, he would get the items in the reward pool.

It was not until this time that Li Xian realized that this system had no name at all.

Maybe it was a system of rich people? !

But shouldn't the system of the super rich reward supercars?

Where's my poison? Where's my big labor?

Didn't they give a few hundred million small goals at the beginning?

Although his mind was still confused, his body was quite honest, and Li Xian was soon overwhelmed by joy.

Huiyuetai! He had heard of the name of this building, the representative of luxury houses in Guangzhou.

Although it was not the king of the 6 buildings, Li Xian just checked the price of the building.

Found that the lowest price per square meter was 160,000! His own 2 buildings with 38 floors! A total of 76 houses, even if the average price is 160,000, these 76 houses are several dozen small goals?

What's more, the houses in Huiyuetai are priced differently. The higher the floor, the more expensive it is!

The actual price will only be higher!

And the house price will rise in the future. The current price is not the highest price of Huiyuetai. When the price rises to 200,000 or 300,000 in the future, one or two houses will be sold, and the rest will be rented out.

I can also live like Douyin in the future, collecting rent with keys everywhere.

When I thought of this, Li Xian felt his heart trembling with joy.

According to the navigation information, Li Xian took the subway to the law firm.

When he opened the door of the law firm, he saw a young and beautiful girl standing at the front desk.

"Hello, how can I help you?" Seeing someone coming, the girl spoke first.

Li Xian thought about it and found an excuse for himself.

"Well, it's like this. The elders in my family have some property under my name. I entrusted your law firm to help deal with it before. I want to deal with this matter now."

After saying that, Li Xian handed over the power of attorney in his hand.

The girl smiled professionally and took the document handed over by Li Xian.

After reading the content inside, the originally professional smile was instantly stunned!

Isn't this the largest order received by his firm this year?

At the beginning of the year, they accepted the commission from a foreign law firm to manage the rental of Building 2 of Qiaoxin Huiyuetai on their behalf!

Billions of dollars worth of transactions!

At that time, the entire firm worked overtime just to get this done!

As a result, the real owner now appeared in front of him!

Still so young? !

The front desk took Li Xian to the lounge to sit, and she went out to find the leader.

Soon, a middle-aged man wearing a dark suit and a spotless white shirt, with a solemn and confident face, walked in.

"Hello, Mr. Li, I'm Zhang Kuang, nice to meet you."

Zhang Kuang? A lawyer with this name? Could he be a madman in the legal world?

After a brief acquaintance with Zhang Kuang, Li Xian also learned some information from Zhang Kuang.

Since the house rental task was just commissioned not long ago, and it is in a luxury residential area, there are not many people who come to rent the house. Instead, many people ask around to see if they can contact Zhang Kuang's client to sell the property in their hands.

Zhang Kuang also tried to contact the commissioned lawyer abroad, but the other party refused to reveal any information.

At that time, Zhang Kuang once thought that this was a property bought by a foreign consortium.

Even when the front desk staff told him that the client of Huiyuetai came to his office, he thought that he would meet a blond foreigner.

But it turned out to be a normal Chinese, even looking like a southerner.

This is strange, could it be a southern boss who made his fortune in the early years?

Putting aside the doubts in his heart, he just regarded Li Xian as the son of a boss, or even an illegitimate child.

Briefly talked about what happened since receiving the commission.

There is only one property for rent. It is located on the 18th floor, with a large apartment of 347 square meters. The monthly fee is 120,000 yuan, and it has only been rented for 5 months.

Li Xian took a look at the information in his hand and learned that his building No. 2 is called Hanzuo, with three elevators and two units. The small apartment is only 284 square meters, the large apartment is 347 square meters, and the duplex on the top floor is even larger.

There are 38 floors in total, and the 35th floor and below are all rented out by the system.

The duplex on the top floor is considered as a whole, so he still has 3 floors that are not rented out.

But when he saw that the property fee was 8 yuan a month, he even wanted to keep only one house and rent out all the rest.

Even the smallest house with a size of 284 square meters costs 2,272 yuan a month, not to mention the duplex on the top floor with a size of 639 square meters and a size of 1,237 square meters. With so many houses, he has to pay more than 200,000 yuan in property fees alone in a month! ! !

No, one house is rented out. The rent includes property fees.

Li Xian picked up the contract and glanced at it. Hmm, after deducting the lawyer's management fees and the like, he still had more than 50,000 in his hands.

In other words, he still needed to pay 150,000? ! !

Where did a poor student like me get the money? ! ! Damn it, you have made me suffer!

Li Xian put down the contract with a polite but awkward smile on his face, "Lawyer Zhang, is there only one unit rented out at present? Is there anyone else who is interested in renting and dislikes the high rent?"

It's no wonder that Li Xian didn't think so. After all, the current Huiyuetai has been open for almost a year, but the price is only more than 100,000 per square meter. If you rent it for 100,000 a month, you can buy a house here after renting it for a few years.

Zhang Kuang was a little puzzled. He didn't know why Li Xian asked this, but he still said, "The rent is not expensive, but the other buildings are still under construction and have not been delivered yet, so not many people are willing to rent a house..."

At present, Huiyuetai has only delivered 1 to 3 buildings, and 4 to 6 buildings are still in the final stage. It is expected that there will be more than half a year before the delivery time.

Zhang Kuang's meaning is very clear. Since the purchase of a house requires capital verification, those who do not meet the qualifications cannot buy it.

Therefore, those who can afford the house here are either rich or noble. Some people who do not meet the assets but still have a lot of money will think about living here and making some connections.

This behavior has been tried in places like Shanghai and Shanghai, and it is indeed feasible.

However, since it has not been fully delivered, there are not many people renting houses at present. Most of them want to wait a few months to see. After all, the rent of more than 100,000 yuan per month can be saved for a few months, which is hundreds of thousands of yuan.

In response, Li Xian directly put on a mask of pain.

Now that these properties are in my hands, I have to pay the property management fees myself. You guys have to wait for a few months, I can’t afford to wait any longer.

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